

24/7 Single Dad
Toxick said:
Was anyone else disappointed that this wasn't a math thread?
It would have been preferable to an "I think I'll ask the SOMD Yahoos a legal question instead of a lawyer and fish for sympthay" thread.


Starting Over
aps45819 said:
She needs to talk to a lawyer. Try Sam Baldwin. You can get orders for support to take care of your kids before the divorce is finalized. If nothing else, call the state's attorney (it's in the book) and tell thm your tale of woe. They will be happy to get a court order for child support for you.

Have already done all that. Already have a lawyer. I don't meet with her until mid Oct. to start with the paperwork. Just trying to get all my i's dotted and t's crossed before hand.


24/7 Single Dad
redneck_woman said:
Have already done all that. Already have a lawyer. I don't meet with her until mid Oct. to start with the paperwork. Just trying to get all my i's dotted and t's crossed before hand.
Until you talk to the lawyer and find out where the i's and t's are there's not much point in dottin and crossin.


Starting Over
aps45819 said:
Until you talk to the lawyer and find out where the i's and t's are there's not much point in dottin and crossin.

I have been talking with her about what is going on. I know what I have to do. Just have to get the proof.


Set Trippin
redneck_woman said:
I have been talking with her about what is going on. I know what I have to do. Just have to get the proof.
If he left you, what more do you need? I thought desertion was adequate...