Passing on the right shoulder, revisited

ocean733 said:
Lemme get this straight: it's illegal to pass someone on the right when a vehicle is making a left-hand turn? Not that all laws necessarily make any sense, but why would that be against the law?

And, yes, going to court is definitely a crapshoot, but usually just for showing up to court to fight it, they'll at least lower the fine/points or whatever. Then, it all depends on the mood of the judge, IMO.
Read it again. Passing a car on the right IS legal, when the car being passed is making (or about to make) a left hand turn.


New Member
huntr1 said:
Read it again. Passing a car on the right IS legal, when the car being passed is making (or about to make) a left hand turn.
Oops. Well, with any luck, Tonio, there shouldn't be a problem.:peace: (keeping fingers crossed)


New Member
huntr1 said:
What's Tonio got to do with this? Make sure you are crossing them fingers for the right forumite! I need all the luck I can get.
I am so distracted today! :lmao: I'm keepin' my fingers crossed for ya, Huntr!:huggy:


Well-Known Member
huntr1 said:
What's Tonio got to do with this? Make sure you are crossing them fingers for the right forumite! I need all the luck I can get.
You got my best wishes!