Online Dating is a Joke!


Well-Known Member
Hang in there, MG!

No worries. Once you get past the childishness, cliques, and downright ignorance.. there are a few people on here that can hold a decent conversation without becoming hypocritical or just walking away because they have no decent response.

Like Gilligan said. This is the only place where he sees this kind of behavior. Interesting. It's the only place I see it too and I co-moderate two forums.


professional daydreamer
No worries. Once you get past the childishness, cliques, and downright ignorance.. there are a few people on here that can hold a decent conversation without becoming hypocritical or just walking away because they have no decent response.

Like Gilligan said. This is the only place where he sees this kind of behavior. Interesting. It's the only place I see it too and I co-moderate two forums.

See? There you go again. You just can't make a statement without insulting others. You have a YUGE internet penis!


Well-Known Member
See? There you go again. You just can't make a statement without insulting others. You have a YUGE internet penis!

Sorry if it offends but, I call it like I see it. Just like your opinion of me. That is my opinion of this forum. So, are you entitled to yours but, I am not entitled to mine? :shrug:


professional daydreamer
Sorry if it offends but, I call it like I see it. Just like your opinion of me. That is my opinion of this forum. So, are you entitled to yours but, I am not entitled to mine? :shrug:

I'm not offended, and I'm not suggesting you shouldn't have an opinion. Just pointing out your hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
Then why do you keep hanging around?
...there are a few people on here that can hold a decent conversation without becoming hypocritical or just walking away because they have no decent response.

I'm not offended, and I'm not suggesting you shouldn't have an opinion. Just pointing out your hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy is that? That I post my opinions and do not think other's matter? Would you like me to clog the forum with examples of that which are NOT mine?


Well-Known Member
I will admit that I overreacted to Kyle's joking around and I apologize for that but, the fact that a great many of you keep piling on about how I tell others that their opinions don't matter or that I am hypocritical in some way is completely laughable.


professional daydreamer
I will admit that I overreacted to Kyle's joking around and I apologize for that but, the fact that a great many of you keep piling on about how I tell others that their opinions don't matter or that I am hypocritical in some way is completely laughable.

Mr. Strzok, is that you?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
that is my opinion of this forum.

mg -----> komet.gif forum