Poll: Has anything said on these boards....

Has anything said on somd.com influenced your vote

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 72.1%

  • Total voters


Football addict
Holy ####.
You are really that stupid. Unbelievable.

I wouldn't WANT him to pull out immediately. I'm not in a position to know what is going on behind the scenes, but IMO at least, it must be a staggered withdrawal no matter how soon it occurs. McCain is a war mongering fool who will "fight until we have won" a war that has no ending or victory. That equates to a never-ending war, which I for one do not want. I don't even want 4 more years of this damn war, and that is a minimal amount, IMO, if McCain is elected.
Too late, you're in for the long haul. We're in Korea still and will be in Iraq for a long...long time.

Giving up Iraq now would be damning to us and to the Iraqis. All the money and lives spent for nothing.


wandering aimlessly
Holy ####.
You are really that stupid. Unbelievable.

I wouldn't WANT him to pull out immediately. I'm not in a position to know what is going on behind the scenes, but IMO at least, it must be a staggered withdrawal no matter how soon it occurs. McCain is a war mongering fool who will "fight until we have won" a war that has no ending or victory. That equates to a never-ending war, which I for one do not want. I don't even want 4 more years of this damn war, and that is a minimal amount, IMO, if McCain is elected.

I work every day with people that know whats going on behind the scenes and people who have been there. The end is already established, why doesn't anyone get that? It's not like they haven't spoken publicly about the plan. And if someone wanted to research the information that is publicly available, they would know of this.
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I bowl overhand
Holy ####.
You are really that stupid. Unbelievable.

I wouldn't WANT him to pull out immediately. I'm not in a position to know what is going on behind the scenes, but IMO at least, it must be a staggered withdrawal no matter how soon it occurs. McCain is a war mongering fool who will "fight until we have won" a war that has no ending or victory. That equates to a never-ending war, which I for one do not want. I don't even want 4 more years of this damn war, and that is a minimal amount, IMO, if McCain is elected.

McCain and Obama say they differ on this issue, but it doesn't matter which one gets into office, we'll still be there 5 years from now, 10 years from now.

NOBODY is stupid enough to think that if we pull out now or 4 years from now, all will be well.

They know we have to be a stabilizing force in that country for years to come. Obama can say what he wants, but in the end, he's not going to do anything different there than McCain would.. (And I'd say, Hillary, if she was elected would do the same) They all talk the talk until they are actually in the position to do something.


Well-Known Member
"And FactCheck is a blog. Not even a forum!

Thus ideas and truths do not get hammered out on it. They do not wrestle out the truth.

Why is it run? What is the motive for it?

What is the value of free advice?"

So, supplying the public with the truth behind the false advertising has no value?


Well-Known Member
So you're saying there's no money to be made in a war?

Not at all.
I am saying that it costs our COUNTRY more than we get in return (in this case, at least).

Sure, your companies that are supplying materials for the War are making a larger profit than in peacetime.
That isn't what I was talking about at least. Of course there is a place for some people to profit from war.


Football addict
Are you supporting a vote for McCain, or simply against Obama? :shrug:
If for McCain, why?
I am for McCain for many reasons which I will divulge when I have more time. However, like you I consider myself an independent. McCain is alligned to my beliefs more closely than Obama. Obama is far left, McCain is middle of the roadish, which is what I am.

You may not like the war but we're stuck with it. Most of the Democrats that oppose it now, even though it's been successful actually voted for the war. So, if you disagree with the war you can't pass all the blame to the president and the Republican party.

I will be glad to vote against Obama. He is an unknown inexperienced candidate with talking points played over like a record player. I voted for him in the primaries because I didn't like Hillary.

In cessation, I will be voting for McCain because my particular views and most of America is alligned with him. I will be voting against Obama in the same breath because his views are skewed to a minority in America.
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Salt Life
Not at all.
I am saying that it costs our COUNTRY more than we get in return (in this case, at least).

Sure, your companies that are supplying materials for the War are making a larger profit than in peacetime.
That isn't what I was talking about at least. Of course there is a place for some people to profit from war.

You admit that there's money to be made. So why is it that I'm "stupid" and you are the smart one here? Just curious.


Yep. I had written McCain off and planned on voting for Bob Barr. Thought I was solid.

Then McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, and I started rethinking my decision. It was solidified by all of Nonno, Forestal, etc's, posts busting on her unfairly, and pointing to leftwing crazy crap about her children and her life. So now I'm determined that I will vote AGAINST their candidate, Barack Obama, because he must be a really bad man if these nutties are in love with him.


That's exactly what I was going to say.

But probably with more profanity.


I bowl overhand
So, supplying the public with the truth behind the false advertising has no value?

It's a blog, nobody is checking their "truth" against the real truth. They can say or intimate anything they want.

They aren't a news organization, they aren't ANY kind of organization.

Here's another blog..

Palin Rumors | Explorations

FactCheck information has been proven wrong time and again.. and even their left leaning BIAS has been disclosed by major NEWS (read liberal) organizations.

It's pretty bad when CNN says you're too biased to the left!


No Use for Donk Twits
Yep. I had written McCain off and planned on voting for Bob Barr. Thought I was solid.

Then McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, and I started rethinking my decision. It was solidified by all of Nonno, Forestal, etc's, posts busting on her unfairly, and pointing to leftwing crazy crap about her children and her life. So now I'm determined that I will vote AGAINST their candidate, Barack Obama, because he must be a really bad man if these nutties are in love with him.

Agree totally. Are you telepathic and picking my brain when I'm otherwise engaged?


Well-Known Member
You admit that there's money to be made. So why is it that I'm "stupid" and you are the smart one here? Just curious.

Because if you were insinuating that war does not cost the country money (more money than the gov't makes from it), then you are wrong. That is what I was stating when I said that the war hasn't profited the nation because it has caused our national debt to increase dramatically.

But if you are saying, as it appears, that some companies can capitalize on the situation and make great profit from the war, you are correct. This isn't good for the nation as a whole though :shrug:


Love is Blind
National debt has a very big impact.
It (the economic condition) is, at the very least, partially the fault of the government.

Do you realize how much this war, for example, is costing us?

I knew you played both sides!!! :lmao: Indecisive!!!

As a matter of fact, I do know about the cost and I know it's a lot. There are oodles of things that are against McCain because you know he backs Bush's ideas. However, Sarah is his ticket!!! People aren't thinking or caring about that right now. I do, but that doesn't mean everyone else actually gives a damn. It's all things to consider when voting. I think we are losing perspective because ever since Sarah got in, it's been about her and not about the real problems and issues.


Active Member
My mind was changed or maybe I saw the err of my ways on here. I was not even going to vote until someone here reminded me that someone died for my right to vote. Still have no idea who I am voting for (leaning more towards McCain at the moment) but I will be voting.


Protected By Trunk Monkey
Do you realize how much money the US is making because of the war??

:pete: The Iraq war has cost the US 50-60 times more than the Bush administration predicted and was a central cause of the sub-prime banking crisis threatening the world economy. The former World Bank vice-president said the war had, so far, cost the US something like $US3trillion ($3.3 trillion) compared with the $US50-$US60-billion predicted in 2003.
The war is now the second-most expensive in US history after World War II and the second-longest after Vietnam. The spending on Iraq was a hidden cause of the current credit crunch because the US central bank responded to the massive financial drain of the war by flooding the American economy with cheap credit. The regulators were looking the other way and money was being lent to anybody this side of a life-support system. That led to a housing bubble and a consumption boom, and the fallout was plunging the US economy into recession and saddling the next US president with the biggest budget deficit in history!.
All the money being spent on the war has caused problems all over the US. Even government programs are being short-changed now which will end up costing them more in the long run.

Your statement doesnt make sense ~ Sorry!


Dancing Up A Storm
Ok, so war gives profits to big business. Sorry, that is a MINORITY of America and doesn't darn well help out the working middle class like you seem to think it does.

Whoa! Hold on there!

Of the many defense contractors making profits off of this conflict, you have to understand that from the top CEOs - down to the middle managers, they are all getting bonuses, payments of some kind.

I could not term all those folks as a MINORITY.


Well-Known Member
Whoa! Hold on there!

Of the many defense contractors making profits off of this conflict, you have to understand that from the top CEOs - down to the middle managers, they are all getting bonuses, payments of some kind.

I could not term all those folks as a MINORITY.

What is the ratio of people working jobs for defense contractors, and people working OTHER jobs in this country?