Opinions wanted


It's Great to be American
HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

I may need to start a poll on this one

That's the way it was with my first girlfriend. She quit talking to me suddenly and I spent weeks trying to find out why buy she would never tell me. I finally gave up and after about a month she wanted to get back together again.

My response: Are you ****ing nuts???


Seriously, if you really care for this person and you want to save the relationship I would try to find out what made them mad. You can either continue to ask them outright, or you can search through your past acts to see if there may have been something you did, or didn't do that pissed them off.

Good Luck. :peace: :smile:


100% Goapele Head!
HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

I may need to start a poll on this one

As somebody who constantly gets mad at people I can honestly say that if they are not telling you why it's because they are not ready to have that argument or because they don't want to have it at all because they really :love: you and are hating life that this is happening.

If they won't talk about it then that maybe because it's just that serious and they are not ready to have that argument or because they don't want to have it at all because they really :love: you and are hating life that this is happening.


I really don't think that they are being stubborn about it or trying to make you pay. Though that is not far fetch. Unless this person is really outspoken with everyone I am willing to bet that they don't want to argue but that whatever it is it really upsetted them.


HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

Bounce her.....:boo:

If she refuses to talk to you about her issues, it'll only get worse.....cut your loses and be done with the wench.


New Member
As a rule, I ask "What's wrong?" one time. If I don't get an answer, or the answer is "nothing" then I carry on like there is nothing wrong. I don't have the patience to deal with BS created when an adult wants to act like child and I'm certianly not going to waste my time playing 20 questions if for no other reason than to satisfy some effed up attention deficit. And if at midnight, the said angry person decides it's time to talk, "There's the wall. Start talkin, just do it quietly so that I can sleep."

But of course, this might be part of the reason why at 35, I'm still single. :lol:

I was stuck in a relationship where these types of things happened alot, and I was a lot more "caring" and patient and "understanding". What I was, was a sucker. Never again. No time for BS anymore.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
As somebody who constantly gets mad at people I can honestly say that if they are not telling you why it's because they are not ready to have that argument or because they don't want to have it at all because they really :love: you and are hating life that this is happening.
If they won't talk about it then that maybe because it's just that serious and they are not ready to have that argument or because they don't want to have it at all because they really :love: you and are hating life that this is happening.

I really don't think that they are being stubborn about it or trying to make you pay. Though that is not far fetch. Unless this person is really outspoken with everyone I am willing to bet that they don't want to argue but that whatever it is it really upsetted them.

Well, isn't this tiggerific? :lalala:


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Mean Morgie. :neener:

I heard you never hold things in. :whistle:

You have to make it understandable, is all I am sayin'

" Though that is not far fetch. Unless this person is really outspoken with everyone I am willing to bet that they don't want to argue but that whatever it is it really upsetted them."


100% Goapele Head!
Ponytail said:
I thought Candy was the one with the pearl necklace? :shrug:

There are many pearl necklaces. I heard that one should call before going to get one depending on the weight in ounces she or he wants. Because not all designers produce the specific load...er.. I mean size necklace one may be in the market for. :whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Speaking for myself, I am a communication person. If it's worth being pissed about, it's worth discussing. And if someone is worth being pissed AT, they are worth my time to let them know what I'm thinking and feeling.

Ponytail said:
As a rule, I ask "What's wrong?" one time. If I don't get an answer, or the answer is "nothing" then I carry on like there is nothing wrong. I don't have the patience to deal with BS created when an adult wants to act like child and I'm certianly not going to waste my time playing 20 questions if for no other reason than to satisfy some effed up attention deficit. And if at midnight, the said angry person decides it's time to talk, "There's the wall. Start talkin, just do it quietly so that I can sleep."
I agree with this completely! PT, let's get married :love:


100% Goapele Head!
morganj614 said:
You have to make it understandable, is all I am sayin'

" Though that is not far fetch. Unless this person is really outspoken with everyone I am willing to bet that they don't want to argue but that whatever it is it really upsetted them."

Ok, Chasey...

I said that I don't think that the gf is keeping her problem from him on purpose. Though trying to make him suffer by not communicating is possible. (You make me sick Morgan). And, that I believe whatever is bothering her, has her so upset to the point she doesn't want to bring it out because the argument is probably going to be made worse by a huge fight.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Speaking for myself, I am a communication person. If it's worth being pissed about, it's worth discussing. And if someone is worth being pissed AT, they are worth my time to let them know what I'm thinking and feeling.

I agree with this completely! PT, let's get married :love:

On my way! :love:


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
Ok, Chasey...

I said that I don't think that the gf is keeping her problem from him on purpose. Though trying to make him suffer by not communicating is possible. (You make me sick Morgan). And, that I believe whatever is bothering her, has her so upset to the point she doesn't want to bring it out because the argument is probably going to be made worse by a huge fight.

Good, now you don't have to stick your finger down your throat :yay:


HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

I may need to start a poll on this one
Ex wife was that way. That's why she's the ex wife. "What we have here... is a failure to communicate."
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I said that I don't think that the gf is keeping her problem from him on purpose.
Sure she is. It's a tactic used by passive-aggressive people, designed so they can still punish the other person but avoid outright conflict.

He says, "What's wrong?" She replies, "What makes you think something's wrong? :sulk:" He says, "Well, you're being very quiet so I thought maybe something was on your mind." She says, "No. It's nothing. :pout:"

He shrugs and goes about his business. She stews in her own juice until midnight, when she wakes him up to tell him what an insensitive, uncaring bastard he is.



vraiblonde said:
Sure she is. It's a tactic used by passive-aggressive people, designed so they can still punish the other person but avoid outright conflict.

He says, "What's wrong?" She replies, "What makes you think something's wrong? :sulk:" He says, "Well, you're being very quiet so I thought maybe something was on your mind." She says, "No. It's nothing. :pout:"

He shrugs and goes about his business. She stews in her own juice until midnight, when she wakes him up to tell him what an insensitive, uncaring bastard he is.


Nothing like dealing with a child in an adults body. :duh: