Poll: Has anything said on these boards....

Has anything said on somd.com influenced your vote

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 72.1%

  • Total voters


Love is Blind
And you think McCain is the solution? :doh:

Truthfully, I've really, seriously, thought about that. I don't know!!!:lmao: I don't think he's the solution, I don't know if Obama is the solution because I'm not nuts about either one. I'm leary of both but then the question is "how much worse could it get if a Demo got in"? I'm not confident in either one.


New Member
Maryland is a Dem state. I was going to vote for McCain, but now I'm not sure. I don't know, I'll probably still vote for McCain but not because of Sarah. Someone needs to pull us out of the hole on the economy and try to fix this stinking place without digging another hole. Good luck with that!

The economy situation is the fault of building U.S. wealth on the debt of consumers. Right now, the air is coming out of the market and we will just have to wait and see. I don't feel that what is going on in this country right now with the economic state is completely the fault of the government but the fault of the people who put themselves further in debt and the banking institutions for funding and allowing it.


Well-Known Member
So your choice lost, but you're still voting the party line?

How is Obama a better choice than McCain? Without throwing dirt.. without diparaging anyone, without bringing in EITHER VP choice.

Here's your shot to use intelligent reasoning as to why Obama is a better choice than McCain.

Maybe you can effect change in somoenes vote here.

Well, first point that needs to be addressed, I am neither Dem nor Rep. I am Independent. I was not even planning to vote, but now I believe I will register simply to cancel out a single vote for McCain.

The following is a website I was recently shown and am beginning to quickly like. Take it for what it's worth, its supposed to be non-biased :shrug:

Unfortunately, I don't have the time I would like to find links and cite facts, nor really go into depth over why I would vote Obama over McCain.
Thus, I will simply post my most recent counter as to why Obama would be better for the nation's economic concerns. Though Obama may be against something such as offshore drilling for oil (just a quick example), the economic benefits of actually drilling (in McCain's view) would be greatly outweighed by the continued wasted money in Iraq and Afganistan (sp?).

The other issues, such as abortion, are not important enough, to me, for me to worry about.
One last, quick, note. Not many POWs come home without some sort of mental problems/anguish from their experiences overseas. I have respect for him serving, passing up the opportunity to come home early, etc, but those aren't reasons to feel he can lead the country on non-war issues.

Hopefully someone with more time can give better examples :ohwell: It took long enough just to type what little I did :lol:


Love is Blind
The economy situation is the fault of building U.S. wealth on the debt of consumers. Right now, the air is coming out of the market and we will just have to wait and see. I don't feel that what is going on in this country right now with the economic state is completely the fault of the government but the fault of the people who put themselves further in debt and the banking institutions for funding and allowing it.

I agree. I didn't say it was the fault of the government, I said we need someone who can help pull us out. People (companies, builders, banks, mortgage lenders) need to get a grip, stop overpricing the housing market, so that everyone is able to purchase a house for a fair price and not what "society" claims it's worth. More than likely it's not worth 1/2 the price they are stating. Gas is being gauged!!! Oil refineries/companies are marking up the price based on what? "I think today we should stop producing so much and up the price again". They wake up and pull these lame ideas out of their azz just to make a buck. I'm not convinced there is really some logical, realistic explanation. I just think they are greedy, like everyone else.


New Member
I was wavering toward McCain but the boards made me decide Obama was the best way to go.


Dancing Up A Storm
The economy situation is the fault of building U.S. wealth on the debt of consumers. Right now, the air is coming out of the market and we will just have to wait and see. I don't feel that what is going on in this country right now with the economic state is completely the fault of the government but the fault of the people who put themselves further in debt and the banking institutions for funding and allowing it.

Well said! Sounds like a whole lot of GREED is at fault here. People who should know better, purchasing a home that their income cannot support, but the banks are perfectly willing to lend them the funds to do so.

Down the road, the banks have to foreclose on the loan, and the homeowner, who should never have purchased the home - is now forced(in some cases) to declare bankruptcy.

Go figure.


I bowl overhand
Well, first point that needs to be addressed, I am neither Dem nor Rep. I am Independent. I was not even planning to vote, but now I believe I will register simply to cancel out a single vote for McCain.

The following is a website I was recently shown and am beginning to quickly like. Take it for what it's worth, its supposed to be non-biased :shrug:


Factcheck.org is unbiased?? You really believe that?


Well-Known Member
Factcheck.org is unbiased?? You really believe that?

Oh lord.
do share.
I JUST checked the site out today, but do give your input on it.
I can already guess that it must be another "Libby site holding the republican man down" situation or something...but I want to hear it from you :lol:


wandering aimlessly
I do my own research but enjoy reading opinions. I knew I was not going to vote for Obama due to his not addressing certain issues in his background. I wasn't sure about McCain although I knew of his stand on most subjects, I wasn't certain if he was the man for the job.

As time has gone on and I've learned even more about both candidates, and their VP picks, I can say without a doubt I will be voting for McCain.

But my decision is based on research and being an informed voter, not this forum.


I bowl overhand
National debt has a very big impact.
It (the economic condition) is, at the very least, partially the fault of the government.

Do you realize how much this war, for example, is costing us?

And you believe Obama is going to pull out and end the war when he gets into office??


He can say whatever he wants right now, as he's never been in a position where he had to make a decision, we have nothing to weigh what he says, about what he's done in the past.

He's not going to pull any more troops out of Iraq OR Afghansitan than McCain would..

They sabre rattle over the war in Iraq, and Afghanistan, but in the end they KNOW Bush did the right thing, and they would have done no different. But what a good platform to get elected on, then continue to the same thing because it's whats best for the country.

"I feel safer since 9/11, not because anything the administration has done, but because we haven't been attacked again!"

THIS is the democratic thinking that is being shoveled at the party. You're safer, you can sleep well at night, but Bush had NOTHING to do with it.. Vote for us, and then you'll be REALLY safe.


Football addict
Anyone who votes for Obama has blinders on.

That's alright though, we all get one (why did I vote for that clown?) vote in our lifetime. For some it was the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter. For me, it was the scarecrow, John Kerry.


Well-Known Member
War = money. If there were a way to make money during peace, it would have been thought of by now. :patriot:

Holy ####.
You are really that stupid. Unbelievable.

And you believe Obama is going to pull out and end the war when he gets into office??


He can say whatever he wants right now, as he's never been in a position where he had to make a decision, we have nothing to weigh what he says, about what he's done in the past.

He's not going to pull any more troops out of Iraq OR Afghansitan than McCain would..

They sabre rattle over the war in Iraq, and Afghanistan, but in the end they KNOW Bush did the right thing, and they would have done no different. But what a good platform to get elected on, then continue to the same thing because it's whats best for the country.

"I feel safer since 9/11, not because anything the administration has done, but because we haven't been attacked again!"

THIS is the democratic thinking that is being shoveled at the party. You're safer, you can sleep well at night, but Bush had NOTHING to do with it.. Vote for us, and then you'll be REALLY safe.

I wouldn't WANT him to pull out immediately. I'm not in a position to know what is going on behind the scenes, but IMO at least, it must be a staggered withdrawal no matter how soon it occurs. McCain is a war mongering fool who will "fight until we have won" a war that has no ending or victory. That equates to a never-ending war, which I for one do not want. I don't even want 4 more years of this damn war, and that is a minimal amount, IMO, if McCain is elected.


I bowl overhand
"And FactCheck is a blog. Not even a forum!

Thus ideas and truths do not get hammered out on it. They do not wrestle out the truth.

Why is it run? What is the motive for it?

What is the value of free advice?"


Well-Known Member
Anyone who votes for Obama has blinders on.

That's alright though, we all get one (why did I vote for that clown?) vote in our lifetime. For some it was the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter. For me, it was the scarecrow, John Kerry.

Are you supporting a vote for McCain, or simply against Obama? :shrug:
If for McCain, why?