New Member
What you say is true, but is it good, or the best option? Nowhere in scripture does it say one cannot be saved by themselves and keep to themselves. But there is plenty of scripture that points out the negatives of remaining in the closet by oneself instead of becoming involved in the work. The parable of the sower of the seeds point that out many will wither and die because they do not take root and prosper. There is also plenty of scripture that point out the positives of being involved, and that it is best to become part of the body.
Why hide your light under a bushel instead of bringing it out in the open with other believers? The learning curve is greatly enhanced, and growth as well, by being in company of like-minded individuals.
Believers should be shining lights on a hill that others can see and come to for information on why they are like that. You don't have to blow your own horn. One's witness of lifestyle will do that by itself.
No one said that Christians should hide their faith. But, some seem to think all Christians have to go to church.