Richard Cranium
New Member
blazin, you hang out at Dew Drop too much.
Richard Cranium said:blazin, you hang out at Dew Drop too much.
Richard Cranium said:They don't care what age you are if you're one of their boys.
Call him names Dick Cranium, but we all know your the coward with the corrupt family! Have a good day. Dick!Richard Cranium said:You're as much of a douche as your boys smcop and bad1032. Start with the Mexican jokes? You feeling a little defensive today, are ya?
blazinlow89 said:wait till this summer come up to wherever me and my friends hang out you can up there and we can see how big of a pair you have when your face to face with someone. You are a ####ing pussy..
oldnavy said:He'll never take you up on your offer to meet face to me, I have tried. He's a chicken #### ass clown that does nothing but hide behind his computer screen.
bad1032 said:Dick why dont you just shut the yap, and quit walkin around canopy dressing like the lady, and no DICK I dont work at the barracks either, I wear Blue, sorry your sorry AZZ couldnt make it at A.S.F,so get back to the drive thru window at checkers and wait on the people,
Barbra said:So this is what you're reduced to, Richard? Denigrating people and name calling?
Richard Cranium said:I have to put things on a level simple-minded pigs would understand. It's not my fault you hire rocks and give them radar guns and a ticket book.
blazinlow89 said:No your just retarded.
blazinlow89 said:Thats the st. marys education system at work. And who the #### cares about my grammer, i bet i speak better english than you do ####er.
bad1032 said:Dumbazz Dick, your the least of anyones worries about beating someones azz, so s.t.f.u![]()