Oops, Bush team caught photoshopping


Nickel said:
I am actually a very intelligent individual. You can tell this by the fact that my posts are composed in an intelligible manner, yet are not intellectually condescending. I use a variety of big and little words, and vary my sentence structure, just to shake things up a little. I also base my opinions on real things, not just things I see on TV or read on a piece of newsprint.

1. You can't blame the man b/c he can't find a needle in the haystack. Please, devote all your time and energy looking for a man who looks like every other freakin' man over there, and has an endless supply of money. You think Kerry would be able to find him? Fat chance, Kerry can't even find a clue.
2. May be true, but who's to say it wouldn't go the same way, or worse, with a democrat in office?
3. Explain this. As it stands, this is not a point, merely something you heard from someone else
4. Partial birth abortion is nothing short of murder. Has anyone explained this procedure to you? I'd be happy to PM you with the gory details, as it is not appropriate to post in a public forum.
5. Again, this is not a valid point unless you provide examples, smart guy.
6. College is very affordable, and decent healthcare is out there, we just have to take initiative as individuals to find it, and not rely on the government to hand it to us on a silver platter.
7. He doesn't think God talks to him, he is a spiritual person, and takes solace in the knowledge that there is a higher being.
8. The oil prices, as well as the price of everything, are going to go up. It's called inflation. Even your little boyfriend John Kerry can't change that.

Now, take all the points you just made, and give examples of how Kerry has said he will change them. Feel free to choose whichever standpoint he has on any given day that makes him look best. We know Johnny Boy likes to change his mind a lot.

You must be in the stage they call denial. It's ok, you'll get through the 12 steps needed to get you back on track. If you need me to be your sponsor just ask.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
You must be in the stage they call denial. It's ok, you'll get through the 12 steps needed to get you back on track. If you need me to be your sponsor just ask.
You are just wowing me with your intellect buddy!


curiouser and curiouser
SmallTown said:
urban is buddy's mpd? :confused:
No, BL knows bigger words. I just called him "buddy", as in "My buddy", the chucky-esque doll. You know the song. My buddy, my buddy. My buddy, my buddy. Wherever he goes, I'm gonna go. My buddy, my buddy. My buddy, My buddy! My buddy and me!!!!! I just assumed it was written about he and Kerry. :shrug:


Nickel said:
No, BL knows bigger words. I just called him "buddy", as in "My buddy", the chucky-esque doll. You know the song. My buddy, my buddy. My buddy, my buddy. Wherever he goes, I'm gonna go. My buddy, my buddy. My buddy, My buddy! My buddy and me!!!!! I just assumed it was written about he and Kerry. :shrug:

You actually made me laugh at that. Very funny. I guess you can say that song is about me and Kerry. How clever. Would you like some hard candy for that? I hope you don't choke on it. :killingme


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
You actually made me laugh at that. Very funny. I guess you can say that song is about me and Kerry. How clever. Would you like some hard candy for that? I hope you don't choke on it. :killingme
No, I prefer Snickers, but thanks for the offer.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
4. Bush enacts legislation to prevent women from having a choice..
Couldn't let this get by. :ding: The dummy has spoken. Do you not know anything about the government? Oops. Of course you don't; that is evident by your post. But I must correct you here in the hopes that you may learn at least a little during what we all hope is your short stay here. The President does not enact legislation. The Congress is the legislative branch and enacts all federal legislation.If you have a problem with legislation, complain to your Senator Kerry. He is in the legislative branch. Ah, but there is the rub; he rarely shows up.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
Couldn't let this get by. :ding: The dummy has spoken. Do you not know anything about the government? Oops. Of course you don't; that is evident by your post. But I must correct you here in the hopes that you may learn at least a little during what we all hope is your short stay here. The President does not enact legislation. The Congress is the legislative branch and enacts all federal legislation.If you have a problem with legislation, complain to your Senator Kerry. He is in the legislative branch. Ah, but there is the rub; he rarely shows up.

but having a president in office who feels this is the right thing to do is kind of scary, he appoints the people who say what is and isnt constitutional as well as the laws... so he does have an influence


UrbanPancake said:
Bush will occupy Iraq for as long as he can, and keep troops there under the back door draft policy that he loves and supports.
Hey stool sample, when you get up in the morining would you mind explaining this back door draft thingy you live to harp on? You know the one where people sign up voluntarily and accept payment and training with the proviso they are available when needed. See when a conservative signs his name on a dotted line, he has full knowledge of what he is signing for, and honorably accepts responsibility as well as the check that comes with it.

See thats the deal with chics like you, you have no sense of honor or responsibility. You cannot call it a draft just because the cause for the call up doesn't suit your fancy. The contract doesn't say "We can pay you for years and if you agree with the reason we can call you up."

Spin master, mud flinger, waffle iron empty headed sound bite regurtitating machine.

"I am John Kerry and I approved this message right after I disapproved it."


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Look, you don't like war. Gee, neither do I. No one including President Bush likes war, but war is a fact of this world and will be until its end. Live with it or die with it; Kerry will not prevent wars. Killing unborn babies is murder. It is not a "choice". The choice is before you have sex. I would say don't have sex out of marriage. Most will ignore this and have sex anyway, so have protected sex. Contraception is a choice. Killing babies is not a choice; it is murder.


Active Member
2ndAmendment said:
Look, you don't like war. Gee, neither do I. No one including President Bush likes war, but war is a fact of this world and will be until its end. Live with it or die with it; Kerry will not prevent wars. Killing unborn babies is murder. It is not a "choice". The choice is before you have sex. I would say don't have sex out of marriage. Most will ignore this and have sex anyway, so have protected sex. Contraception is a choice. Killing babies is not a choice; it is murder.
You and your wife have been married a long time... she is raped, the doctor tells her she has 90% chance of death is she has the child, unavoidable... what do you do?

You and me (from what i see) have a different opinion on where life begins and where the line for murder is drawn, which is why i want freedon of choice, with choice you can continue to influence citizens to believe as you want, those who you convince wont have an abortion, those who dont share the same view as you can...


This Space for Rent
Spoiled said:
You and your wife have been married a long time... she is raped, the doctor tells her she has 90% chance of death is she has the child, unavoidable... what do you do?

You and me (from what i see) have a different opinion on where life begins and where the line for murder is drawn, which is why i want freedon of choice, with choice you can continue to influence citizens to believe as you want, those who you convince wont have an abortion, those who dont share the same view as you can...

You want freedom from guilt. Enjoy it.


Active Member
FromTexas said:
You want freedom from guilt. Enjoy it.
i dont have to wory about abortion because i dont in anyway put myself in a position to have anything to do with one, other than people bringing it up...


UrbanPancake said:
Bush doesn't even care about our troops, he doesn't know the kind of combat going on over there. He can't relate with the troops that he is ordering around. That's because at the end of the day he gets to see his wife and his children and he doens't know the true horror of an oil war.
Lie lie lie lie, rhetoric rhetoric.

Here let me rephrase your BS above in terms you understand. Like your "guess" about the President above I am also going to make some observations on you.

Your father doesn't give a crap what happens to you. He is ashamed of what a panty waste liberal you have turned into. When you come over and ring the door bell he and your mother hide in the closet and won't answer the door hoping you will just go away and no one will see you there. He tells all his friends you ran away from home and joined a circus. He loves his other kids but sobs into his pillow everynight at what a total tool you have grown into.

Now, you are wondering how I know all this stuff about your dad. See I don't but I assume it is true so I will just pass it off as fact. If you were my kid I would feel that way so it must be factual or close to it. Just like you have no clue what President Bush does or does not know, or can relate to I have no idea what your father thinks of you so like you I am just going to bump my gums about something I have no idea about. See here is the kicker though, you are too dense to understand the depth of what the President is briefed on daily or how he relates to the military, but I do have an idea what a stool sample you are thus my hypothesis about you is closer to being correct than yours about Bush. Besides you run your pie hole endlessly about things you obviously have no idea about, why can't I?
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