Pigs on Willows Rd

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
I know I said I was going to ignore him, but he won't shut up! So what your saying is one of your family members was a crooked cop? That makes a lot of sense! You believe all police are crooked based on your family members "meeting behind closed doors". Well figures your kind is scumb!

You sure do like to twist words as you see fit, don't you? Typical SoMD pig.

A family member of mine was (and still is) the sheriff of the county I grew up in. I've had the opportunity to see how things work behind the scenes. I know how some of you tremble when hearing about having to go into certain places/hearing certain names, because you know your ass is about to be handed to you.

The petty BS is usually initiated at the bottom of the ranks. Using that perspective, you're nothing more than some rookie running his mouth.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
You sure do like to twist words as you see fit, don't you? Typical SoMD pig.

A family member of mine was (and still is) the sheriff of the county I grew up in. I've had the opportunity to see how things work behind the scenes. I know how some of you tremble when hearing about having to go into certain places/hearing certain names, because you know your ass is about to be handed to you.

The petty BS is usually initiated at the bottom of the ranks. Using that perspective, you're nothing more than some rookie running his mouth.
You finally said something that is true! I have trembled when going into bars where shots were being fired, but the difference between me and you is I GO IN!!! You sit on the internet and critique us that do! Because you are a COWARD!!!


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
You sure do like to twist words as you see fit, don't you? Typical SoMD pig.

A family member of mine was (and still is) the sheriff of the county I grew up in. I've had the opportunity to see how things work behind the scenes. I know how some of you tremble when hearing about having to go into certain places/hearing certain names, because you know your ass is about to be handed to you.

The petty BS is usually initiated at the bottom of the ranks. Using that perspective, you're nothing more than some rookie running his mouth.
You know people like you kill me! You go on a ride along, and all the sudden your an expert on police tactics. What a douche! You are too much a coward to do it yourself so you go on ride alongs, hide behind the cops, then critique what we do! Your family would be ashamed of you!


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Head over to the motel tonight and see if I'm there. You'll find out soon enough :coffee:
Why did the song "macho macho man" come to mind when I read this thread! :killingme


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
But I swear it was in self-defense....yet they say it is a capital offence :larry:
Here this is for you dickie, you should feel honored as I haven't had to use this in a long time! :killingme


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New Member
I would come down but then you would cry police brutalilty,smcop, your right he dont have the BALLS to be the man, he would rather sit back and complain about everything, he was probably beat up as a kid, :smack:

Richard Cranium

New Member
bad1032 said:
I would come down but then you would cry police brutalilty,smcop, your right he dont have the BALLS to be the man, he would rather sit back and complain about everything, he was probably beat up as a kid, :smack:

Sounds like you and smpig need to get a room :queerbaits:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Head over to the motel tonight and see if I'm there. You'll find out soon enough :coffee:
You know Dick, I showed up at the A&E last time you tried this and you didn't post because you are a coward!!!!


Big Poppa
smcop said:
I know I said I was going to ignore him, but he won't shut up! So what your saying is one of your family members was a crooked cop? That makes a lot of sense! You believe all police are crooked based on your family members "meeting behind closed doors". Well figures your kind is scumb!

Maybe hes from west virginia. No wonder they get behind closed doors. Richard STFU up your an idiot who is to stupid to realize what the hell reall cops do, they put there lives in danger everyday. Yeah i get pissed when i get pulled over but you sit here on the net none the less #####ing about how lazy cops are, how crooked and irresponsible they are. They sometimes drive fast, and i agree they shouldnt be allowed to unless there going to a scene or pulling someone over. But you have it in your head that there stupid. Lets throw a badge on your queer ass and see how long you keep your balls from turning into a vagina. Better yet lets make you a corrections offeicer and and leave you in a cell with some criminals to see what the cops really have to face. I respect cops i might not agree with what they do all the time but i respect them. So go blow a monkey and stop jerking off on the computer.


New Member
The reason he didnt show was his 10 minute break from checkers was up and he had to get back to the drive up window, he is a P.O.S :yay:


Big Poppa
Maybe trilogy, SMIB and Dick should have a circle jerk at the leonardtown motel since they all seem to love each other.

There is no reason dick deserves repsect i would like to see him in public with cops i bet hes one of those people who wont look at them when he goes into sheetz cuz hes scared to confront them. But on th net, pussy's seem to have big balls online.