Well-Known Member
"Why does this even matter to you?"
Easy. A politician goes on public record, MANY times claiming to be a "Christian."
A Christian is known by their fruit.
Praising Abortion as "God's work" is equivalent to praising Baal for consuming newborns in the flames.
Golfing endlessly while the faithful have gathered for worship is the behavior of a pagan.
Saying the Call to prayer from the muezzin is the sweetest sound he ever heard...is sign of adherence to Islam,...not Christianity.
Being married & attending a church that preaches division, class hatred, and anti-government radicalism ...has nothing to do with Christ.
Misquoting, and pretending to claim things from scripture that does not exist indicates a lack of knowledge about content & context of scripture.
So....our Pagan-in-Chief continues to Lie to Christians, mock Christian values....and has fooled perhaps millions of shallow, disconnected "Christians" into believing he holds the same faith. Just another wolf in sheep's clothing.
That is why it matters to me.
Easy. A politician goes on public record, MANY times claiming to be a "Christian."
A Christian is known by their fruit.
Praising Abortion as "God's work" is equivalent to praising Baal for consuming newborns in the flames.
Golfing endlessly while the faithful have gathered for worship is the behavior of a pagan.
Saying the Call to prayer from the muezzin is the sweetest sound he ever heard...is sign of adherence to Islam,...not Christianity.
Being married & attending a church that preaches division, class hatred, and anti-government radicalism ...has nothing to do with Christ.
Misquoting, and pretending to claim things from scripture that does not exist indicates a lack of knowledge about content & context of scripture.
So....our Pagan-in-Chief continues to Lie to Christians, mock Christian values....and has fooled perhaps millions of shallow, disconnected "Christians" into believing he holds the same faith. Just another wolf in sheep's clothing.
That is why it matters to me.
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