Politics is Downstream From Culture


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TRILLIONS Lost as Everyone REJECTS Woke Agendas Worldwide + Woke Freaks Demand Conservatives BURN​

Work Progressives: If you OPPOSE ESG you are a Right Wing Terrorist

Anti-woke economic terrorists have now wiped out $5 trillion in stock value

The repercussions of the anti-ESG downturn have not been felt uniformly. Investors of color bear a disproportionately heavy burden as they are more likely than white folks to invest in companies aligned with ethical and sustainable practices. These are, after all, the companies that are also willing to affirm that non-white lives matter.

While anti-ESG sentiment erodes financial portfolios of color, it also undermines our collective efforts to promote positive change through responsible investing. And the broader implications suggest an ever widening gap in wealth and opportunity, as losses to portfolios of color only exacerbate existing disparities.

[ Lets that's break that down - OF COURSE Dummy, if ESG is INVESTING in Black companies and then if ESG investment drys up, then ofc going to affect POC ]

Let’s be clear about where to put the blame. Conservative lawmakers, driven by an irrational culture of anti-woke hysteria, have actively taken measures to resist the incorporation of ESG principles into business and investing. This opposition has manifested in legislative efforts across multiple states, from Florida to Utah, where lawmakers are pushing back against the injection of ethics into the financial sector.

The anti-woke hysteria driving them finds its origins in unmoderated online communities, most notably hate platforms like 4chan and X. Bitter young males — often incels — from these darkweb sites are brutally enforcing a vast online alt-right echo chamber, effectively drowning out more rational voices. This shapes not only public discourse but also the policy decisions of conservative lawmakers eager to put harmful online ideas into legal practice.

The hate from these groups has picked up steam with the tanking of Anheuser-Busch, and is often controlled by extremist statements from alt-right leaders and podcasters. 4chan and X erupted in celebration on Wednesday

Outside of a few token efforts, the powerful ripple effects of these online ideologies on real-world policies is something that has not been grappled with. And far too many are still afraid to call the phenomenon what it is: terrorism.

Because it is terrorism, as uncomfortable as the implications may be. MSNBC agrees:
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Reacting to CRINGE “White Dudes for Harris” Celebrity Takes​

The Obnoxious 'White Women For Kamala' Zoom Call​



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Star Wars Outlaws

Actress modeling for lead character

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humberly gonzalez 6 scaled

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HUMBERLY GONZALEZ at a Photoshoot, November 2021 - HawtCelebs

Game Character


Star Wars Outlaws Devs Demands YOU Embrace Ugly Woke Female Future + Activist Freaks RUIN Batman​



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Joe Rogan TRIGGERS Left Over Jokes About Trans People And Vaccines, Leftists DONT UNDERSTAND HUMOR​



PREMO Member

Slavery in America

Today people are taught, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst.

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine actually said, "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody; we created it."

An MSNBC "expert" claims "American slavery was worse because slaves were treated as property."

"That's complete nonsense," replies political science professor Wilfred Reilly in my new video. "Generational slavery, (where) if you're the son of a slave, you're a slave ... that was extraordinarily common."

Reilly's new book "Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me," rebuts anti-American propaganda that dominates many American schoolbooks today.

Partly thanks to the New York Times' "1619 Project," students are taught that "America's slavery (was) unlike anything that had existed before."

"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging your historical mistakes," Reilly responds. "I'm Black, Irish, a bit Native American ... Those are three peoples who have experienced a great deal historically. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that. But it's extremely odd to focus only on the negatives of your society. And to exaggerate those!"

Kids are now taught that slavers bought people in Africa and shipped them to the United States. Few are taught that most were shipped elsewhere.

"Between 10.7 million and 12 million slaves from Africa went to the New World -- we got a little under 400,000," says Reilly. That's less than 4%.


PREMO Member
🪖🪖 MULTIPLIER ORDERS: Last week, Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham published a controversial new book, “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda.” In her heavily-footnoted, carefully-cited book, Basham described a decades-long conspiracy among leftist billionaires, some of whose names rhyme with ‘Noros,’ to infiltrate America’s churches and seed wacky leftist ideas like climate change, gay marriage, trans surgeries, and open borders.

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How are they doing it? Bribing them with money. In Shepherds for Sale, Basham names names, identifying prominent Evangelical leaders and even pastors who grabbed money from Soros-affiliated groups with innocent-sounding names, and then suddenly warmed up to all kinds of bizarre, non-Biblical ideas.

Basham’s book has ignited a firestorm in Evangelical circles and ginned up predictable cancellation efforts.

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This multiplier isn’t just for Christians. The conspiracy revealed in Basham’s book affects us all, Christians and non-Christians alike. Firstly, it describes how the leftists infiltrate our institutions and create astroturfed political campaigns to support loony schemes like cap-and-trade and childhood chop-a-dictoffmies. These sneaky efforts imperil all our institutions, religious or secular, far beyond churches alone.

But more importantly, if our churches are ever successfully undermined, we will lose the country, and fast. The reason far-left billionaires are targeting Christians is because we constitute the most significant impediment to the globalists’ ‘progressive’ agenda.

As a reminder, after a regrettably faltering start, the Church arguably did more to reverse the pandemic’s authoritarian excesses than did any other institution. More mandates were struck over Constitutional religious liberties than any other single issue. Lockdowns were abandoned after even the liberal Ninth Circuit held churches couldn’t be closed or pastors fined for holding services.

Given the slightly different form, we’ll have to skip the ending in ‘2’ tradition this time. Basham’s new book is currently number 5 on Amazon’s top-seller list. Let’s flex C&C’s muscle and ram it up to number one. If you can easily afford it, you know what to do (Kindle version, $17.99). If you have an extra moment, add a supportive review. You might even work a ‘2’ in there somewhere. (Amazon objectors, here’s the link to the Barnes and Nobles version ($15.99).)

Happy hunting, C&C!



#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Slavery in America

Today people are taught, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst.

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine actually said, "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody; we created it."

An MSNBC "expert" claims "American slavery was worse because slaves were treated as property."

"That's complete nonsense," replies political science professor Wilfred Reilly in my new video. "Generational slavery, (where) if you're the son of a slave, you're a slave ... that was extraordinarily common."

Reilly's new book "Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me," rebuts anti-American propaganda that dominates many American schoolbooks today.

Partly thanks to the New York Times' "1619 Project," students are taught that "America's slavery (was) unlike anything that had existed before."

"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging your historical mistakes," Reilly responds. "I'm Black, Irish, a bit Native American ... Those are three peoples who have experienced a great deal historically. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that. But it's extremely odd to focus only on the negatives of your society. And to exaggerate those!"

Kids are now taught that slavers bought people in Africa and shipped them to the United States. Few are taught that most were shipped elsewhere.

"Between 10.7 million and 12 million slaves from Africa went to the New World -- we got a little under 400,000," says Reilly. That's less than 4%.
the ignorance of the left is stunning...a bright light focused on the near-total failure of our education systems in the last 30 years or more.


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Woman "SUED HER PARENTS" For Being Born & Sued Her SPERM DONOR And Won 12k$ A Month | Kozmicverse​
