tom88 said:
Ok, but these are marked cars conducting radar. How do they go undercover? Shouldn't they be doing the job they are supposed to be doing? Why are you not giving them credit for the great job they are doing! In example, arresting a guy with a gun and bullet proof vest, and arresting a guy who commited a robbery and murder! Both of these things happened this month! Both off of traffic stops!
Let's see....with county money (or a previously confiscated POS) roll up to the motel, act cool, and ask who's holding. It's not that hard.
I'm sure smcop and bad1032 watch enough "COPS" on TV to see what a real bust is undercover.
I've seen Alioto's name associated with pulling over cars with drunk drivers and busting them with alot of weed. That's a good catch. I give him credit for that.
I see smcop sitting in a parking lot running radar when 3 boys in Columbia jackets are milling about the utility pole at the motel and liquor store. I don't give him any credit for that. I'm actually surprised he's let out of the men's bathroom at the Leonardtown Barracks. Rumor is he's going to start offering a handwashing and cologne service.