Poll: Has anything said on these boards....

Has anything said on somd.com influenced your vote

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 72.1%

  • Total voters


Protected By Trunk Monkey
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 16 Sep 2008 at 06:21:19 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 304,739,311
so each citizen's share of this debt is $31,800.12.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$1.93 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

Gosh, doesnt look like much money has been made :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Business creates jobs. The middle class work at those jobs.

That shouldn't really matter.

If a defense contractor is creating jobs that is a good thing, yes?

Is ignorance truely bliss?

(It doesn't very well matter if some people get jobs from these big businesses considering a larger amount of people are losing their jobs and/or struggling to get by because of the poor economy this war has amplified.)


Football addict
Is ignorance truely bliss?
You tell me.

(It doesn't very well matter if some people get jobs from these big businesses considering a larger amount of people are losing their jobs and/or struggling to get by because of the poor economy this war has amplified.)
The war is part of it but not the only part. Where some jobs are lost (grocery industry) others are gained (defense). The economy has its ups and downs and we were due for a recession-type economy. Not everything can be so merry for so long. That's just what you and I are used to being so young.


New Member
McCain and Obama say they differ on this issue, but it doesn't matter which one gets into office, we'll still be there 5 years from now, 10 years from now.

NOBODY is stupid enough to think that if we pull out now or 4 years from now, all will be well.

They know we have to be a stabilizing force in that country for years to come. Obama can say what he wants, but in the end, he's not going to do anything different there than McCain would.. (And I'd say, Hillary, if she was elected would do the same) They all talk the talk until they are actually in the position to do something.
That makes sense.... a whole lot of sense.
In his run for the 64 presidential campaign, LBJ painted Goldwater as a warmonger bent on leading us to the brink of nuclear annuhilation. Yet to me his most infamous quote was about Vietnam.
"This is a war that Asian boys should be fighting...not American boys"
Troop levels increased upwards to half a million following his election, and the war went from a "brush war" to complete offensive operations by our armed forces.
Words are cheap...lives and the future are not.


Obama destroyed America
My mind was changed or maybe I saw the err of my ways on here. I was not even going to vote until someone here reminded me that someone died for my right to vote. Still have no idea who I am voting for (leaning more towards McCain at the moment) but I will be voting.
Good for you!! Just be smart about it. Vote for 1 of the 2 candidates who will win. Obama or McCain.

(i.e. don't waste your vote like some folks by writing some obscure name in or not voting at all).


Dancing Up A Storm
Good for you!! Just be smart about it. Vote for 1 of the 2 candidates who will win. Obama or McCain.

(i.e. don't waste your vote on some closet muslim name, who' ll never make it to the Oval Office).


Sorry, I couldn't help it! :killingme


New Member
...changed or influenced your decision about the upcoming election?

I planned on writing in for Ron Paul even though I've kind of liked Obama. All the idiotic threads by wintersprings, imnomensa, penn, larry, cwo_ghwebb, chernmax, dn0121, pulsestart and bcp solidified it for me. They hate Obama for reasons not related to the issues and think we need four more years of the same.

No thank you.



Well-Known Member

I planned on writing in for Ron Paul even though I've kind of liked Obama. All the idiotic threads by wintersprings, imnomensa, penn, larry, cwo_ghwebb, chernmax, dn0121, pulsestart and bcp solidified it for me. They hate Obama for reasons not related to the issues and think we need four more years of the same.

No thank you.




Football addict
Pull the wool over people's eyes of limited intelligence.
Raise taxes.
Try to turn America into a socialist country.
I find it comical that he's voting for someone merely because some other 'internet' persona's hate the other guy.

Reminds me of when I was 18 and wanted to be different from everyone else, to spite them.


Obama destroyed America
We have to get out of this major national debt somehow :yay:
And of course cutting entitlements, foreign aid and other pork never occured to you morons. :smack:

Tell ya what. Why don't you just fork over 60% of your salary voluntarily. Then you can say you did more than your part. :duh: