You are an amazing woman to open your home and heart to these dogs. I think having Momma and Patton together made the transition easier on both of them. They still have eachother and now, always will.
That is just great!!! I wish they could talk and tell us their stories....
In many cases, maybe we should be grateful they can't.
I don't know who is the bigger baby, Momma or Patton? Nothing like waking up to a 50 lb dog on your chest with her nose in your face.
Here's a couple pics.
What a difference some love makes. I went back to look at the original picture of Momma that Cowgirl posted and then one of Christy's. Can't even tell it's the same dog.
Well I hope in a month or so she'll look even better. She's awfully skinny right now.
Patton is going to be the death of me. He scared the crap out of me last night. I put Momma and him out to pee last night and ran back in the house. I heard the pig making her grumpy noises and I went outside and heard a puppy yip. Did I mention this was about 2:00 AM? So anyway, it's pitch black and I'm rifling through the pig house in a robe and slippers looking for a puppy. I don't hear him and I'm freaking out thinking that there's a flattened puppy underneath my pig. So I run and grab a flashlight and by the time I got back out there Patton was prancing around the yard like no big deal. Crazy freakin dog.
Well I hope in a month or so she'll look even better. She's awfully skinny right now.
Patton is going to be the death of me. He scared the crap out of me last night. I put Momma and him out to pee last night and ran back in the house. I heard the pig making her grumpy noises and I went outside and heard a puppy yip. Did I mention this was about 2:00 AM? So anyway, it's pitch black and I'm rifling through the pig house in a robe and slippers looking for a puppy. I don't hear him and I'm freaking out thinking that there's a flattened puppy underneath my pig. So I run and grab a flashlight and by the time I got back out there Patton was prancing around the yard like no big deal. Crazy freakin dog.
I just had an "awwww" over dose.
I'll try and swing by this weekend to check out the two new additions.
I have a little bit of running around to do today but other than that I should be home.
She is great. A little nervous still. She doesn't wander around yet. I have to put the leash on her and walk her around because pretty much whatever room I park her in she stays in and won't leave it.
She has established herself as the big boss. I am not sure she knows it yet, but Cinnamon is afraid of her. All she has to do is look at her and she takes off.
I am very glad you guys pushed me to get her. She is a sweet sweet dog. When I picked her up from the vet I stuck her in the back seat and she cried and cried, so I put her in the front seat beside me and she was happy and stopped crying. When I got her home I put all the other dogs up and let her loose in the yard. She took off playing. She came barreling towards me and when she got right up to me to jump up she did it so gentle. It was really cute.
She's been next to me ever since. To the point of sleeping on top of me at times.
YOU were up at 5:37 am?
I was up at 4:30 AM today. It sure will be nice when they figure out the doggy door.
I had the 2:30 wake up call...
I get the GSD death stare.... What do you get?
I get a 60 lb dog standing on top of me, or a big huge paw to the face. I have claw marks down the side of my face. She's pretty gentle, but she still has very large clumsy paws.
Last night she also put my entire face in her mouth and slobbered all over it.
Last night she also put my entire face in her mouth and slobbered all over it.