Online Dating is a Joke!


professional daydreamer
Finally, if posting your OPINION based on what you have experienced and/or what you have read or believe makes you a "condescending ass" then I guess I need to get in line around here.

That pretty much sums it up. Why should you be able to have an opinion, but then have the audacity to correct others for their opinions?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I don't see why in order to comment in a thread I must also engage in your squabbles with others on here.
You're not the only one here, and your issues aren't the only ones that matter.
But you do have a stick up your butt if you think the reason you get in fights online is because of a hive mentality.
I'm not aware of a hive mind mentality over every single issue.

I get it too. Even from friends. Even from DeeJay. It's part of being a grown-up.

But here's where you're not seeing this - I have made *dozens* of friends on here, many of whom have gone on and left the group but with whom I am still engaged with and participate in my life.
What is different is -

We BECAME FRIENDS - online. Some people, like DeeJay for example - the time between meeting her for the first time and being friends online - was *years*.
Many of these friends, they've come to my home - sometimes, for Thanksgiving dinner. I've been invited to be a part of their wedding - or just to attend. And they were at mine.
I'm comforted friends with the death of their loved ones and helped them with their homes and issues afterward; been through divorces and break-ups; celebrated the births of
their children and have had their kids play with mine. One helped get a new job - and helped me when I lost it. I've helped some move - gone to ball games with them - gone on road trips - and so on.
Done all the things that good friends DO. And those who no longer post - we're still in touch.

All of whom - I met here first. And I 100% guarantee you, we do not agree on all issues.

It sounds like you don't have ANY here. That's a shame.
But you do have a stick up your butt if you think the fault is everyone else.
That's a child's response.

I know a bunch of folks from meeting them here first and then in person IRL.

I met Foxhound because of Somd. (because of GURPS & Bcp, who were friends with him IRL, actually.) We're now engaged. :dance
Funniest thing I have read all day.

By the way. For light reading:

Condescend (adj):

-showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority:

If telling someone that they think their opinion or what they have been told is BS based on what they, themselves have experienced or read is "condescending," like I said before, I guess I will get in line around here :lmao:

You're condescending while trying desperately to prove you're not.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
So, you throw out an opinion of who and what I am, don't explain why.... and I am the one with the problem. Got it :yay:

Finally, if posting your OPINION based on what you have experienced and/or what you have read or believe makes you a "condescending ass" then I guess I need to get in line around here.

You should wear it like a badge of honor. When I was dubbed the Worthless ####, I sure did! :diva:

black dog

Free America
Well, you see, it's different when you actually DO know what you're talking about, which Kyle does, as well as a few other people who post here regularly, and have for many years. I've learned that I can count on the angle their discussing on any topic is dead on balls accurate. That said, I have never seen Kyle condescend to anyone without them starting it. Sarcastic? Sometimes. Jokingly making jabs? Yes. Condescend? No.

Do you realize I was making a " Funny" asking for a friend as in 3rd person.