Oops, Bush team caught photoshopping


It sounds like your the one who is sideskirting the issue of Bush being incompetent commander in chief. He has failed us. Get over it and vote Democrat to correct what Bush and his puppet master have done. With all of the crap on Cheney's hands I'm very surprised you can't smell it?


dustin said:
Are you a flip-flop too? NO YOU ARE

Cause I couldve sworn you just said, but of course I have very hard hearing and I like to restate and mix old posts to convey what I'm trying to say

I'm not a flipflop. Bush is more of a waffle then anybody I know. One minute Iraq has WMD, and the next minute they really didn't have WMD. Wow.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
His background makes him a patriot. He saw first hand the affects of war and he spoke out against to bring our drafted boys home so they could be with their families, not in a casket or blown apart in some far away land. Bush was in the National Guard, and he can't even prove that he showed up for duty. It sounds like Bush only joined the military to aspire to become a career politician. :killingme
Sorry, being a patriot just isn't good enough. Mel Gibson was The Patriot, but I'm not voting for him either. This was a joke in case you didn't realize. I'm not voting for a president based on military background. I know gang members who have managed to join the military...should they be the next president? I think not.

And as an afterthought, the definition is patriot is as follows:
pa·tri·ot n.
One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.

spoke out against
Spoke out against the war? Not very supportive and/or patriotic if you ask me.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
It sounds like your the one who is sideskirting the issue of Bush being incompetent commander in chief. He has failed us. Get over it and vote Democrat to correct what Bush and his puppet master have done. With all of the crap on Cheney's hands I'm very surprised you can't smell it?
You make me want to throw up. Please, outline for me the failings of George W. Bush. Because I'm very happy with the choice I made in 2000, and will be making the same choice on Tuesday. Let me guess, you're leading the riots when he's reelected?


UrbanPancake said:
It sounds like your the one who is sideskirting the issue of Bush being incompetent commander in chief. He has failed us. Get over it and vote Democrat to correct what Bush and his puppet master have done. With all of the crap on Cheney's hands I'm very surprised you can't smell it?


This is so much fun!!!

I just asked you a simple question and you can't even answer it!


Nickel said:
,Patriot,Sorry but I'm not.

And as an afterthought, the definition is patriot is as follows:
pa·tri·ot n.
One who loves, supports, and defends one's country.

Spoke out against the war? Not very supportive and/or patriotic if you ask me.
I support the troops, but I don't support the war in Iraq. I'm not sorry for that. I respect our troops and I hope they come back alive, not in a casket. Kerry is all of the above.


Football season!
Nickel said:
You make me want to throw up. Please, outline for me the failings of George W. Bush. Because I'm very happy with the choice I made in 2000, and will be making the same choice on Tuesday. Let me guess, you're leading the riots when he's reelected?
1) Broken many alliances that help us stay strong
2) for the past, oh, 12-15 years we have seen Bin Laden's face on TV and his voice on the radio threatening the U.S. Bin Laden has launched attacks on U.S. soil. And here we stand, a few days before the election, we see his face yet again. But luckily we have saddam (who has done none of the above) in custody :rolleyes:

These are the two that bother me the most. But since you're beating up on waffle boy, don't let this post interfere with that :biggrin:


Nickel said:
You make me want to throw up. Please, outline for me the failings of George W. Bush. Because I'm very happy with the choice I made in 2000, and will be making the same choice on Tuesday. Let me guess, you're leading the riots when he's reelected?
I guess you haven't learned anything in 4 years? Wow. You really must not watch the news and read news papers. It must be nice not knowing your stupid. I always heard that being stupid was blissful. Or was it blissfully stupid...I'm not sure. Great vote for Bush and we'll lose more jobs, and more lives, and more respect from our peers.
1. Bush has failed us in the fight against terrorism. (Where is Bin Laden? Bin Hiden where Bush can't find him)
2. Bush has lost more jobs then he created.
3. Bush has encouraged bigotry in our constitution.
4. Bush enacts legislation to prevent women from having a choice.
5. Has ignored all domestic issues like the plague.
6. Cares more about Halliburton getting money then you going to an affordable college, and having affordable healthcare.
7. Bush thinks God talks to him. Which makes him crazy because he's hearing voices. (or maybe that's just Cheney throwing his voice and he's confusing Bush)
8. Bush has done nothing to lower the cost of oil for consumers. (of course his father got rich off the oil industry)

and the list goes on and on......


SmallTown said:
1) Broken many alliances that help us stay strong
2) for the past, oh, 12-15 years we have seen Bin Laden's face on TV and his voice on the radio threatening the U.S. Bin Laden has launched attacks on U.S. soil. And here we stand, a few days before the election, we see his face yet again. But luckily we have saddam (who has done none of the above) in custody :rolleyes:
I agree with you on this.
These are the two that bother me the most. But since you're beating up on waffle boy, don't let this post interfere with that :biggrin:

Why do say that? I have actually backed you up on this site SmallTown!


Football season!
UrbanPancake said:
7. Bush thinks God talks to him.
No. He says God talks through him. Which I think is BS, the God I pray to wouldn't butcher a language as bad as he does.


UrbanPancake said:
I guess you haven't learned anything in 4 years? Wow. You really must not watch the news and read news papers. It must be nice not knowing your stupid. I always heard that being stupid was blissful. Or was it blissfully stupid...I'm not sure. Great vote for Bush and we'll lose more jobs, and more lives, and more respect from our peers.
1. Bush has failed us in the fight against terrorism. (Where is Bin Laden? Bin Hiden where Bush can't find him)
2. Bush has lost more jobs then he created.
3. Bush has encouraged bigotry in our constitution.
4. Bush enacts legislation to prevent women from having a choice.
5. Has ignored all domestic issues like the plague.
6. Cares more about Halliburton getting money then you going to an affordable college, and having affordable healthcare.
7. Bush thinks God talks to him. Which makes him crazy because he's hearing voices. (or maybe that's just Cheney throwing his voice and he's confusing Bush)
8. Bush has done nothing to lower the cost of oil for consumers. (of course his father got rich off the oil industry)

and the list goes on and on......

That's a nice list flipflopwaffleboy.

But you still havent answered my question with a simple YES or NO...


SmallTown said:
No. He says God talks through him. Which I think is BS, the God I pray to wouldn't butcher a language as bad as he does.

I heard recently that Bush speaks better spanish than he does english.... :killingme


dustin said:
That's a nice list flipflopwaffleboy.

But you still havent answered my question with a simple YES or NO...

Thank You. It didn't take very long since I have so much material to work with. :patriot:


UrbanPancake said:
Thank You. It didn't take very long since I have so much material to work with. :patriot:

Since you refuse to answer the question I take it you dont care if soldiers die.


curiouser and curiouser
UrbanPancake said:
I guess you haven't learned anything in 4 years? Wow. You really must not watch the news and read news papers. It must be nice not knowing your stupid. I always heard that being stupid was blissful. Or was it blissfully stupid...I'm not sure. Great vote for Bush and we'll lose more jobs, and more lives, and more respect from our peers.
1. Bush has failed us in the fight against terrorism. (Where is Bin Laden? Bin Hiden where Bush can't find him)
2. Bush has lost more jobs then he created.
3. Bush has encouraged bigotry in our constitution.
4. Bush enacts legislation to prevent women from having a choice.
5. Has ignored all domestic issues like the plague.
6. Cares more about Halliburton getting money then you going to an affordable college, and having affordable healthcare.
7. Bush thinks God talks to him. Which makes him crazy because he's hearing voices. (or maybe that's just Cheney throwing his voice and he's confusing Bush)
8. Bush has done nothing to lower the cost of oil for consumers. (of course his father got rich off the oil industry)

and the list goes on and on......
I am actually a very intelligent individual. You can tell this by the fact that my posts are composed in an intelligible manner, yet are not intellectually condescending. I use a variety of big and little words, and vary my sentence structure, just to shake things up a little. I also base my opinions on real things, not just things I see on TV or read on a piece of newsprint.

1. You can't blame the man b/c he can't find a needle in the haystack. Please, devote all your time and energy looking for a man who looks like every other freakin' man over there, and has an endless supply of money. You think Kerry would be able to find him? Fat chance, Kerry can't even find a clue.
2. May be true, but who's to say it wouldn't go the same way, or worse, with a democrat in office?
3. Explain this. As it stands, this is not a point, merely something you heard from someone else
4. Partial birth abortion is nothing short of murder. Has anyone explained this procedure to you? I'd be happy to PM you with the gory details, as it is not appropriate to post in a public forum.
5. Again, this is not a valid point unless you provide examples, smart guy.
6. College is very affordable, and decent healthcare is out there, we just have to take initiative as individuals to find it, and not rely on the government to hand it to us on a silver platter.
7. He doesn't think God talks to him, he is a spiritual person, and takes solace in the knowledge that there is a higher being.
8. The oil prices, as well as the price of everything, are going to go up. It's called inflation. Even your little boyfriend John Kerry can't change that.

Now, take all the points you just made, and give examples of how Kerry has said he will change them. Feel free to choose whichever standpoint he has on any given day that makes him look best. We know Johnny Boy likes to change his mind a lot.