Opinions wanted


shoe queen said:
I know you are not calling me a wench!!! There is nothing wrong with a man showing his women he cares about her through gifts every once in a while. It's people like you that give men a bad name!

:roflmao: :killingme :roflmao:

Ok, now that I'm mostly over that one......:killingme :killingme

What you're proposing is for him to buy her happiness or forgiveness.

HUGE mistake!!!

A relationship is a voluntary venture and having to buy something for someone to make them happy or for them to forgive you is like trying to use a colander to empty a bucket of water.

Buying gifts for someone on a whim is fine, but buying gifts to say you’re sorry is a fools choice.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
shoe queen said:
I know you are not calling me a wench!!! There is nothing wrong with a man showing his women he cares about her through gifts every once in a while. It's people like you that give men a bad name!

Outside of the current context, there's nothing wrong with it. You're either over-simplifiing the situation, or you play games yourself and justify it by not looking at all of the facts.

IF it's the latter, it's women like you that turn men cold. Why in blue hell should he buy her stuff to cheer her up and say he's "sorry" when he doesn't even know what the hell she's mad about? To teach her that she'll get stuff and attention if he thinks that she's mad at him? Only an idiot of a man would teach or encourage a woman to play that game.


shoe queen said:
Yeah, that's great, but if you know you have done something wrong be a Man and kiss my sorry ass so I don't have to act like a mature adult.


You're welcome. :yay:


shoe queen said:
Yeah, that's great, but if you know you have done something wrong be a Man and do something out of the ordinary

Why are you assuming HE did something wrong in the first place?


100% Goapele Head!
You are right.

vraiblonde said:



No, that's what women do, not men. This is why I'd have made a great lesbian if I could get past the sex part. Women feed each other emotionally. Men...eh.

But, I dated a man who acted like that to me when he knew messed up. He became so attentive to my every action like I was a newborn baby, fragile and priceless.

It became so out of character for him that I had to cut it short, quickly. He and I had never been the lovey-dovey, mushy-wushy types and I just looked at him thinking who is this person?


LexiGirl75 said:
But, I dated a man who acted like that to me when he knew messed up. He became so attentive to my every action like I was a newborn baby, fragile and priceless.

It became so out of character for him that I had to cut it short, quickly. He and I had never been the lovey-dovey, mushy-wushy types and I just looked at him thinking who is this person?

He's now dating Shoe Queen. :yay:


professional daydreamer
shoe queen said:
There is nothing wrong with a man showing his women he cares about her through gifts every once in a while. It's people like me that give women a bad name!

How many women's does he have?


Cleopatra Jones
CandyRain said:
:nono: I'm happily single now :diva: and will still be single when you get divorced again. :poorbaby:

Happy as of when? You were just on here boohooing about how hard it was not to email him, what last week?

Divorced again? Again with the long shots.... Don't be so bitter just because my relationship worked. :poorbaby: If you adjusted your attitude a bit maybe you could land a good guy like I did.


New Member
LexiGirl75 said:
BTW, I don't believe you can go from caring and understanding to this "talk to the wall" and let me sleep guy you speak about. I don't think you should bend over backwards for a woman but I doubt that you won't have the initial response of :love: (i.e. "Pumpkin, what's the matter, sweetie huh? :poorbaby: Come, here love, we're going to get through this together.")


Like I said. I ask nicely, once. After that, she's on her own. If she comes to me later with a problem, great...as long as it's WAY before my bedtime. Want me to go down the list of names that had a problem with that? I'll sum it up for you...Almost all of the ones in the last 10 years, 'cept for the the current one. This one's a keeper. She "gets" me. Unlike the one I was seeing last year at this time who didn't know what to do with someone that simply stated exactly what was on his mind without any BS and expected the same in return. Go figure.

I am caring and patient and conciderate, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna ruin a day, or a perfectly good nights sleep worrying about or trying to guess what the hell could be going on in a womans head. No man has ever been able to do that. And if there is one out there, he's either guilty as hell and was caught red-handed, or he's gay.
Last edited:


Ponytail said:
Like I said. I ask nicely, once. After that, she's on her own. If she comes to me later with a problem, great...as long as it's WAY before my bedtime. Want me to go down the list of names that had a problem with that? I'll sum it upr for you...Almost all of the ones in the last 10 years, 'cept for the the current one. This one's a keeper. She "gets" me. Unlike the one I was seeing last year at this time who didn't know what to do with someone that simply stated exactly what was on his mind without any BS. Go figure.

I am caring and patient and conciderate, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna ruin a day, or a perfectly good nights sleep worrying about or trying to guess what the hell could be going on in a womans head. No man has ever been able to do that. And if there is one out there, he's either guilty as hell and was caught red-heanded, or he's gay.
WTF is that?


HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

I may need to start a poll on this one

Didn't you post this sunday?????

HunterJJD said:
just got done tappin dat azz, going be a good day

morning all

wutsamatta? did she roll over and realize who she woke up with :coyoteugly: :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
HunterJJD said:
What do you think when someone is mad, and it is clear they are MAD but will not tell you why?
Or when you know why they are mad but they stay mad and will not talk about it?

Leave 'em the #### alone!


New Member
Ponytail said:
As a rule, I ask "What's wrong?" one time. If I don't get an answer, or the answer is "nothing" then I carry on like there is nothing wrong. I don't have the patience to deal with BS created when an adult wants to act like child and I'm certianly not going to waste my time playing 20 questions if for no other reason than to satisfy some effed up attention deficit. And if at midnight, the said angry person decides it's time to talk, "There's the wall. Start talkin, just do it quietly so that I can sleep."

But of course, this might be part of the reason why at 35, I'm still single. :lol:

I was stuck in a relationship where these types of things happened alot, and I was a lot more "caring" and patient and "understanding". What I was, was a sucker. Never again. No time for BS anymore.

AMEN! I'm not gonna BEG my "partner" to open up and spill the beans! Screw that we're both adults and IF there is some sort of problem then WE should be able to talk about WHATEVER is going on! :love:


New Member
on mad

It's called passive-agressive behavior-- me personally, I let 'em stew, and just ignore 'em.
Got enough agita of my own, don't need to be looking for theirs as well.