Outrage At The System


Witchy Woman
My best friend's daughter is 6 years old. 4 months ago we found out that she was being molested by a family friend. CPS and the police estimate he molested her approx. 30 times. The man confessed and was immediately arrested. He has been in jail the almost 4 months since.

They went to court today. He had a verrrrrrry expensive defense lawyer paid for by his parents. Much to our horror the court system let him plead down to SIMPLE ASSAULT!!!!!! He got time served and 6 months unsupervised probation. He walked out of the court room today smiling. He doesn't have to register with the sex offenders list and there was no order for him to stay away from children. He is free to do this again.

Everyone involved knew what was happening before hand except for my friend and her daughter. They made this deal before hand on some legality issue or something and never even notified my friend. Not even victims services let her know. His parents were even there ready to bring him home.

I just don't understand how this happens? We are all so angry!

Are her hands tied? Is there NOTHING else that can be done? She is going to talk to her parents lawyer on Monday, but we just don't know what, if anything can be done. Do y'all think a call to the media would do ANY good?

This man confessed to his crimes 3 times! Once to my friend in a taped conversation ( Which was not admissable) The taping was set up by the police and my friend sat in a room at the police station during this call. They said this was so they could get the warrant, once to the police face to face, and once to the social worker. The abuse was confirmed by 2 child psychologists, a medical doctor and the police. And not to mention what her daughter has been through, and still has to go through.

We all told her that the judge would take are of the bad man. WE PROMISED HER!

My friend lives in Springfield Va. and this is where they went to court. But the man who did this lives in Port Tobacco. I don't know if I should say his name...I don't know what the legalities of that are...so I'm not going to chance it.

I just thought you all should know theres a known child molester running free around Charles County. Free to do it again.


New Member
That is horrible. The poor sweet baby, I hope she is getting lots of love and support. Abusers have all the protection, who is protecting his next victim? We can trust no one..


Working for the weekend
MysticalMom said:
My best friend's daughter is 6 years old. 4 months ago we found out that she was being molested by a family friend. CPS and the police estimate he molested her approx. 30 times. The man confessed and was immediately arrested. He has been in jail the almost 4 months since.

They went to court today. He had a verrrrrrry expensive defense lawyer paid for by his parents. Much to our horror the court system let him plead down to SIMPLE ASSAULT!!!!!! He got time served and 6 months unsupervised probation. He walked out of the court room today smiling. He doesn't have to register with the sex offenders list and there was no order for him to stay away from children. He is free to do this again.

Everyone involved knew what was happening before hand except for my friend and her daughter. They made this deal before hand on some legality issue or something and never even notified my friend. Not even victims services let her know. His parents were even there ready to bring him home.

I just don't understand how this happens? We are all so angry!

Are her hands tied? Is there NOTHING else that can be done? She is going to talk to her parents lawyer on Monday, but we just don't know what, if anything can be done. Do y'all think a call to the media would do ANY good?

This man confessed to his crimes 3 times! Once to my friend in a taped conversation ( Which was not admissable) The taping was set up by the police and my friend sat in a room at the police station during this call. They said this was so they could get the warrant, once to the police face to face, and once to the social worker. The abuse was confirmed by 2 child psychologists, a medical doctor and the police. And not to mention what her daughter has been through, and still has to go through.

We all told her that the judge would take are of the bad man. WE PROMISED HER!

My friend lives in Springfield Va. and this is where they went to court. But the man who did this lives in Port Tobacco. I don't know if I should say his name...I don't know what the legalities of that are...so I'm not going to chance it.

I just thought you all should know theres a known child molester running free around Charles County. Free to do it again.

I have seen this type of plea bargain in the past. It usually happens when it is a 4th degree sex offense, (inappropiate touching). It is a shame, but happens all the time.


That's why I would kill the maggot if I was the parent, the court system can not be trusted to hand down justice....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MysticalMom said:
Is there NOTHING else that can be done?
Actually, there is. She can sue in civil court. It's not much, but at least she can make his life miserable for him.

Our court system in this country sucks and completely favors the criminal, which is why there are so many of them.


nunya bidnis
I hope there is something that can be done. Tell her good luck and we are all hoping something more can be done.


Lem Putt
At first I thought of a very sharp red hot knife, but that would cauterize the wound and would be relatively painless. I recommend castration with a dull rusty knife.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Call O'Reilly, (seriously) he lives for this stuff. As far as saying the guys name as far as I know it is already a matter of public record (court) so why not make it more public. :whistle:


It Wasn't Me
And that is why these low life scumbags continue to offend over and over and over and get away with it, because the ""law"" doesnt do what they should when they get them, the guy confessed and walked wheres the justice.


Iron City
vraiblonde said:
Actually, there is. She can sue in civil court. It's not much, but at least she can make his life miserable for him.

Our court system in this country sucks and completely favors the criminal, which is why there are so many of them.
If they have the bucks for a high-class lawyer, they they have the bucks to pay through a civil suit. Go for it without delay. Also, file for a protective order.


mrweb said:
If they have the bucks for a high-class lawyer, they they have the bucks to pay through a civil suit. Go for it without delay. Also, file for a protective order.
Law degree?


Iron City
remaxrealtor said:
Law degree?
20 years as a Fed investigator (military, US Senate, DoD Inspector General). Had a few child molester cases in the military....hated those and hated the perps. Got a few convictions, I hope the scums are still in jail "paying" for it in more ways than one.


wandering aimlessly
mrweb said:
If they have the bucks for a high-class lawyer, they they have the bucks to pay through a civil suit. Go for it without delay. Also, file for a protective order.
:yeahthat: Make the bastages life miserable.

To be honest though, I would have gone rack'm's route.


mrweb said:
20 years as a Fed investigator (military, US Senate, DoD Inspector General). Had a few child molester cases in the military....hated those and hated the perps. Got a few convictions, I hope the scums are still in jail "paying" for it in more ways than one.
As a realtor, I am very limited as to what I can discuss...IT SUCKS! But...I have my ways around it.


Iron City
remaxrealtor said:
As a realtor, I am very limited as to what I can discuss...IT SUCKS! But...I have my ways around it.
But there ways to discuss it when showing property..... :yay:


Asperger's Poster Child
We tend to be wary of strangers, and for good reason, but that shouldn't blind us to the dangers from people we know. I've read that most molesters are known to their victims, which makes sense because they have the opportunity. I'll say it again--the sex offenders list is a crock because those monsters should spend the rest of their lives in jail. Regardless of whether the victim is 7 or 70, sex crimes are about power and domination.


Witchy Woman
OK everyone. To hell with it....if you are in Charles County or anywhere near this man keep your children way...His name is Jason Fallin.


Working for the weekend
Anyone see Dateline last night on sexual predators? Even I was shocked. Tons of pedophiles showed up for a sting thinking they were going to have sex with a 13 year old. Disgusting. Many were repeat offenders.