Politicizing another funeral...


donbarzini said:
You're right about that.....but....If the liberals want us to separate church and state in the schools, then they have to do the same in the pulpit.

And the same thing in politics. I do remember Bush wearing his religion on his forehead during the last election. That brought many church members, white AND black to him.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Why should I admit that my opinion is wrong? It's my opinion!

The fact is that Bush showed up at her funeral and was insulted for his effort. It's my opinion that he shouldn't have gone in the first place and that the only reason he did it was to appeal to blacks. If you can prove to me that this is not the case, I'll gladly admit I was wrong.

In my opinion, your post stating that this woman was a nobody was wrong. Your post, stating that she deserves nothing, not even a mention of her passing as national announcement was wrong. You state that Bush's involvment was nothing more than a pandering effort was wrong.

I guess the involvment of all the former presidents that are still alive
(without Bush Sr.) was also pandering as well. Can you imagine for a moment that maybe the former leaders of the free world took time to say their respects to a deceased leader..


undrcvr12 said:
And the same thing in politics. I do remember Bush wearing his religion on his forehead during the last election. That brought many church members, white AND black to him.
You are correct, Bush should pay taxes............oops, he already does.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
No, its that you consider the President honoring a black person-who YOU don't feel is worthy- is pandering to the black community.
So basically, I'm a racist because I don't consider Mrs. King a particularly important person? Condoleeza Rice is black, and if she were to die it would be perfectly appropriate for the President to attend her funeral and fly the flags at half-mast. Colin Powell is black, and same goes for him. Clarence Thomas - you bet.

And I wouldn't think he was only doing it to pander to blacks.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Like I said - Carter compared MLK to a terrorist.

Wire-tapping in the name of national security against terrorists is one thing. To compare it with the FBI stalking a non-violent civil rights leader is just ignorant. If Democrats and other "civil rights leaders" had a shred of integrity, they'd take Carter to task over that.

Notice none of them have done that? Because that's their guy. Trent Lott gets excoriated for praising Strom Thurmond, but Jimmy Carter can compare MLK to a terrorist and...not a peep.

You don't know your history very well. Or at least what you learned wasn't very accurate. Sorry.

Remember Hoover....from zpub.com

J. Edgar Hoover's obsession with King is also well-documented in FBI files. These files show examples such as the FBI calling Marquette University in 1964 to tell them not to award an honorary degree to King. At Springfield College (Mass.) a month later, the FBI told the college that King's SCLC was "Communist affiliated". J. Edgar & Martin Hoover's FBI mailed tapes of King's sexual affairs to his wife and tried to blackmail him politically; in an anonymous letter, encouraged him to commit suicide; and, among other disinformation successes, convinced Marquette University officials in 1964 to back out of giving King an honorary degree.
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duzzey1a said:
You don't know your history very well. Or at least what you learned wasn't very accurate. Sorry.
Are you saying Bobby Kennedy did not have Hoover wire tap MLK?


BuddyLee said:
Not arguing or anything, I think this is a great argument but I have a few questions.

Political parties seem to 'use' various religions for their gain, why can't religions do the same where their particular beliefs lie?

A church is there for the people of it's neighboring community. Usually the church will conduct numerous events to strengthen that community. Isn't this sort of like a Non-profit organization?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
You don't know your history very well. Or at least what you learned wasn't very accurate. Sorry.
And you don't read very well. Show me, please, where I said anything different than the passage you posted?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
So basically, I'm a racist because I don't consider Mrs. King a particularly important person? Condoleeza Rice is black, and if she were to die it would be perfectly appropriate for the President to attend her funeral and fly the flags at half-mast. Colin Powell is black, and same goes for him. Clarence Thomas - you bet.

And I wouldn't think he was only doing it to pander to blacks.
And of course you, the 1 in 100 who knows who C.S.king is, also knows better than the president and his staff who is appropriate for him to honor. :bigwhoop:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
duzzey1a said:
Did you not start off by saying that this lady was a "nobody". Did you not say that the president attending the funeral and flying half mast colors was silly?

Excuse me?
Yes, but I did NOT say that her death should have gone unnoticed. IF YOU READ you will see that I said he should have made a brief speech, but that the flags and attendence was overkill.

Sorry my words are right there in black and white so you can't twist them to your advantage. :huggy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
And of course you, the 1 in 100 who knows who C.S.king is, also knows better than the president and his staff who is appropriate for him to honor.
If Jesse Jackson's wife died, would you expect the President to attend her funeral and have the flags flown at half-mast in her honor? Can you tell me her name without looking it up?

How about if Louis Farrakhan's wife died? Do you know her name?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Yes, but I did NOT say that her death should have gone unnoticed. IF YOU READ you will see that I said he should have made a brief speech, but that the flags and attendence was overkill.

Sorry my words are right there in black and white so you can't twist them to your advantage. :huggy:
nobody is twisting anything, what you said, so it doesn't get twisted, was:
vrai said:
But this is what Bush gets for pandering to blacks by attending the funeral anyway.
Maybe that means C.S.King was a good person, and Bush should have homored her with a speech instead of attending the funeral. But it sure sounds to me like "Bush deserved to get his ass handed to him because he was hanging out with those unapreciative blacks"


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
I think it's hysterical that Jimmy Carter compared wire-tapping terrorists with wire-tapping MLK.

Where's the outrage at having MLK compared to a terrorist?

I do believe that at the time MLK was thought to be a terrorist-type. I am sure you know the political word for it Mrs. Pander.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Yes, but I did NOT say that her death should have gone unnoticed. IF YOU READ you will see that I said he should have made a brief speech, but that the flags and attendence was overkill.

Sorry my words are right there in black and white so you can't twist them to your advantage. :huggy:

Okay, lets do this. I am going to stick strickly to the flag and attendance "bit"

I have buried many high ranking officials over at Arlington. They all had half mast burials. This is an honor given to deceased people in America that in one way or another shaped the American worldview. Lets do a wiki on half mast ceremonies..

Quote: "In the United States, the President or Governor of a state or territory can issue an Executive Order for the flag of the United States to be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States government, and others, as a mark of respect to their memory...

...Upon Proclamation of the President, including remembrance of the 9/11 attacks, the death of Pope John Paul II, the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003, the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and the Indian Ocean tsunami, death of Corretta Scott King..."

So Vrai, lets consider this honor to the pope - "overkill", to the Columbia astronauts, "overkill", to the dead Katrina victims, "overkill"..


100% Goapele Head!
Pete said:
"Judge not a man by the color of his skin, but the content of his character" I think you are judging Al and Jesse by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. Just because they are black does not make them, or what they do, good for black America. Examine the content of their character it all leads to money, corruption, inflamation, aggitation, illegitimate children, falshoods and lies. How can that be good for black America?

I never said they were good for black america nor did I separate them as an entity from those OTHER political figures I mentioned that helped too.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
If Jesse Jackson's wife died, would you expect the President to attend her funeral and have the flags flown at half-mast in her honor? Can you tell me her name without looking it up?

How about if Louis Farrakhan's wife died? Do you know her name?
don't know farrakhan's
and i wouldn't have a problem with it if the Prez thought he should go

BTW, MLK and Farrakhan aren't comparable, you might want to read up a little


100% Goapele Head!
vraiblonde said:
There it is - the "r" word. :rolleyes:

Please explain to me why it's racist to not think of Coretta Scott King as a VIP?

Personally, I think you all are the racists because you get all excited about the "wife of" just because she's black and are ready to scream the "r" word at anyone who disagrees.

You are the one that said she was a nobody. Had it been Nancy Reagan I doubt you would have said that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LexiGirl75 said:
I do believe that at the time MLK was thought to be a terrorist-type.
Terrorists kill people. I've never heard of MLK doing anything like that and I highly doubt even LBJ or Hoover thought he was. In any event, I've never heard of MLK being called or compared to a terrorist until Jimmy Carter did it.