Politics of Covid 19 Vaccines


PREMO Member
Professor granted vaccine exemption after he sues university to recognize natural immunity

George Mason University granted a veteran law professor a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate after he filed a lawsuit demanding recognition of his natural immunity, according to his lawyers.

But the Virginia public university has not updated its policy to recognize recovery from prior infection, as proven by antibody testing, as an accepted alternative to vaccination or exemptions for religious or medical reasons.

For that reason, the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) said it "continues to explore litigation against GMU." The public interest law firm implied it's scrutinizing other Virginia public universities, asking COVID-recovered faculty to get in touch if their schools are "similarly disregarding the scientific facts surrounding naturally acquired immunity."


PREMO Member
Alert — Pfizer Vaccine to receive full FDA approval later today…


The Food and Drug Administration is pushing to approve Pfizer two-dose COVID vaccine Monday, further expediting an earlier timeline for licensing the shot, according to people familiar with the agency’s planning.

Regulators were working to finish the process by Friday but were still working through a substantial amount of paperwork and negotiation with the company.

The approval is expected to pave the way for a series of vaccination requirements by public and private organizations who were awaiting final regulatory action before implementing mandates. Federal and state health officials are also hoping that an approved vaccine will draw interest from some Americans who have been hesitant.


PREMO Member
Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi Explains COVID Jab Effects

What Kind of Protection Do the COVID Shots Provide?

Aside from providing insignificant protection in terms of your absolute risk reduction, it’s important to realize that they do not provide immunity. All they can do is reduce the severity of the symptoms of infection. According to Bhakdi, they fail even at this.

“They showed absolutely zero [benefit in the clinical trials],” he says. “This is the ridiculousness. People don’t understand that they’re being fooled and have been fooled all along. Let’s take the one of these Pfizer trials: 20,000 healthy people were vaccinated and another 20,000 people were not vaccinated.

And then they observed, over a period of 12 weeks or so, how many cases they found in the vaccinated group and how many cases they found the non-vaccinated. What they found was that less than 1% of the vaccinated group got COVID-19 and less than 1% in the non-vaccinated group also got COVID-19.

Evidence of Increased Infection Risk After Injection

Presently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims some 95% of SARS-CoV-2 infections resulting in hospitalization are occurring among the unvaccinated. This too is a statistical fiction, as they’re using data from January through June 2021, when most of the American public were unvaccinated.

Looking at more recent data, we’re finding that the majority of severe cases and hospitalizations are actually occurring among those that received the COVID jab. Unfortunately, as noted by Bhakdi:

“It’s all manipulated. And, if someone wants to manipulate something and are in a position to then propagate it, you have no chance of analyzing it and telling people because we have no voice in this affair. When we stand up and tell people this, they just turn around and say that’s not the truth.”

Disturbingly, we’re now starting to see the first indications of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), which many scientists were concerned about from the very beginning. India, for example, where 10% of the population has been “vaccinated,” is now seeing very severe cases of COVID-19. Bhakdi says:

“What we’re witnessing in India and probably also in Israel is the immune dependent enhancement of disease … It’s bound to happen. So, the people who are getting vaccinated now have to be fearful of the next wave of genuine infections, whether it’s [SARS-CoV-2 variants] or any other coronaviruses, because they’re all related and they will all be subject to immune dependent enhancement, obviously.”

Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), or paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE) refers to a condition where the vaccination results in the complete opposite of what you’re looking for. Rather than protect against the infection, the vaccine augments and worsens the infection.

ADE can occur through more than one mechanism, and Bhakdi is of the opinion that the enhancement is primarily due to over-reactive killer lymphocytes and secondary complement activation, both of which cause severe damage.


PREMO Member
100 Million Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Will Get The Shot Now That A Government Agency Said It’s OK

According to sources, the Food and Drug Administration is completely trustworthy and has never approved harmful drugs for the public before. Those sources further confirmed that the FDA is a part of the government, which has never lied or been incompetent or corrupt in any way.

"Yeah, I've always trusted the government and drug companies, so I guess I'm ok to get the vaccine now," said Bubba Snugglebrugg, who was previously a militant anti-vaxxer. "I can't wait to get my 'Fauci Ouchie' and wear my Pfizer sticker! Thanks, FDA!"



PREMO Member
Terry McAuliffe calls for vaccine mandate to ‘make life difficult’ for unvaccinated

Va. gubernatorial candidate wants 'every Virginia employer to require all eligible employees to be vaccinated'



PREMO Member
Most doctors are skipping Covid-19 vaccine

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.

This contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. This was based on 300 respondents.

Neither survey represents a random sample of all American physicians, but the AAPS survey shows that physician support for the mass injection campaign is far from unanimous.


PREMO Member


If I may ...
If I may ...

Not sure if the first link is correct in its conclusion. But I'll leave to the class to decide. But one more thing; Since it has been required from the beginning of the EUA, (in addition to being mandatory during the EUA, and a mandatory reporting requirement after approval, that Pfizer report all adverse events of their vaccine to VAERS, (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), why didn't the FDA utilize that data as part of their "approval" process? And why didn't Pfizer include such data to the FDA prior to approval for their consideration? And why are all the known adverse side effects not listed in the new product information sheets?

And this ...

This is good reading, raises a lot of questions, and, gives more reasons to not get the injection.


PREMO Member
Keeping Fear Alive

Children are being sentenced to another round of unnecessary mask mandates and probably more school closures based on evidence-free warnings from Anthony Fauci and others that the Delta variant will be more deadly to them than the original virus. While the variant is more infectious, the evidence does not show it to be any more lethal. In fact, the current mortality rate among American children with Covid is lower than it was last year—and last year many more children died of the flu than of Covid. One of the most thorough studies, in England, shows that the survival rate for those under 18 with Covid is 99.995 percent. But instead of emphasizing these reassuring statistics, public-health officials like Jerome Adams, the surgeon general, keep looking for new ways to scare parents and children.

“I’m an anesthesiologist,” he tweeted last weekend. “And a dad. And I can assure you in both capacities that your child will be far more comfortable if they’re in a face mask, than on a ventilator. If you’re making a choice on behalf of a child, please choose based on their comfort, vs yours.” He offered no new evidence that children are at heightened risk from the virus, much less any evidence that a mask would make any difference, but he did make sure to include a gruesome photograph of a child on a ventilator.

It was a new low in public-health demagoguery, but unfortunately not so different from the fearmongering of other officials, the press, and social-media platforms. They lament that a minority of the public remains reluctant to get vaccinated without recognizing that their own tactics are a likely a chief cause of this reluctance. They have been misleading people for so long—and censoring challenges to their misinformation—that it’s no wonder polls show that an overwhelming majority of unvaccinated Americans say they don’t trust Fauci or the CDC.


If I may ...
If I may ...

I'm thinking a new grass roots campaign should be started.

"If it can save just one life. Stop just one case of myocarditis. Stop one case of permanent disability. The Pfizer injection, Comirnaty, must be banned."


PREMO Member
Virginia Democrat Governor Candidate Suggests Government ‘Make Life Difficult’ For Unvaccinated People

McAuliffe began by saying “We have 93 million Americans today that are not vaccinated,” and that “We need to do everything that we possibly can” to decrease that number, before suggesting the next variant or strain could be “resistant to vaccines.”

He then spoke about what he tells private businesses.

“And I tell my private businesses all the time: ‘I hope you mandate vaccines for people coming in,’” McAuliffe said. “Until we make it hard for people get on planes or go to movie theaters, people just aren’t going to do it.”


A popular left-wing blog, the Palmer Report, approved of Wen’s statement but took it a step further, saying, “unvaccinated right wingers” are a “threat to national security” and should be “locked out of public places.” Studies have shown that the unvaccinated population is not solely made up of “unvaccinated right wingers,” but also African Americans and Hispanics. In New York City, for example, just 33% of black residents are fully vaccinated.

The arrogance of these mother fukers ....... thinking that they can control nature ... control this virus
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Well-Known Member
Just a reminder of the voices that are now demanding that we get jabbed, even though the infection load is roughly the same between vaccinated and unvaccinated. The only thing that's changed: Donald J Trump is no longer in the White House.



PREMO Member
75 Doctors Stage Walkout Over Unvaccinated Patients: ‘We Are Exhausted’

“It’s incredibly frustrating because we know the vaccines are safe and effective and it’s people that go out and talk against them that really go against physicians and medicine and science. It’s not the message we want to get across to people,” said one doctor at the walkout, JT Snarkski, according to Fox News. “Vaccines are safe and we need to get our communities vaccinated.”

“We are exhausted,” said Dr. Rupesh Dharia. “Our patience and resources are running low and we need your help.”

Dr. Ahmed El-Haddad of Jupiter Medical Center told WPTV News that doctors in the area are seeing a surge in patients infected with the Delta Covid variant.

“This time around, this variant is deadlier, it is impacting the lungs quicker, it is eating away at the lungs, it is causing more problems … and the patients are dying quicker,” he said.


PREMO Member
Who's On First ...... the ' experts ' have no clue WTF is going on

Fausi is in support of Regeneron’s monoclonal antibodies treatment