Olympics, who is watching what event?

I love, love, LOVE the Olympics!! :patriot: :yahoo:

The boy and I are Olympic Junkies. I even upgraded our HD Receiver to an HD DVR receiver to catch stuff when we are not home. :lol:

Hoover likes the swimming and gymnastics.

I might even setup the satellite and toss a receiver and TV outside for the campout next Saturday evening to keep tabs on the events. :yay:


I glanced at a somewhat schedule in the tv guide paper that comes in the Sunday paper. We'll probably DVR most things. It looks like they come on when I'd be asleep. BTW, dumb question I'm sure but, which channel will it be broadcast on? Channel 4? I need to find a schedule of events too.

I believe NBC has the rights to broadcast.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I'm really excited about the Olympics this year; it is going to be fun watching all the Americans compete. My 5 yr old daughter and I were watching the US Mens Basketball team, and she couldn't get her head around why Lebron James, Kobe and Chris Paul were all on the same team. I told her all of them have come together to play other counties around the world. And how it is a great honor to represent your county…I feel this was a great way to introduce her to Patriotism. :patriot: I told her, that the guy all came together to play for the United States. I'm also really excited about Track & Field, Swimming, Diving, Soccer and Gymnastics........


I bowl overhand

My son wants to make sure we DVR the Tae Kwon Do matches. :yay: Glad he's interested in watching!

And it just wouldn't be worth it all if I didn't check out the trampoline event. :lmao:

I USED to watch Olympic Basketball.. just like Hockey.

yanno, when it was amateurs.. playing their guts out, not only trying to win, but to catch someone's attention for the FUTURE possibility of MAYBE being asked to try out for the NBA, or the NHL. We had some great teams, but still few individuals ever made it to the Big Leagues, but MAN those kids played with heart, and they fought for every point.

Now I couldn't care less. Bunch of millionaires out there "Playing for their Country." of which most of the millionaires couldn't be bothered.

I'd still like to see a bunch of college kids/ amateurs out their playing trying to make their mark on history. I don't need to see the likes of Michael Jordan not standing on the medal podium over a dispute between Nike and Reebok..


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I USED to watch Olympic Basketball.. just like Hockey.

yanno, when it was amateurs.. playing their guts out, not only trying to win, but to catch someone's attention for the FUTURE possibility of MAYBE being asked to try out for the NBA, or the NHL. We had some great teams, but still few individuals ever made it to the Big Leagues, but MAN those kids played with heart, and they fought for every point.

Now I couldn't care less. Bunch of millionaires out there "Playing for their Country." of which most of the millionaires couldn't be bothered.

I'd still like to see a bunch of college kids/ amateurs out their playing trying to make their mark on history. I don't need to see the likes of Michael Jordan not standing on the medal podium over a dispute between Nike and Reebok..

Well our amateurs were getting thier butts beat, so we went and got our pros. The did good for a few years, but in the last 4 yrs our pros have been getting beat also. I've been following the team, and they seem like they are very motivated. It don't think it is going to be easy for them, but I'm rooting for them... Hey what can I say, I'm a Basketball fan and an American....


Bookseller Lady
The one event we have to watch in my house is Softball. It won't be in the 2012 games, but theres a big push to get it reinstated for 2016 (or at least by 2020 when my girl's NCAA eligibility would be up :whistle:).

Veggrrl and I saw the Olympic Softball Team vs Washington Glory up at the Baysox stadium in May. Nothing louder than a couple thousand 9-14 year old fastpitch players when they announce Jenny Finch or Cat Osterman.


I bowl overhand
Well our amateurs were getting thier butts beat, so we went and got our pros. The did good for a few years, but in the last 4 yrs our pros have been getting beat also. I've been following the team, and they seem like they are very motivated. It don't think it is going to be easy for them, but I'm rooting for them... Hey what can I say, I'm a Basketball fan and an American....

I'd ratehr watch events like archery or shooting even rowing or kayaking.

Yanno, the average American who actually still has to have a real job, and their sport is their passion, their hobby not their way to make a living. the people that truly have to be dedicated to their sport to make it to their Olympics, knowing that even if they win a gold medal nobody is going to recognize them on the street, that they won't get the multi-million dollar endorsement deals.

They'll hang their medal in their home, or at their office, and continue living their lives.

But that's just me.


I'd ratehr watch events like archery or shooting even rowing or kayaking.

Yanno, the average American who actually still has to have a real job, and their sport is their passion, their hobby not their way to make a living. the people that truly have to be dedicated to their sport to make it to their Olympics, knowing that even if they win a gold medal nobody is going to recognize them on the street, that they won't get the multi-million dollar endorsement deals.

They'll hang their medal in their home, or at their office, and continue living their lives.

But that's just me.
I think most that make it to the Olympics pretty much do it for a living anymore.


I bowl overhand
I think most that make it to the Olympics pretty much do it for a living anymore.

I'd say less than 10% make a living doing whatever it is they do.

Micheal Phelps won how many medals the last olympics? How many endorsements? How many other men on the US Olympic Swim team? Can you name them all?

The ones you can't name, those are the ones that aren't making any money doing it.

How many names do you recognize of these rosters??

http://www.usaswimming.org/USASWeb/...466-483d-9b54-204e5fa06e26/Olympic Roster.pdf

I think there are many more people that will live their lives in anonymity and not ever be recognized for being an Olympian.
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I'd say less than 10% make a living doing whatever it is they do.

Micheal Phelps won how many medals the last olympics? How many endorsements? How many other men on the US Olympic Swim team? Can you name them all?

The ones you can't name, those are the ones that aren't making any money doing it.

How many names do you recognize of these rosters??

http://www.usaswimming.org/USASWeb/...466-483d-9b54-204e5fa06e26/Olympic Roster.pdf

I think there are many more people that will live their lives in anonymity and not ever be recognized for being an Olympian.

I think they get alot of sponsors though and often get their room and board taken care of at the training facility. They train as their job. I doubt many (if any) work a full time Joe Blow job and make it to the Olympics. I would assume that if they are participating in "your sport" you recognize them more readily than most. I'd venture to say that Oplympic arches do endorements.


I bowl overhand

Agreed, the winners do, the medalists. But you aren't going to want the 10th place finisher to endorse your bow.. and I can't imagine PSE is awarding mulitmillion dollare endorsement deals to ANYONE no matter what place they finish in.

After the Olympics are over, they'll all return to college or back to whatever it is they do for jobs. They won't be able to retire and live off their Olympic accomplishemtns.

Remember UPS' big advertising campaign a few olympics ago, about how many Olympians that actually WORK for UPS.. not endorsements but actually drive the trucks, or work in sorting? Those are the people I'm talking about.

They said it last night, there are medal contenders, people that have the possibility of winning one of three medals in their events, but over 90% have no chance, short of a miracle performance, of standing on a medal podium.


I know nothing
Watched the Mens gymnastics last night. I think they got robbed.

They killed on the highbar and recieved lower scores than japan and china, whos routines werent that hard.

I think our men should have at least recieved silver.