

Naaa.....Just tried to find topics I had commented on and could not find them, and went to her user page and saw she had deleted ALL of them for the past few months!
Some of them had priceless quotes which could not find anymore.
Some had some good info to pass on and they too were all gone.

I don't stalk, don't have the time, no the interest..too busy with real life.:buddies:

But you knew and had in memory how many posts a day she had BEFORE the deleting. Creeper.


one day the dark will end
But you knew and had in memory how many posts a day she had BEFORE the deleting. Creeper.

Only was I know to track back to a topic is to look at the the posting info on the PUBLIC PROFILE page which shows numbers..and you clink on posts and up comes the latest conversations...cant remember names or faces very well, but I have a lock on remembering numbers! It is a math lovers thing.


Only was I know to track back to a topic is to look at the the posting info on the PUBLIC PROFILE page which shows numbers..and you clink on posts and up comes the latest conversations...cant remember names or faces very well, but I have a lock on remembering numbers! It is a math lovers thing.

No, you're a stalker. Loon


one day the dark will end
Are there even sides? If you're talking about Inkpen vs. Arkie I think they're both loons.

Naa..Inkpen is long gone, as is the very thin skin I had and I let people get under that skin. I was young and knew nothing of the cyber world of avatars and fake names. I learned how awfully mean you can be to others just because yu hid being a made up name a a made up image.
You helped me grow up, and I survived your taunting, bullying and other cyber attacks...not just you, but the "you" of SOMD.

Now I use my real name, (unike you) and I tell it like it is and not BS or bully just to be mean.
I joke around, discuss my point of view and act as an advocate for the wildlife.
What do you do to keep it real "No Money"?
Other than continuing to bully by calling people loons?:coffee:


Naa..Inkpen is long gone, as is the very thin skin I had and I let people get under that skin. I was young and knew nothing of the cyber world of avatars and fake names. I learned how awfully mean you can be to others just because yu hid being a made up name a a made up image.
You helped me grow up, and I survived your taunting, bullying and other cyber attacks...not just you, but the "you" of SOMD.

Now I use my real name, (unike you) and I tell it like it is and not BS or bully just to be mean.
I joke around, discuss my point of view and act as an advocate for the wildlife.
What do you do to keep it real "No Money"?
Other than continuing to bully by calling people loons?:coffee:

Looking at your pics, you really weren't that young. :lol:

I'm just curious on your stance really - you're an advocate of rescuing animals, etc. Yet you find the time to stalk and harass someone who is an advocate of the same. (funny actually now that you're crying about being cyber bullied, etc..yet you do the same to a fellow animal lover).When people don't do things the way you think they should be done you talk down to them as if they are all beneath you. You lack tact, sensitivity, and simple respect for others.
I have always told it like it is - You come across as a very unsociable, hate all humans, mean spiteful twit. If that hurt your feelings then :shrug: You really don't joke around; you're just (to put it simply) nasty.

Those that matter know anything and everything there is to know about me. You obviously don't matter :wink:


my war
U`d really be amazed as to, let`s try 2 elaborate a tad upon this.

If sum ppl wuld nawt feel so much about "Oh Chit, left my guard down".

as well as presumptions/assumptions w/o even knowin.

Sum know more than othas as is more than evident, ya just have 2 have that natural way with words, & neva hesitate. An art as sum may say, but a skill that is a must in order 2.........eitha just shrug it off, or pursue what gains yr interest(s).

how 1 reacts in any given situation may be very costly, positive 4 1, damn negative & possibly permanent 4 the otha; while the smart 1s know just how to deal with w/eva happs.

If yr willin 2 take a bullet 4 sum1, ya best live ^ 2 it. no time 4 that bs back steppin. U won`t survive.

Agendas r 1 thing, makin it happ is anutha al2getha. It`s all a matta of who did their homework the best, that sum1 will surely succeed, while the otha(s) either is/r left sittin on the sidelines a/or no longer able 2 react.

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey :coffee: