The interesting thing about this nest is that Osprey use the top of the nest, and Sparrows use the bottom of the same nest. The Osprey pair has a lot of rebuilding to do this year as the nest was half blown away this winter.
2 Osprey spent most of yesterday flying up and down our creek fishing. Looks like they might have a nest somewhere near? I'll have to get a Kayak and make a trip up the creek. looks like clarks is 29 miles and Benedicts will be 19 miles from the house...we'll have to hit them up...not sure how much work I'll be doing this trip! looks like clarks is 29 miles and Benedicts will be 19 miles from the house...we'll have to hit them up...not sure how much work I'll be doing this trip!
Maybe a little further, looks like about 35/40 miles from Churchton to the bridge at Solomon's. Clarkes Landing would be a good place for everyone to get together and meet, and take some pictures. Set a date and time, let us know. I think their crabcakes are a forum favorite A lot of people seem to think they're pricy, I don't considering the amount you get. I've never gone away hungry.