Pigs on Willows Rd


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Yeah Pandora, I usually draw the line at 5'8" and 140, male .....you're SOL.

Thank God!

Anyway, I wasn't even speaking to you. I was speaking to my karma giver! :howdy:

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Instead of worrying about the major drug problem a block to the south, they'd rather visit Donut Connection and find a place to park/clock/eat and tell stories they saw on Cops.

When you actually see an officer eating at the donut connection please post a picture so we all will believe you. I've never seen them there except for having to respond there because the sorry a$$ thugs don't know to act.

You need to get with it, donut comments about the police are outdated. You need to come up with something a little more original. Considering you have all this time to think about what to complain about next, I'm sure you can think of something.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
basher said:
flash your high beams two or three times to oncoming traffic to warn of speed traps, that's what I do.....someone actually did that for me on Willows Rd. and I avoided a speeding ticket.....Thanks to the white SUV whoever you are :huggy:

I knew a guy that would do that, He ended up getting pulled over and got issued a ticket for unauthorized use of headlights and a fix it ticket. The officer told him headlights aren't supposed to blink on and off so you need to get them checked out. :lmao: :lmao:


I'm Rick James #####!
smcop said:
My point is if we were never in there, the average citizen wouldn't know there is crime there unless that citizen is involved with the criminal element.

Are you serious!? By your logic, if I observe behavior indicative of a drug deal and recognize it as such, I'm automatically involved?

You arrogant prick! Anybody can recognize shady behaviour by simply being aware of their surroundings and observing people. You certainly don't have to be a law enforcement officer to know when something is wrong.

Richard Cranium

New Member
(3) for MSP this weekend (including the one made early this AM, which I am giving Smokey the benefit of the doubt for).

Hey Barb...what are some reasons that MSP and SMCSO would do 75/30 without their lights/sirens?


24/7 Single Dad
Richard Cranium said:
Hey Barb...what are some reasons that MSP and SMCSO would do 75/30 without their lights/sirens?
They want to get to the bad guys quickly and don't want to advertise their arrival.
or maybe they were just keeping up with the flow of traffic :lol:


24/7 Single Dad
Barbra said:
Do a Ride-Along, and find out for yourself..
That sounds like a cool activity to do with my son, what's the minimum age for that?
I know he enjoyed him self the last time I got a speeding ticket :lol: VA state trooper gave him a Jr. trooper badge when the boy told him I always make him wear his seatbelt.
Had to tell a trooper he had left his lights on after a traffic stop today. He was just driving down the road flashing away. Hey, guess what, they're human!:lmao:


Working for the weekend
Richard Cranium said:
(3) for MSP this weekend (including the one made early this AM, which I am giving Smokey the benefit of the doubt for).

Hey Barb...what are some reasons that MSP and SMCSO would do 75/30 without their lights/sirens?
What is your issue, Ricky? I have watched you bad mouth law enforcement for some time now. Did you get kicked out of the academy? Are you really a security officer at the mall and dream of wearing a real badge? :bawl: I know........you wanted to be the cop in the Village People and were told you were too girly!! :jet: For heavens sake, get a freakin life! Those cops you see hanging out at a donut shop {so you claim} are the same ones that would respond if your sorry behind was carjacked or robbed. Yes, I have a large family full of cops, including my husband. Let's see, my nephew was almost knifed last week (a federal agent) by three illegals running a child prostitution ring, my father, a couple of weeks before he retired years ago, was responsible for tracking down and catching a serial rapist that violated over 75 women. Sure paying tickets stink, but obey the freakin' law and it would not happen to you! My own son chased a couple of crack heads out of my yard a couple of months ago, and a local cop actually stayed at my house for an hour and a half until I could get home to make my son feel at ease! What do you contribute to society besides sucking up work time on the internet? Get a life..........


harleygirl said:
What is your issue, Ricky? I have watched you bad mouth law enforcement for some time now. Did you get kicked out of the academy? Are you really a security officer at the mall and dream of wearing a real badge? :bawl: I know........you wanted to be the cop in the Village People and were told you were too girly!! :jet: For heavens sake, get a freakin life! Those cops you see hanging out at a donut shop {so you claim} are the same ones that would respond if your sorry behind was carjacked or robbed. Yes, I have a large family full of cops, including my husband. Let's see, my nephew was almost knifed last week (a federal agent) by three illegals running a child prostitution ring, my father, a couple of weeks before he retired years ago, was responsible for tracking down and catching a serial rapist that violated over 75 women. Sure paying tickets stink, but obey the freakin' law and it would not happen to you! My own son chased a couple of crack heads out of my yard a couple of months ago, and a local cop actually stayed at my house for an hour and a half until I could get home to make my son feel at ease! What do you contribute to society besides sucking up work time on the internet? Get a life..........

:yeahthat: :yay: :patriot:
Richard Cranium said:
Only 6 DUI/DWI arrests this past weekend between MSP and SMCSO.
Why just you dont STFU and accept that we need law enforcement in todays society? Im just as much against abuse of authority as the next guy but you take it a little over the edge.


Well-Known Member
thakidistight said:
Why just you dont STFU and accept that we need law enforcement in todays society? Im just as much against abuse of authority as the next guy but you take it a little over the edge.
6 Dwi/Dui's seems like a lot. How many other arrests, or incidents were taken? I heard about one of the dwi's the officer found a guy with a gun and bullet proof vest. Seems to me that they officer was preventing some serious crime there!


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Willows Rd seems to be a hotspot for revenue-collecting lately. SMCSO and MSP making big bucks at the speed limit drops. Be careful.
Now correct me if I am wrong. This is the first thread in this thread, and the author is complaining about the police conducting traffic enforcement. In the authors last posting, he is complaining that the officers are not doing enough traffic enforcement? Which way does this guy want it?