Our resident Pagans


New Member
What you say is true, but is it good, or the best option? Nowhere in scripture does it say one cannot be saved by themselves and keep to themselves. But there is plenty of scripture that points out the negatives of remaining in the closet by oneself instead of becoming involved in the work. The parable of the sower of the seeds point that out many will wither and die because they do not take root and prosper. There is also plenty of scripture that point out the positives of being involved, and that it is best to become part of the body.

Why hide your light under a bushel instead of bringing it out in the open with other believers? The learning curve is greatly enhanced, and growth as well, by being in company of like-minded individuals.

Believers should be shining lights on a hill that others can see and come to for information on why they are like that. You don't have to blow your own horn. One's witness of lifestyle will do that by itself.

No one said that Christians should hide their faith. But, some seem to think all Christians have to go to church.



Well-Known Member
And that there is the key. Who is a better example of being a shining light of Christianity? On who exclaims at every chance that they are a devout Christian as they drive to church every Sunday in their nice car from their nice house while counting every penny they have and wishing for more, or the one who goes to Africa and cares for those who would die without their care and receives nothing but harassment for their efforts?

I challenge anyone on this forum to show me a name of an individual in the Bible, either OT under the law believer, or NT believer under grace provided by Jesus, the God-man, that was not part of a church/nation of belief, a group of believers under His name, or publicly demonstrated such belief. You won't find one, simply because God wants his peeps to be together, as a family and as a body, for strength, fellowship, and furthering His name.

Name me one, please.

No personal or emotional feelings needed. The Scripture speaks for itself.


New Member
And that there is the key. Who is a better example of being a shining light of Christianity? On who exclaims at every chance that they are a devout Christian as they drive to church every Sunday in their nice car from their nice house while counting every penny they have and wishing for more, or the one who goes to Africa and cares for those who would die without their care and receives nothing but harassment for their efforts?

You don't have to go to Africa to serve. Keeping a Biblical thread going helps these days.



Well-Known Member
No one said that Christians should hide their faith. But, some seem to think all Christians have to go to church.


Who? Not me. I simply stated that those that proclaim Christ should be in company with a body of fellow believers, as stated numerous times in scripture. The Bible states such. I simply believe it that it is far better for the individual than staying in seclusion. The Bible is my basis for that belief.


Well-Known Member
It's awful hard to grow a Christian without being watered and nurtured by others of the same faith. Jesus, through the writings of the NT authors, makes that abundantly clear as well about the importance of being around like believers and meeting, fellow shipping, worshiping, praying, singing, and studying together.

"To grow a Christian" Ok, agreed, but if you are already a Believer, I would think your duty would be to spread the word to non-believers, and the un-knowing. You wont be doing much of that by hanging out in church.[/QUOTE]

I'm here, by the grace of God, ain't I? This is public, and has nothing to do with my church family.


Well-Known Member
It's awful hard to grow a Christian without being watered and nurtured by others of the same faith. Jesus, through the writings of the NT authors, makes that abundantly clear as well about the importance of being around like believers and meeting, fellow shipping, worshiping, praying, singing, and studying together.

"To grow a Christian" Ok, agreed, but if you are already a Believer, I would think your duty would be to spread the word to non-believers, and the un-knowing. You wont be doing much of that by hanging out in church.[/QUOTE]

I'm here, ain't I? Not from church, but from my home.


PREMO Member
Must we go to church. or buy into/support organized religion, to be Christians ?... Or simply to believe in and follow God's will ?

I was going to ask that question as well. Do you have to be a member of an organized religion and attend an authorized church in order to be a Christian?

you are supposed to fellowship with other Christians ..... read and discuss the Word


PREMO Member
Absolutely right, but a Christian is known by the fruit they produce (Matt 7:16,19,-20, 12:23, John 15:8, 16, James 3:13-18, especially 17-18, to name a few). Hard to display fruit if one is never around others of like thought. Those will bring it out of you, or show the lack of it in you there forth.

Your example of "you don't get bonus points for making a big deal about praying, fasting, and giving alms.", etc. (Matthew 6 1 -18 specifically, but it carries on throughout the rest of the chapter), is exactly right.

It's awful hard to grow a Christian without being watered and nurtured by others of the same faith. Jesus, through the writings of the NT authors, makes that abundantly clear as well about the importance of being around like believers and meeting, fellow shipping, worshiping, praying, singing, and studying together.



Well-Known Member
Still waiting for an answer for any name in the Bible that was not associated with a group of believers, or church/nation.........

All you politically correct religious peeps.........stand up or shut up.

Yes, I am calling you out. Be bold, or sit down.

The Bible says to be bold and speak forth the truth.
Last edited:


New Member
Still waiting for an answer for any name in the Bible that was not associated with a group of believers, or church/nation.........

All you politically correct religious peeps.........stand up or shut up.

Yes, I am calling you out. Be bold, or sit down.

The Bible says to be bold and speak forth the truth.

It is always amazing how talking of the Prince of Peace always brings out the peacefulness in people.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If they went to church regularly, would that have meant you voted for them or think he would have made a better President? I mean, what's the point, here?


New Member
Who? Not me. I simply stated that those that proclaim Christ should be in company with a body of fellow believers, as stated numerous times in scripture. The Bible states such. I simply believe it that it is far better for the individual than staying in seclusion. The Bible is my basis for that belief.

I know it says "Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” This seems to be where Jesus calls for us to spend our time with believers for support. I learn so much from talking to believers.

Still waiting for an answer for any name in the Bible that was not associated with a group of believers, or church/nation.........

All you politically correct religious peeps.........stand up or shut up.

Yes, I am calling you out. Be bold, or sit down.

The Bible says to be bold and speak forth the truth.

I always thought that Isiah 49:16 "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" was the quote for the solitary Christian.

Now, because you made me look it up.... I see I am wrong. The quote continues "your walls are ever before me." So it became apparent to me that Isiah was talking about the people of Israel. not lowly little hotcoffee.

So.... going back to the original post.... If President & Mrs. Obama are both Christians and they meet regularly to study the Word.... then Matthew 18:20 would apply to them because that is two believers gathered. So we know the President claims to be a Christian. Is his wife a Christian?

On the purely political side of the question.... the reason I brought up the Kennedy family.... people were afraid that the Pope and the Catholic Church would be running the country through President Kennedy.


Oh and as for me.... since I don't go to church... I'm glad I can gather online with you.... I learn and grow through searching scripture and taking part in these discussions with other Christians.


New Member
Seeing as how George Washington rarely attended church and was an outstanding President, I do not think that being a regular church-goer is an automatic indicator of being suited got the job nor is not being a regular church-goer an indicator of not being suited for the job. When one considers what Benjamin Franklin accomplished for this country and he is well-known to not being a Christian, it would seem that being religious is no indicator of being able to serve your country. Religion is for the soul, which is separate from the political realm. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's.
First lady Michelle Obama, on the other hand, has said: “We try to go to church as much as possible,” which, according to an analysis by Politico, has meant an average of just three Sundays a year during the Obama presidency, and only once on Christmas, in 2011.

Read more at http://www.youngcons.com/obama-not-...mas-presence-distracting/#vMzqpjF0igORgOZ8.99

Blow the dust off the KJV Barry,...and for once set it on top of the Koran. (Wow, mind blow!)

Why does this even matter to you?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Seeing as how George Washington rarely attended church and was an outstanding President, I do not think that being a regular church-goer is an automatic indicator of being suited got the job nor is not being a regular church-goer an indicator of not being suited for the job. When one considers what Benjamin Franklin accomplished for this country and he is well-known to not being a Christian, it would seem that being religious is no indicator of being able to serve your country. Religion is for the soul, which is separate from the political realm. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's.

We have a much more recent example of the value of being a good church going Christian and the impact on policy but, I'll just leave his name out for now. Upsets folks... What we want is symbols and a show. Not results.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how George Washington rarely attended church and was an outstanding President, I do not think that being a regular church-goer is an automatic indicator of being suited got the job nor is not being a regular church-goer an indicator of not being suited for the job. When one considers what Benjamin Franklin accomplished for this country and he is well-known to not being a Christian, it would seem that being religious is no indicator of being able to serve your country. Religion is for the soul, which is separate from the political realm. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's.

When Washington was at his home in Mt Vernon, he attended occasionally, but not regularly, according to his biographer. The two churches he did attend were seven and nine miles away, respectively. A pretty good road trip back in the day.

"When traveling, particularly on political business, he was more likely to attend church services. In the seven Sundays during the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, he went to church on three, attending Anglican, Quaker, and Catholic services.[13] During his tours of the nation in his two terms as President, he attended religious services in each city, sometimes as frequently as three services in a day.[14]"

When he was in Philly or on the road, he was a frequent, some could say regular, attendee.

Saying that, the Bible defines how Christians should be, and that is around other like-minded believers, regularly, if not all the time. There is power and safety in numbers, and that is what Satan hates. That's why the Christian "church" or gatherings that put forth the light of the Gospel are persecuted, reviled, and ridiculed by so many around the world.

Happy New Year, and attend your local Christian church.