Polls start to raise some eyebrows...


Well-Known Member
Wrong Biden was in on the plan which is why he waited till you guys wasted months attacking his age and then dropped out after your biggest media event the RNC

It was brilliant.

it was that 3-d chess Trump claims to play.
If he was in on the plan, is his sabotage with his unceasing gaffes part of that plan as well? How about when they drop him from events and cancel his zoom calls. Riiiiight! You have a serious case of cranial rectal inversion and need to seek help to get an extraction, so you can once again breathe oxygen instead of methane.
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Well-Known Member
No because Democrats in general won't vote for black people who look like black people. They only vote for white-looking black people, and there are countless examples to prove it. Willie Brown is absolutely black, both sides of his family, and no Democrat outside of CA would ever vote for him. So he ruled from the shadows instead. Did you watch "The Wire"? Willie Brown was Clay Davis.

Why do you suppose Nancy Pelosi never ran for President? (The answer is, because she was FAR more powerful in her House seat than she ever would be as President.)

Yes as Speaker of the house she was. But not otherwise.

John Lewis had a great career 30+ year career and was every bit as dark as Willie Brown.

Stop making up nonsense.

How did sleeping with Willie Brown 30 years ago propel her completely unqualified as you claim to where she is now?

And is having sex with her that incredible? Willi Brown couldn't have just hired a sex worker?

Why must you reduce a woman who is so accomplished to nothing more than a sex object?

Says a lot more about your internalized feelings about women than it does anything else.


Well-Known Member
If he was in on the plan, is he sabotage with his unceasing gaffes part of that plan as well? How about when they drop him from events and cancel his zoom calls. Riiiiight! You have a serious case of cranial rectal inversion and need to seek help to get an extraction, so you can once again breathe oxygen instead of methane.

As you know Biden was gaffe prone his entire 40 year career. It was nothing new.

But yes he aged and always intended to be a one term president.


Well-Known Member
As you know Biden was gaffe prone his entire 40 year career. It was nothing new.

But yes he aged and always intended to be a one term president.
If you believe Biden has aged well, your cranial rectal inversion has definitely impacted your vision. As for being a one term president, he said that until he was in office. He claimed that only the Good Lord Almighty could stop him from running. Doesn't sound like he agreed with your assessment of his campaign. Good luck peddling your crap.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
If you believe Biden has aged well, your cranial rectal inversion has definitely impacted your vision. As for being a one term president, he said that until he was in office. He claimed that only the Good Lord Almighty could stop him from running. Doesn't sound like he agreed with your assessment of his campaign. Good luck peddling your crap.

I said he aged. Are you dumb?

Yes. He played you idiots ( which admittedly is not hard)

He coordinated with Pelosi to protect Kamala and not allow you idiots to denigrate her for months and months before the election.

Exactly why Trump couldn't find an attack against her that stuck.


Well-Known Member
OMG :roflmao:

This is why I ignore you most of the time.

You know he actually won the 2024 primary, right? Or did your handlers zap that fact out of your brain?

Learn something and stop talking out your ass. You should be embarrassed to be this ignorant.

And you should be embarrassed to be this naive to the ways of politics.

You see conspiracy theories everywhere but then when i show you an actual conspiracy you sit scratching your head.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
He wasn't *just* Mayor of SF, he was a major player statewide and extremely powerful. He mentored Gavin Newsom as well, and continued to be a king maker after he retired from political office. He appointed his girlfriend Kamala Harris to various high profile commissions where she could meet the right people, and that propelled her up the ladder starting with him walking her into her DA position.
This is how it works in most one party jurisdictions - all of the power rests with party leaders, since the November election is a foregone conclusion.

People who gain power in the party do so with political patrons, who maneuver their favored person into power, usually in exchange for favors they will use elsewhere, to keep political power. This is a model of politics that goes back centuries. Ancient Rome had such structures, although it extended to all manner of society - "patrones" who directed the lives of those who served them.

This is mostly how Obama gained power. Bear in mind, that until he became a State Senator - he was politically nobody. He caught the eye of Alice Palmer, who promised him her seat once she decided to resign. When it came time to resign, she changed her mind and Obama immediately challenged the petitions of his opponents and found they were ALL fraudulent. He got the nomination unopposed, and continued on as Illinois state senator for three terms until his run for the U.S. Senate.

He was elected Senator in one of the dirtiest campaigns I've ever seen, but I can't believe to this day they ran that buffoon Alan Keyes against him. I always wondered if Jack Ryan ever had a chance.

TWO years into his seat as Senator, he began to run for President. He got everyone's attention with his DNC speech in 2004.

Seriously - he went from State Senator in 2004 to President in 2008. Who gets that far, without help?


Well-Known Member
I said he aged. Are you dumb?

Yes. He played you idiots ( which admittedly is not hard)

He coordinated with Pelosi to protect Kamala and not allow you idiots to denigrate her for months and months before the election.

Exactly why Trump couldn't find an attack against her that stuck.
So the powers that be in the democratic party coordinated to disinfranchise their primary voters?!? Talk about a threat to democracy - and a premeditated one at that. Disgusting - in the extreme!!!!


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Oh - another thing. In districts that are lopsided for one party - the voters RARELY show up in force for a primary. Each district in the nation represents approximately 760k people, on average. In a mid-term PRIMARY, one candidate could win the nomination with a tiny number of votes. Case in point - AOC won her district in the primary with 16k votes to her opponent's (the incumbent) 12k. A mere 4,000 votes in a district with half a million registered voters.

Because it's a lopsided district where there's no competitive November election - she sails right in.

The REASON this can be alarming is that a well funded person or a powerful lobby can get ANYONE they want into Congress in such a district.

AND MOST OF THEM ARE THIS WAY. Most Congressional districts are not ever competitive. At any time, as many as a tenth to one in eight are either unopposed or opposed with token opposition (say, a Libertarian). It is easy for a special interest group to essentially BUY a Congressman.


Well-Known Member
So the powers that be in the democratic party coordinated to disinfranchise their primary voters?!? Talk about a threat to democracy - and a premeditated one at that. Disgusting - in the extreme!!!!

The ticket i voted for said Biden/Harris

It's no different than what they are doing with Trump/Vance hoping Trump can limp across the finish line to be replaced by vance when he strokes out in the next year. Every day Trump looks older and weaker.


Well-Known Member
The ticket i voted for said Biden/Harris

It's no different than what they are doing with Trump/Vance hoping Trump can limp across the finish line to be replaced by vance when he strokes out in the next year. Every day Trump looks older and weaker.
I'm pretty sure you look like a train wreck compared to what you looked like in YOUR 20s and 30s also. I KNOW I've changed.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you look like a train wreck compared to what you looked like in YOUR 20s and 30s also. I KNOW I've changed.

I am actually in the best shape of my life and regularly told i look 10 years younger then my actual age.

I don't spend hours a day applying self tanner or getting hair surgeries or wearing insane toupees like some people.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I am actually in the best shape of my life and regularly told i look 10 years younger then my actual age.

I don't spend hours a day applying self tanner or getting hair surgeries or wearing insane toupees like some people.
Dis you?


Well-Known Member
The ticket i voted for said Biden/Harris

It's no different than what they are doing with Trump/Vance hoping Trump can limp across the finish line to be replaced by vance when he strokes out in the next year. Every day Trump looks older and weaker.
You are so full of bullsh!t that your eyes have got to be brown. Is there a direct line to the mothership for this line of crap that democrats are spewing right now.