Pigs on Willows Rd


Big Poppa
Richard Cranium said:
They don't care what age you are if you're one of their boys.

Yeah you might be right there but im hispanic dumbass, and to be honest ive been to dew drop not my kind of crowd, id rather drink my beer with my friends. Go ahead start with the mexican jokes, ####ing ass pirate.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
You're as much of a douche as your boys smcop and bad1032. Start with the Mexican jokes? You feeling a little defensive today, are ya?
Call him names Dick Cranium, but we all know your the coward with the corrupt family! Have a good day. Dick!


Big Poppa
He can call me whatever he wants, your right he is a coward. Oh and dick something else for you to ponder while your beating off to pics of your mom, i also hang out with the somd boys in the parking lot. So while you call us fags, douches whatever your little dick desires while your online calling people out and not doing #### about it you can have your online dreams. Im not related to any cops im friend with a few and they are really good people. Hell i hope the day you need the cops your ass isnt helped, you can sit here and ridicule and call people what you want but they probably have and will help you out. If you get pulled over for speeding you deserve it, if you get arrested for something you deserve it. And like i have said they put there lives on the line to help people what do you do for a living. Must not be anything important considering you have all this time to sit here and ##### about everything. So please keep insulting everyone if it makes you fell like you have a pair, wait till this summer come up to wherever me and my friends hang out you can up there and we can see how big of a pair you have when your face to face with someone. You are a ####ing pussy..


He'll never take you up on your offer to meet face to face...trust me, I have tried. He's a chicken #### ass clown that does nothing but hide behind his computer screen.

Richard Cranium

New Member
blazinlow89 said:
wait till this summer come up to wherever me and my friends hang out you can up there and we can see how big of a pair you have when your face to face with someone. You are a ####ing pussy..

I do ride out to Annandale from time to time and pick up an entire truckload for $10/day.

Richard Cranium

New Member
oldnavy said:
He'll never take you up on your offer to meet face to face...trust me, I have tried. He's a chicken #### ass clown that does nothing but hide behind his computer screen.

Let me interpret this for the rest of you idiots....

"Hey everybody, give me some karma. I want to be your friend. Down with Richard!"


New Member
Dick why dont you just shut the yap, and quit walkin around canopy dressing like the lady, and no DICK I dont work at the barracks either, I wear Blue, sorry your sorry AZZ couldnt make it at A.S.F, :smack: so get back to the drive thru window at checkers and wait on the people,

Richard Cranium

New Member
bad1032 said:
Dick why dont you just shut the yap, and quit walkin around canopy dressing like the lady, and no DICK I dont work at the barracks either, I wear Blue, sorry your sorry AZZ couldnt make it at A.S.F, :smack: so get back to the drive thru window at checkers and wait on the people,

What does the A in ASF stand for? Your dumbass probably doesn't know, so I'll tell you. Auxiliary. Meaning, extra. That equates to people who already have jobs, who have to take time out of their normal jobs, to do the job of others who are too lazy to do their own job.

I've never seen a blue hue of pink. Guess one exists, right? :lmao:

You're an idiot. I can't wait to read about you in the paper, when your mouth writes a check your ass can't cash.

Richard Cranium

New Member
Barbra said:
So this is what you're reduced to, Richard? Denigrating people and name calling?

I have to put things on a level simple-minded pigs would understand. It's not my fault you hire rocks and give them radar guns and a ticket book.


Big Poppa
Thats the st. marys education system at work. And who the #### cares about my grammer, i bet i speak better english than you do ####er.

Richard Cranium

New Member
blazinlow89 said:
Thats the st. marys education system at work. And who the #### cares about my grammer, i bet i speak better english than you do ####er.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

If the above reply is anything indicative of your English, you have a long way to go, son.