Politics of Covid 19 Vaccines


the poor dad
Ok this story isn’t really political but...

A regular mask wearer and hand washer according to his mother. And he was fully vaxxed. Yet he still died “from complications with Covid”. Notice the word “with” not “from”. But people who have been jabbed don’t get the ‘rona and if they do they don’t have to go to the hospital but if they do they don’t die....



PREMO Member
TN Vaccine Chief Cried Victim Over Dog Muzzle. It Was Purchased With A Credit Card In Her Name.

Last month, Tennessee’s top vaccine official Michelle Fiscus was fired after sharing a memo citing state law that suggested children could be vaccinated against COVID-19 without parental consent. On her way out, she allegedly received a dog muzzle in the mail, which Fiscus claimed was a threat against her for speaking out about vaccination.

An investigation, however, revealed the muzzle was actually purchased on Fiscus’ own credit card, though she’s still denying she sent the muzzle to herself as some sort of hate hoax.

According to Axios, an investigation from the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security revealed that the Amazon package containing the dog muzzle was traced back to a credit card in Fiscus’ name.

“[T]he results of this investigation that purchases from both Amazon accounts were charged to the same American Express credit card in the name of Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus,” the agency found.



If I may ...
If I may ...

Wanna read some-ting interesting? From page 26 of Pfizer-(BioNTech) SEC Form-20 filing for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020.

"Although we expect to submit BLAs for our mRNA-based product candidates in the United States, and in the European Union, mRNA therapies have been classified as gene therapy medicinal products,..." Bolded and italicized for emphasis.

And page 28: "Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA."

And page 66: "There have been few approvals of gene therapy products in the United States and other jurisdictions, and there have been well-reported significant adverse events associated with their testing and use. Gene therapy products have the effect of introducing new DNA and potentially irreversibly changing the DNA in a cell."

But there is so much more to read. Do your own search within the document. Use "gene threapy" "mRNA" etc.

Surprise, surprise, surprise! They can't lie on this document because if they did, they would be open to a shareholder lawsuit.

Remember, Do Not Consent. Do Not Comply. Do not get any COVID related vaccine. It has always been out in the open for all to see.


PREMO Member
Remember, Do Not Consent. Do Not Comply. Do not get any COVID related vaccine. It has always been out in the open for all to see.

Doctors are starting to ' Fire ' Patients who refuse either for themselves, or Pediatricians for Parents refusing to get their children vaccinated


PREMO Member
Fed-up doctor tells anti-vaxxers they’re on their own

An Alabama doctor is tired of helping people who refuse to protect themselves and others — so he’s no longer taking appointments with anti-vaxxers.

Mobile, Ala., physician Dr. Jason Valentine posted a photo on Facebook in which he’s seen standing in front of a sign that reads “Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19.”

According to Valentine, three of his unvaccinated patients suddenly came to their senses and asked where they could get inoculated.

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses,” he wrote on Facebook. “Just where do I go.”


Well-Known Member
Fed-up doctor tells anti-vaxxers they’re on their own

An Alabama doctor is tired of helping people who refuse to protect themselves and others — so he’s no longer taking appointments with anti-vaxxers.

Mobile, Ala., physician Dr. Jason Valentine posted a photo on Facebook in which he’s seen standing in front of a sign that reads “Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19.”

According to Valentine, three of his unvaccinated patients suddenly came to their senses and asked where they could get inoculated.

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses,” he wrote on Facebook. “Just where do I go.”

This is good. Now those people can find a real Doctor to take their problems to.

Remember what they call the dumbest graduate from medical school.
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I want to know who gets to check your ID and vaccine info. Isn't your medical history personal .? Now anyone can see it and possibly use it without your permission.

Besides all the fake vaccine cards that are being made up. How will someone in a restaurant or a venue know.


If I may ...
If I may ...

Doctors are starting to ' Fire ' Patients who refuse either for themselves, or Pediatricians for Parents refusing to get their children vaccinated
Have them show the doctors this JAMA, (Journal of the American Medical Association, a peer reviewed journal), report about teens getting myocarditis and its effects as the reason they do not want to risk their children's health by getting the experimental "investigational" gene therapy injection.

Have them print out and hand to the doctor and make special note of the section:

"Conclusions and Relevance In this small case series study, myocarditis was diagnosed in children after COVID-19 vaccination, most commonly in boys after the second dose. In this case series, in short-term follow-up, patients were mildly affected. The long-term risks associated with postvaccination myocarditis remain unknown. Larger studies with longer follow-up are needed to inform recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination in this population."

Association of Myocarditis With BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine in a Case Series of Children

Refusing medical care, by a Doctor, for not consenting to get an experimental "vaccine" is coercion, and is illegal. Parents, and individuals, need to start pushing back.


PREMO Member


PREMO Member
NYC Is Just The Beginning, Fascists Are Taking Over Demanding Papers For Entrance, Speak Up NOW



Well-Known Member
I have been forced to get the vaccine at work or lose my job I have been here to long to leave and start over and I am only a few years away from retirement