Politics of Covid 19 Vaccines


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Liberal Feels Sad For Man Dying Of COVID, Then Happy After Hearing He Wasn’t Vaccinated, Then Sad Again Because He Was An Illegal Immigrant



Well-Known Member
Liberal are sheep. They are easily herded by any idiot who works for the Government.
This guy Faucci changes his mind from day to day, and IMO loves his 15 minutes which is going into a year and a half and he stil doesn't know any more about WTF he is talking about than he did then.
Now he is working on a way to spread Ebola, since Covid didn't kill enough of us.

Don't believe me?? ------------Google it.


PREMO Member
Leader Of SEIU, California’s Largest State Worker Union, Opposes Newsom’s Deadline To Verify Vaccinations

California’s largest state worker union has demanded government officials “come to the bargaining table” over Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom’s mandate requiring all state employees to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination by August 2 or be subject to weekly testing.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 President Richard Louis Brown posted a letter to social media on Wednesday to the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR). Written by the union’s chief counsel, the letter claimed “the Governor abruptly turned away from the legal requirements of notice and bargaining” by changing work conditions for the local’s 96,000 members.

Brown said he “did not consult” the union’s board before the document was drafted, a move that has reportedly divided members, according to The Sacramento Bee.

Interesting the UNIONS are making a play like this, seems like a huge money grab, not a real opposition to the vaccine


If I may ...
If I may ...

"While a positive antibody test result can be used to help identify people who may have had a prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, more research is needed in people who have received a COVID-19 vaccination."

Funny. I thought it was already settled science?

"In other words, the FDA is saying, “Look, the vaccine creates specific antibodies against the spike protein, not the virus. If you take the standard antibody test after vaccination, it’ll be useless, because the test isn’t meant to detect antibodies against the spike protein. It only detects antibodies against the virus.” [3]"

And ... The EUA status means the so-called “vaccines” haven’t been licensed for use but were allowed to be rushed to market due to a declared false health emergency. They are still “investigational,” according to the FDA, and everyone who’s received one is part of a massive human experiment. Thank goodness I'm in the control group.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member
I Know Exactly Who Is To Blame for This New Wave of COVID-19, and I Know Who Is Making a Fortune on It

Only days ago, President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publicly blamed and shamed "unvaccinated Americans" for this new wave of the COVID-19 virus. I spent days ripping this narrative to shreds on my national radio show. It's a great big lie.


I've uncovered the fraud. On May 1, the CDC stopped counting cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated Americans. That's what allowed them to say this new wave was 100% due to the unvaccinated. They just stopped counting anyone sick who damaged their sales pitch.

That's fraud on a massive scale. But why?

It's all about the Benjamins. Let's follow the money trail.

Biden, Fauci and the CDC are clearly shilling for Big Pharma and the vaccine manufacturers. Those vaccine companies are making a killing (excuse the pun). You don't think Big Pharma is handing out payola (i.e., bribes) to politicians, the media and CDC and FDA bureaucrats to scare the hell out of Americans, thereby convincing them to get vaccinated, even though they all know the vaccines aren't working?

CULPRIT NO. 2: CHINA. China is to blame. Blaming "unvaccinated Americans" is a weapon of mass distraction. China sent this bioweapon our way. This is China's pandemic. China is pure evil. China is guilty of mass murder. China is on the hook for $10 trillion or more in damages. China caused a worldwide economic depression. And it isn't over yet. Biden is itching to announce a national lockdown that will destroy our economy. Who benefits? China. Is Biden on China's payroll? How much is China paying into offshore accounts?

CULPRIT NO. 3: BIDEN HIMSELF. If COVID-19 is so bad, so dangerous, so deadly, why did Biden open the borders and invite 1.1 million refugees into America since January?

These people are from the most poverty-stricken countries in the world. They are starving; they live among filth and squalor. They are therefore weak and their immune systems damaged. They bring with them Third World illness and disease. These are the dreaded superspreaders.


PREMO Member
'The unvaccinated, who have a much, much, much greater chance of being infected in the first place, are the ones most vulnerable to getting severe illness that might lead to hospitalization and, in some cases, death.'

He added: 'So we're looking, not to lockdown, but we're looking to some pain and suffering in the future because we're seeing the cases go up, which is the reason why we keep saying over and over again, the solution to this is get vaccinated or this would not be happening.'

While this week the nation saw a surge in Americans getting the shot, as coronavirus cases rise driven largely by the more infectious delta variant, still only about 60 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated.



PREMO Member
MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is 'Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,' and 'Sophisticated'

The condescension is political in nature and crosses party lines. Sometimes, arguments against vaccination are mistaken for irrational thinking.

Sometimes the perception of irrationality is almost accidental, because arguments are usually social interactions, not strictly logical exercises. A vaccine skeptic may brush off a proponent by saying, “It’s approved for emergency use only; it’s not FDA-approved. I don’t think we should require it.” The skeptic is beginning with a fact that’s easily established and shareable. But when pressed, they might reveal that their line of thinking is elsewhere: “There are no long-term studies, and I’m worried about possible long-term effects.” Because the two objections aren’t exactly logically connected, the proponent concludes it is irrationalism all the way down.
But a study done at MIT showed that a substantial portion of public-health skepticism was highly informed, scientifically literate, and sophisticated in the use of data. Skeptics used the same data sets as those with the orthodox views on public health.
The study’s lead author, Crystal Lee, says those same exact data sets can be used by either side to marshal arguments.
MIT News:

The researchers combed through hundreds of thousands of social media posts and found that coronavirus skeptics often deploy counter-visualizations alongside the same “follow-the-data” rhetoric as public health experts, yet the skeptics argue for radically different policies. The researchers conclude that data visualizations aren’t sufficient to convey the urgency of the Covid-19 pandemic, because even the clearest graphs can be interpreted through a variety of belief systems.

“A lot of people think of metrics like infection rates as objective,” says Crystal Lee. “But they’re clearly not, based on how much debate there is on how to think about the pandemic. That’s why we say data visualizations have become a battleground.”

In fact, because of the data sets being used interchangeably, vaccine skepticism becomes logical and rational.1

But most vaccine skepticism, if by that we mean reluctance, is not based on conspiracy theorizing — it’s based on risk-benefit calculations. You may think it’s an innumerate calculation. But when you look at patterns of uptake in the United States, two factors stand out, factors that are larger in their effect than partisanship: age and density. The older you are and the denser your community, the more likely you are to be vaccinated. The younger you are, and the more rural your community, the less likely you are to have gotten it. This reflects the real facts about the risk of death from COVID. People may be wildly overestimating their risk from the vaccine and underestimating their risks from COVID — but they have the directional thinking correct. Those who are in less danger, act like it.

This is why vaccine choice is so important. Why have the same mandate for someone who lives in New York City and someone who lives in rural South Dakota?
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If I may ...
If I may ...

And what is stated on that document, (link below), called "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel". Read what is on the last page and some others. But overall the whole should be read to understand what the first article is relating.

* DO NOT DISCARD: Important product-specific information *

This test has not been FDA cleared or approved.

This test has been authorized by FDA under an EUA for use by authorized laboratories.

This test has been authorized only for the detection of nucleic acid from 2019-nCoV, not for any other viruses or pathogens.

This test is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 under Section 564(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the authorization is terminated or revoked sooner."

However, it is now, and has been from the beginning, known, that the RT-PCR test was/is not fit for purpose as it can not differentiate, (and wan't even invented/developed/designed to do so), between any virus fragment particles; such a flu virus, a cold virus, let alone the dreaded "COVID" "virus".

But, it was given/granted special use by way of an Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) to the CDC from the FDA that has never been cleared or approved for use, ever, (just like the fake vaccine), knowing that the test was incapable of identifying what virus fragments it was magnifying. Did the media ever inform us of the Emergency Use Authorization of this ineffective test that was giving questionable positive results for millions of people forced/demanded/coerced/prodded/required/scared into, just to continue working, or for a false peace of mind, even for those asymptomatic? NO!

Which is part of the reason, I'm guessing, as to why the CDC is, "After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only."

So, how do you, the class, feel about getting bent over into getting tested, or falling for the media mania fear porn into getting tested, that resulted in you deciding, because of that test, or upon hearing all the fear porn of the millions of positive tests of others, into getting the experimental solution injection? Asking for a friend.


Well-Known Member
I think while we're on a roll of en"forcing" masks and vaccines we should have a condom mandate and forced birth control too. You can only go rubberless if you can show proof that you or your partner are using some other form of birth control. If you choose not to use any birth control you must pre-pay 18 years of child support and show proof that you are capable of raising a child.

After all, a condom may be uncomfortable, but it's only for a few minutes and could save a child being born to parents that we deem not fit for parenthood.


Just sneakin' around....
I think while we're on a roll of en"forcing" masks and vaccines we should have a condom mandate and forced birth control too. You can only go rubberless if you can show proof that you or your partner are using some other form of birth control. If you choose not to use any birth control you must pre-pay 18 years of child support and show proof that you are capable of raising a child.

After all, a condom may be uncomfortable, but it's only for a few minutes and could save a child being born to parents that we deem not fit for parenthood.
Well, you're a real party pooper.