Pigs on Willows Rd


Iron City
Richard Cranium said:
Let's see....with county money (or a previously confiscated POS) roll up to the motel, act cool, and ask who's holding. It's not that hard.

I'm sure smcop and bad1032 watch enough "COPS" on TV to see what a real bust is undercover.

I've seen Alioto's name associated with pulling over cars with drunk drivers and busting them with alot of weed. That's a good catch. I give him credit for that.

I see smcop sitting in a parking lot running radar when 3 boys in Columbia jackets are milling about the utility pole at the motel and liquor store. I don't give him any credit for that. I'm actually surprised he's let out of the men's bathroom at the Leonardtown Barracks. Rumor is he's going to start offering a handwashing and cologne service.

If you believe that is all there is to undercover police work, it is readily apparent you don't have a clue what real undercover work entails.


New Member
mrweb said:
If you believe that is all there is to undercover police work, it is readily apparent you don't have a clue what real undercover work entails.

Yeah you nub jock. You have no idea.


New Member
Dick if you knew ANY thing about police work you would know its a long term effort, you work it for a while then get what they call indictments, but since you know nothing about being the POLICE you would know how any of this works , go back to watching reno 911 and drooling wishing you could have been productive in the society, :smack:

Richard Cranium

New Member
bad1032 said:
Dick if you knew ANY thing about police work you would know its a long term effort, you work it for a while then get what they call indictments, but since you know nothing about being the POLICE you would know how any of this works , go back to watching reno 911 and drooling wishing you could have been productive in the society, :smack:

Contrary to what your pea-brained myopic self thinks, I know a thing or two about police work and being that a family member of mine is the sheriff in the county I grew up in, I've been to more than my fair share of meetings "behind closed doors". Your true colors come out when there's a bust at a place you know you don't want to go to. You can deny your pussification until you're blue in the face, because I really don't care. You're probably some chicken#### rent-a-pig who faints at the sight of blood.

Grow a sack before you run your mouth, son.


New Member
I have a sack, I am the man not some damn sissy running off at the yap. go back and to what ever state your sorry azz came from, a cop in the family, doubt it. If you are they probably disowned your sorry azz. :howdy:

Richard Cranium

New Member
bad1032 said:
I have a sack

Doubtful, highly unlikely. You and your butt-buddy smcop/spicy do alot of posting on here. Are you ever on the road, doing something productive? How about strolling to the liquor store in plain clothes, so you can see who's selling? Ah, but I forgot....that would mean going to the area that you pigs speed by every day and refuse to stop the influx of drugs and crime in the area, because you're comfortable running radar and collecting revenue.

Make your quotas this month. I expect to see a bust in early April.


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
It's bad when the "spelling police" spells fry wrong. :confused:
What is an MPD? I think what your saying is I am spice? I am not, but I guess I could understand why you would say that. But I know the next thing you will probably say is doth he protest too much? LOL. It's a no win. But could you tell me what an MPD is? Thanks.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Contrary to what your pea-brained myopic self thinks, I know a thing or two about police work and being that a family member of mine is the sheriff in the county I grew up in, I've been to more than my fair share of meetings "behind closed doors". Your true colors come out when there's a bust at a place you know you don't want to go to. You can deny your pussification until you're blue in the face, because I really don't care. You're probably some chicken#### rent-a-pig who faints at the sight of blood.

Grow a sack before you run your mouth, son.
I know I said I was going to ignore him, but he won't shut up! So what your saying is one of your family members was a crooked cop? That makes a lot of sense! You believe all police are crooked based on your family members "meeting behind closed doors". Well figures your kind is scumb!