Oops, Bush team caught photoshopping


Active Member
Presidential Belly-Hoo

Now, you may take this with a grain of salt, but: This is America and we are told from little children that in America you can be whatever you want to be. (we find this to be BS later in life, but it works.) Hear me out now. If this holds true, why should there be a cut off on who can be in a debate? I mean, if you get on a states ballot, that means you have some kind of support right? I am not saying every Tom, Dick, and Harriet gets their time. I just think if you are on a ballot, then you should get your 15 minutes of fame.


sleuth said:
How many times do I have to remind you that healthcare is not a right!? :shrug:

It also wasn't a right for women and african americans to vote. But guess what they do now. It's also not a right for poor children to have healthcare, but most states offer it to poor children anyway. It's not a right for schools to offer discounted lunches to poor students, but they do it anyway. Wow according to some of you ultra conservatives we shouldn't be offering these children anything. According to you it's their fault for being poor, because their parents are poor. Wow, you guys are hateful. :boxing:


Super Genius
I would like to see more candidates in the debates, but I also recognize the need to limit the number. I'd like to see them keep 1&2 (eligible for election and on the ballot for enough electoral votes to win), but get rid of number 3 (popular percentage). I just don't think the people can get behind a third party candidate if they never get a chance to hear them. And lets face it, most people hear from candidates solely through the media that only gives air time to Democrats, Republicans, and the occasional third party candidate (Nader, Perot).


Correct me if I'm wrong here... but isn't Red supposed to represent the Republicans and Blue for democrats and Green for Green Party :shrug:

I was just wondering because the Dems all have redsquares under their av. and the republicans have green squrares.... :roflma:

Pardon the interuption, it just occcurred to me... :lol:


Active Member

Touche`. I do agree, I just think by having a couple more people in the debates, it might make the candidates have to answer questions that they haven't prepared for. It might make true colors really come out. I say do if for spirit if nothing else.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
At least he enlisted and saw combat. So what?
At least he can relate with the troops in Iraq. Yeah, because so many of the troops over in Iraq are married to multi-bazillionaires and live in multiple mansions. :rolleyes:

At least he is a decorated veteran of foriegn war.... Again, so what?

Bush doesn't even care about our troops, he doesn't know the kind of combat going on over there. Dur - he's the President. I think he knows a little more about what's going on over there than you do. And if you want to talk about someone who doesn't care about our troops, let's talk about John Kerry voting against funding them properly.

he doens't know the true horror of an oil war. What is an "oil war"? And if Iraq is an "oil war", how come we're not getting any oil out of the deal?

Doesn't it embarrass you to be so ignorant? :confused:


vraiblonde said:
Doesn't it embarrass MEvraiblonde to be so ignorant? :confused:

I'm sorry if you find yourself to be all knowing. YOUR NOT. I'm glad you support Bush. Good for you. But that at the very least embarrasses me. It embarrasses me that someone who claims that they know best is voting for Bush, when they really don't know anything. I can be very nice if you want me to be.... :loser:


UrbanPancake said:
You should ask Bush this question considering he has a total disregard for human life when it comes to Halliburton and Iraqi oil.

I'm asking you....I quoted what you said earlier....its a yes or no question :shrug:


dustin said:
So you think its ok if our troops die?

Of course not. That's why we need a real COMMANDER AND CHIEF who has seen his fellow soldiers die in the hands of an enemy that we couldn't ward off. Bush doesn't care if they die, he only cares if he's getting some of that money from the tax cuts that he signed. He hasn't even allowed the American citizens to mourn for our own by blocking the caskets on TV. Maybe that's because over a thousand young men and women have died. That would be one television spot everyday for each death for the next three years. Think about that for a minute.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
You should ask Bush this question considering he has a total disregard for human life when it comes to Halliburton and Iraqi oil.
How many innocent Iraqis do you think he's saved? Oh wait, you wouldn't know, because you know nothing about the situation.


curiouser and curiouser
Let's get the facts straight.
UrbanPancake said:
Of course not. That's why we need a real COMMANDER AND CHIEF who has seen his fellow soldiers die in the hands of an enemy that we couldn't ward off.
In a time of war, you need a leader who has experienced war as a leader. Bush has. Kerry has not. He was a soldier. A follower. Blindly heeding to the commands of his superiors. And I'm not knocking him for it . A soldier is the most selfless and honorable person I can think of. That does not, however, make him a good leader or decision maker.

Bush doesn't care if they die, he only cares if he's getting some of that money from the tax cuts that he signed.
You know this how? For all you know, he weeps every night for the dead. Maybe not, but you do not know.
He hasn't even allowed the American citizens to mourn for our own by blocking the caskets on TV. Maybe that's because over a thousand young men and women have died. That would be one television spot everyday for each death for the next three years. Think about that for a minute.
That is a respect issue. The last thing those mourning families need is to see their son or daughter's casket as the headliner for the evening news. A death, be it a soldier's or civilian's, is a private matter, and should remain so.


Nickel said:
How many innocent Iraqis do you think he's saved? Oh wait, you wouldn't know, because you know nothing about the situation.

Many innocent Iraqi's have died recently. I guess you don't watch the news. Just recently a bus exploded in Iraq killing newly US trained Iraqi forces. Bush placed them on an unprotected bus, with no armor, and they didn't even have guns to protect themselves. Wow Bush cares so much about Iraqi's.


Nickel said:
Let's get the facts straight.
In a time of war, you need a leader who has experienced war as a leader. Bush skipped out on his service to campaign for some sorry conservative. Kerry has been to war and saw the damage that war causes on our American Soldiers. He was a soldier. A follower. Blindly heeding to the commands of his superiors. And I'm not knocking him for it . A soldier is the most selfless and honorable person I can think of. That does not, however, make him a good leader or decision maker.

That is a respect issue. The last thing those mourning families need is to see their son or daughter's casket as the headliner for the evening news. A death, be it a soldier's or civilian's, is a private matter, and should remain so.
-In that case Rons funeral shouldn't have never made it to tv, and the news and on and on and on....... America deserves to mourn for our fallen, and brave soldiers who deserve to be honored by fellow Americans. :boxing:


curiouser and curiouser
First of all, I don't watch the news where Iraq is concerned, because the spin they put on the facts is ridiculous. Take that handful of Iraqis killed on that bus, and compare it to the number of people who died at the hands of Saddam. Better yet, please research the casualties related to our very own Revolutionary War. Do you think we should have just given up, because dang, the bloodshed just isn't worth it? Freedom has a price, and the ones fighting for it are willing to die for it. Those Iraqis were not forced into service, as they would have been under Saddam's rule. They volunteered.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
-In that case Rons funeral shouldn't have never made it to tv, and the news and on and on and on....... America deserves to mourn for our fallen, and brave soldiers who deserve to be honored by fellow Americans. :boxing:
Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. As the family member of a soldier who has fought and will be returning to fight in Iraq, and as the sister of a young man who just recently enlisted in the Air Force, choosing a job that might very well send him to Iraq, I do not feel the country needs to participate in the funeral of my loved one. You do not need to see someone's casket to mourn them so stop using it as an excuse.

And you can't sideskirt the issue that Kerry's military background does not make him a leader. I don't care who he is, Republican, Democrat, or whatever, I'm not voting for someone who can not prove their leadership abilities.


Nickel said:
Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. As the family member of a soldier who has fought and will be returning to fight in Iraq, and as the sister of a young man who just recently enlisted in the Air Force, choosing a job that might very well send him to Iraq, I do not feel the country needs to participate in the funeral of my loved one. You do not need to see someone's casket to mourn them so stop using it as an excuse.

And you can't sideskirt the issue that Kerry's military background does not make him a leader. I don't care who he is, Republican, Democrat, or whatever, I'm not voting for someone who can not prove their leadership abilities.

His background makes him a patriot. He saw first hand the affects of war and he spoke out against to bring our drafted boys home so they could be with their families, not in a casket or blown apart in some far away land. Bush was in the National Guard, and he can't even prove that he showed up for duty. It sounds like Bush only joined the military to aspire to become a career politician. :killingme


UrbanPancake said:
Of course not. That's why we need a real COMMANDER AND CHIEF who has seen his fellow soldiers die in the hands of an enemy that we couldn't ward off. Bush doesn't care if they die, he only cares if he's getting some of that money from the tax cuts that he signed. He hasn't even allowed the American citizens to mourn for our own by blocking the caskets on TV. Maybe that's because over a thousand young men and women have died. That would be one television spot everyday for each death for the next three years. Think about that for a minute.

Are you a flip-flop too?

Cause I couldve sworn you just said

If they want to fight an oil war and lose their lives over it, then that's fine.