Pigs on Willows Rd

tom88 said:
Now correct me if I am wrong. This is the first thread in this thread, and the author is complaining about the police conducting traffic enforcement. In the authors last posting, he is complaining that the officers are not doing enough traffic enforcement? Which way does this guy want it?
I don't know, but they just had a MINOR rear ender at 235 and KMart. The cops shut down two lanes when they should have told them to pull it off the road. You could barely see any damage. Why don't people, at least, have the sense to get off the roadway when its so minor?
tom88 said:
6 Dwi/Dui's seems like a lot. How many other arrests, or incidents were taken? I heard about one of the dwi's the officer found a guy with a gun and bullet proof vest. Seems to me that they officer was preventing some serious crime there!
It is, but im just saying all he does is ##### and moan about officers doing thier jobs.

Richard Cranium

New Member
tom88 said:
Now correct me if I am wrong. This is the first thread in this thread, and the author is complaining about the police conducting traffic enforcement. In the authors last posting, he is complaining that the officers are not doing enough traffic enforcement? Which way does this guy want it?

Hey tom88. What I want is for SMCSO/MSP to place priorities on the items that need to be addressed first....drug influx, felonies, DUI's, etc....and worry about easy pickings last. It's tough to justify sitting in a parking lot to run radar when 2 blocks to the south there is open drug trading at a motel and liquor store.

DUI's are a problem everywhere, yes, I have a personal vendetta with this.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
desertrat said:
I don't know, but they just had a MINOR rear ender at 235 and KMart. The cops shut down two lanes when they should have told them to pull it off the road. You could barely see any damage. Why don't people, at least, have the sense to get off the roadway when its so minor?
Northbound or southbound?


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Hey tom88. What I want is for SMCSO/MSP to place priorities on the items that need to be addressed first....drug influx, felonies, DUI's, etc....and worry about easy pickings last. It's tough to justify sitting in a parking lot to run radar when 2 blocks to the south there is open drug trading at a motel and liquor store.

DUI's are a problem everywhere, yes, I have a personal vendetta with this.
Ok, that's fair. But I thought I read in the newspaper that the police were able to solve a murder and some robberies based on a traffic stop a week or so ago. If this is the case, then isn't important to conduct traffic stops. Also, if your worried about felonies, it seems to me if the police arrest someone who has a handgun and a bullet proof vest in a car where the driver was drunk and speeding, then I would submit this as proof the police are doing their job in the best way they know how. Here are two high profile incidents where truly bad people were arrested based on traffic stops. This seems to be evidence the police are trying to prevent more serious crimes by stopping the more minor ones. As far as the open air drug market, wouldn't the criminals hide when they see a marked police car? I know everything I read or see indicates that drug dealers always have lookouts for the police.


New Member
tom88 said:
Ok, that's fair. But I thought I read in the newspaper that the police were able to solve a murder and some robberies based on a traffic stop a week or so ago. If this is the case, then isn't important to conduct traffic stops. Also, if your worried about felonies, it seems to me if the police arrest someone who has a handgun and a bullet proof vest in a car where the driver was drunk and speeding, then I would submit this as proof the police are doing their job in the best way they know how. Here are two high profile incidents where truly bad people were arrested based on traffic stops. This seems to be evidence the police are trying to prevent more serious crimes by stopping the more minor ones. As far as the open air drug market, wouldn't the criminals hide when they see a marked police car? I know everything I read or see indicates that drug dealers always have lookouts for the police.
Well put Tom. I was going to respond to his diatribe, but decided to be the bigger man. I would continue the debate with him, but it is fruitless. He is a coward. I have identified myself as a police officer here in the county, however he refuses to state his profession, or lack there of!

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
(Insert crybaby whines here)

Hey, Special Officer Doofy....when are you going to do something productive, such as...I dunno...patrolling Great Mills Rd?

Word on the street is that you got a promotion. You're allowed to fill up the TP in the bathroom now too? Moving up in the world!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
smcop said:
Well put Tom. I was going to respond to his diatribe, but decided to be the bigger man. I would continue the debate with him, but it is fruitless. He is a coward. I have identified myself as a police officer here in the county, however he refuses to state his profession, or lack there of!
I am not really trying to get in the middle of your and his argument, but it's obvious he doesn't want to answer an intellegent question with an intellegent response.

Richard Cranium

New Member
tom88 said:
I am not really trying to get in the middle of your and his argument, but it's obvious he doesn't want to answer an intellegent question with an intellegent response.

The same spelling errors, taking up for yourself....quite an MPD you built there, smDOOFY.


New Member
smcop said:
Well put Tom. I was going to respond to his diatribe, but decided to be the bigger man. I would continue the debate with him, but it is fruitless. He is a coward. I have identified myself as a police officer here in the county, however he refuses to state his profession, or lack there of!


I'd just like to let you know that everything you have said in this debate is totally spot-on. I agree whole-heartedly and I know for sure than about 98.2% of other people here do too. He is such a coward! Let the coward go back to what what he is best at--a frie cook.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Civic duties? You can't deny the fact that they knowingly allow drug dealing and prostitution to occur at a known location and doing nothing about it. They'd rather sit in the parking lot and run radar, waiting for a motorcycle to come down the road doing 31/25.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Civic duties? You can't deny the fact that they knowingly allow drug dealing and prostitution to occur at a known location and doing nothing about it. They'd rather sit in the parking lot and run radar, waiting for a motorcycle to come down the road doing 31/25.

Tell my why prostitution should be a higher priority than speeding anyway. The posted speed limit is just that--its the LIMIT. Hell you probably should be doing less. Why? Because anything higher than that is considered dangerous, not just to yourself but to so many others around you, and with the amount of terrible drivers around here I am more fearful of speeders than people who go and pay for sex...WHOA!!! HE JUST PAYED FOR SEX!!!1!1 CREIMINAL OFFENSIVE TOP PRIORITY!!? Even drugs hell, let them do their drugs maybe they will od and remove themselves from society.


New Member
nomoney said:
so mr. stupid mpd, what subject are you going to try to get people riled up about after this one gets old? :popcorn:

Thank you to google and no thank you to anybody on this forum, i have uncovered the seemingly secret meaning of 'mpd' but only possibly. You see, define:mpd gave me a list. The top of which was 'multiple personality disorder' alternatively known as Dissociative identity disorder. And let me be the first to tell you: i'm pretty associative with my identity.

Therefore i must pose the question:
Do you mean to infer from my posts alone that I have this disorder based on their wording and nuances?
Do you dare accuse me of being someone else on this forum? And if so, who? And also why? Thanks,

Me. And nobody else.