Politicizing another funeral...


Super Genius
duzzey1a said:
And yet it is still ironic the our current president attended even after his calling for a nationwide spying program.
When did he do that? I missed that one.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
That's all I was saying. YOU, Miss, got offended and blew it all out of proportion because you're overly sensitive to race.

The fact that you DONT see what you said as racist says everything!

And what is really funny is that you say 99% of people would know who she is, acuse me of not know who she was, but then say YOU knew. So you are the 1 out of a hundred? must be nice to be so smart and so special at the same time.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It would have been appropriate for Bush to make a brief speech in rememberance of Mrs. King, the way he did with Rosa Parks or any other person of note who dies. The flag bit and attending the funeral, not to mention bringing her up in the State of the Union, was overkill and designed specifically to "reach out to blacks". And while "reaching out to blacks" is all fine and good, you can't be surprised when you reach out to people who hate you and get your hand bitten off.

That's all I was saying. YOU, Miss, got offended and blew it all out of proportion because you're overly sensitive to race.QUOTE]

I guess what you are alluding to in your remarks is that you don't consider the wife of MLK to be a national figure, worthy of national reflection and among all things, a "brief" mention of her passing in a national address. You call these things "bits", like they were acts foolishness.

I guess there is nothing to argue about since it is your opinion, of which you have the 'right' to.

...and I messed the quote thing up.. sorry! (Edit)
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
lexigirl75 said:
Again I did not agree with that. I think it was embarrassing and you have some preachers like that who do not have tact. I did not hear the entire speech but I did here the part about WMD's and I thought it took away from the entire event. One thing I do not do is embarrass others by putting them on blast at an inappropriate time.
Again, as I have told others, disagree all you want. I have nothing against any person saying anything about anyone, but when it is the Minister, the Preacher, the Father, the Reverend doing so in their church, that by the way is tax exempt and thus it is supposed to be outside of the political arena, then I have a problem. Standing on the side of the street or in the public square or just about anywhere else they can just spout away, say what they want, but doing so in a tax-exempt church where the message is political is wrong and should result in the loss of the exemption.

The government should stay out of the churches business and the churches should stay out of the governments business.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
And yet it is still ironic the our current president attended even after his calling for a nationwide spying program. The FBI(LBJ's era) was notorious for unleashing spying programs on many political groups within out nations inner-cities. But that is besides the point..
I think it's hysterical that Jimmy Carter compared wire-tapping terrorists with wire-tapping MLK.

Where's the outrage at having MLK compared to a terrorist?


LexiGirl75 said:
I totally did not agree with that commercial. He was so wrong for that. Those places put people further in debt. I am not saying he is noble I am just saying that he has tried if not succeeded in helping at least once. Even if it was just to give a crying destraught person a hug.
"Judge not a man by the color of his skin, but the content of his character" I think you are judging Al and Jesse by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Just because they are black does not make them, or what they do, good for black America. Examine the content of their character it all leads to money, corruption, inflamation, aggitation, illegitimate children, falshoods and lies. How can that be good for black America?


Football addict
Ken King said:
Again, as I have told others, disagree all you want. I have nothing against any person saying anything about anyone, but when it is the Minister, the Preacher, the Father, the Reverend doing so in their church, that by the way is tax exempt and thus it is supposed to be outside of the political arena, then I have a problem. Standing on the side of the street or in the public square or just about anywhere else they can just spout away, say what they want, but doing so in a tax-exempt church where the message is political is wrong and should result in the loss of the exemption.

The government should stay out of the churches business and the churches should stay out of the governments business.
Not arguing or anything, I think this is a great argument but I have a few questions.

Political parties seem to 'use' various religions for their gain, why can't religions do the same where their particular beliefs lie?

A church is there for the people of it's neighboring community. Usually the church will conduct numerous events to strengthen that community. Isn't this sort of like a Non-profit organization?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
The fact that you DONT see what you said as racist says everything!
There it is - the "r" word. :rolleyes:

Please explain to me why it's racist to not think of Coretta Scott King as a VIP?

Personally, I think you all are the racists because you get all excited about the "wife of" just because she's black and are ready to scream the "r" word at anyone who disagrees.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I think it's hysterical that Jimmy Carter compared wire-tapping terrorists with wire-tapping MLK.

Where's the outrage at having MLK compared to a terrorist?


I don't think that was the message he was trying to convey. I think he was making a connection between the current practice of wire-tapping suspected terrorists with the wire tapping of political and civil activists of the '60s. During that time, if you spoke out on certain issues and gained considerable attention, the fbi or whoever, would pay more attention to you. I remember hearing of such operations in Philidelphia and Los Angeles.

As far as Carter comparing King to a terrorist, now,I don't think so. In the 60s? Maybe!


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
There it is - the "r" word. :rolleyes:

Please explain to me why it's racist to not think of Coretta Scott King as a VIP?

Personally, I think you all are the racists because you get all excited about the "wife of" just because she's black and are ready to scream the "r" word at anyone who disagrees.
Oh please.....

it wasn't the "wife of" comment that was the indicator, it was the "pandering" comment.

the "wife of" comment, as far as i could tell, wasn't associated with race.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
There it is - the "r" word. :rolleyes:

Please explain to me why it's racist to not think of Coretta Scott King as a VIP?

Personally, I think you all are the racists because you get all excited about the "wife of" just because she's black and are ready to scream the "r" word at anyone who disagrees.

I don't see us or you as a racist. What I can see is a person that doesn't like to admit that she is wrong and hates it when noone agrees.


New Member
Politicizing another fu... 02-08-2006 02:08 PM YOU ARE DENSE!

Oh! Really? Please explain.. Mr. or Mrs. anonymous!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
it wasn't the "wife of" comment that was the indicator, it was the "pandering" comment.

the "wife of" comment, as far as i could tell, wasn't associated with race.
So if I notice politicians bending over backward to appeal to a particular race, it's racist of me to mention it?

I'll keep that in mind.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Not arguing or anything, I think this is a great argument but I have a few questions.

Political parties seem to 'use' various religions for their gain, why can't religions do the same where their particular beliefs lie?

A church is there for the people of it's neighboring community. Usually the church will conduct numerous events to strengthen that community. Isn't this sort of like a Non-profit organization?
Churches can condone and engage in active politics if they give up their tax-exempt status. The same goes for other tax-exempt organizations that are limited on what they can and cannot do in the political arena. Give up that benefit of not paying into the system and they, like the rest of us, are more than capabale of paying to play.


duzzey1a said:

I don't think that was the message he was trying to convey. I think he was making a connection between the current practice of wire-tapping suspected terrorists with the wire tapping of political and civil activists of the '60s. During that time, if you spoke out on certain issues and gained considerable attention, the fbi or whoever, would pay more attention to you. I remember hearing of such operations in Philidelphia and Los Angeles.

As far as Carter comparing King to a terrorist, now,I don't think so. In the 60s? Maybe!
His "connection" to wire tapping political activist in the 1960's with intercepting internation calls into the US by suspected terrorist is just as loose as the hypothetical "connection" DJ made.

Why is it if a Democrat like Carter makes a statement he is an "activist" and a Republican makes one they are "racist"? IE: Trent Lott re: Strom Thurmond
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
I don't see us or you as a racist. What I can see is a person that doesn't like to admit that she is wrong and hates it when noone agrees.
Why should I admit that my opinion is wrong? It's my opinion!

The fact is that Bush showed up at her funeral and was insulted for his effort. It's my opinion that he shouldn't have gone in the first place and that the only reason he did it was to appeal to blacks. If you can prove to me that this is not the case, I'll gladly admit I was wrong.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
So if I notice politicians bending over backward to appeal to a particular race, it's racist of me to mention it?

I'll keep that in mind.

No, its that you consider the President honoring a black person-who YOU don't feel is worthy- is pandering to the black community.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
I think he was making a connection between the current practice of wire-tapping suspected terrorists with the wire tapping of political and civil activists of the '60s.
Like I said - Carter compared MLK to a terrorist.

Wire-tapping in the name of national security against terrorists is one thing. To compare it with the FBI stalking a non-violent civil rights leader is just ignorant. If Democrats and other "civil rights leaders" had a shred of integrity, they'd take Carter to task over that.

Notice none of them have done that? Because that's their guy. Trent Lott gets excoriated for praising Strom Thurmond, but Jimmy Carter can compare MLK to a terrorist and...not a peep.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Why should I admit that my opinion is wrong? It's my opinion!

The fact is that Bush showed up at her funeral and was insulted for his effort. It's my opinion that he shouldn't have gone in the first place and that the only reason he did it was to appeal to blacks. If you can prove to me that this is not the case, I'll gladly admit I was wrong.

Here we go.....

"My opinion doesn't need to be defended becasue I am right, now prove the negative to what i ahve proposed!!!"


vraiblonde said:
Why should I admit that my opinion is wrong? It's my opinion!

The fact is that Bush showed up at her funeral and was insulted for his effort. It's my opinion that he shouldn't have gone in the first place and that the only reason he did it was to appeal to blacks. If you can prove to me that this is not the case, I'll gladly admit I was wrong.
I believe the reason that he went is because all the other former presidents were going. If he didn't go he would have looked bad AND he is a compassionate person and probably had a strong desire to show his respect to a fine person. It is a shame that the hacks could not show the same degree of respect.

As far as "pandering" I am not so sure that was the case. In 2004 it was highly publicized that he skipped the NAACP invite to appear. He knew it was futile, with a hostile crowd and he would not be treated with respect or listened to. I suspect he hoped that a funeral would be neutral, he was wrong.