Pramila Jayapal More Ignorance From The Squad


PREMO Member

Politico: Pramila Jayapal Personally Approved Ukraine Letter

Rebecca wrote about this earlier today, but Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) is taking heat for throwing her staff under the bus for what the Washington Democrat said was an ill-advised letter to Joe Biden calling for him to negotiate with the Russians to end the war in Ukraine. It was drafted months ago but was released without being vetted. Jayapal attempted to do damage control but made more of a mess, blaming this kerfuffle on a staff error (via NBC News):

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, on Tuesday announced the group had retracted a letter that asked President Joe Biden to directly engage with Russia in an effort to end the war in Ukraine.
The retraction of the letter, which was sent Monday, came after the progressives' effort to press the president to take a more aggressive strategy on Ukraine was met with intense pushback from fellow Democrats and some Ukrainians.
In a statement announcing the retraction, Jayapal blamed the letter’s release on a staff error.
“The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting," Jayapal said. "As chair of the caucus, I accept responsibility for this.”
“Because of the timing, our message is being conflated by some as being equivalent to the recent statement by Republican Leader McCarthy threatening an end to aid to Ukraine if Republicans take over,” Jayapal continued, referring to a statement by Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., that if Republicans win back the House majority next month, they're not going to write "a blank check" to the country.
“The proximity of these statements created the unfortunate appearance that Democrats, who have strongly and unanimously supported and voted for every package of military, strategic, and economic assistance to the Ukrainian people, are somehow aligned with Republicans who seek to pull the plug on American support for President Zelensky and the Ukrainian forces,” Jayapal continued.



PREMO Member

Democrat Lawmaker Predicts Backlash ‘In The Streets’ If White House Agrees To Spending Cut

Jayapal said in an interview with CNN outside of the Capitol Building that an agreement which involves spending caps would undo the policy successes which Biden secured during his administration. “I think there would be a huge backlash from our entire House Democratic caucus, certainly the progressives, but also in the streets,” she told the outlet. “It’s important that we don’t take steps back from the very strong agenda that the president himself shepherded and led over the past two years.”

Users on social media accused Jayapal of calling for protests over the potential spending reforms, although the lawmaker did not appear to explicitly support violent behavior.

Ocasio-Cortez likewise affirmed that a deal which involves spending reforms or increased work requirements for federal welfare would be unacceptable. “It’s going to be a problem,” she added. “We do not legislate through the debt ceiling for this very reason.”


PREMO Member

Pramila Jayapal's Warnings About Debt Ceiling Speaks Further to Democrats in Disarray

When discussing with Tapper why Democrats didn't just raise the debt ceiling last year, when they controlled all of Congress, Jayapal reminded that that's what the Progressive Caucus had urged. When prompted by Tapper, she offered it was because of a lack of support in the Senate that they didn't, specifically in that they "are also governed by a couple of conservative Democrats and/or independents in the Senate who refuse to take the actions that we need to take."

The congresswoman then took the opportunity to push to elect more Senate Democrats.

"That's why we need a bigger majority in the Senate of people who are actually going to continue to do what the country needs and what our constitutional obligation is, because, listen, the debt ceiling--and we have explained this ad nauseam, but I just think it's important to say it again," she offered.

Jayapal also spoke to wanting "to give the authority to the Treasury secretary to be able to just raise the debt ceiling in accordance with whatever Congress has passed," making clear "it should just be raised automatically," as she went on to declare "we should not allow people to continue to take us hostage."



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Every one of these dolts continual statements should help put a permanent end to the idea Leftists have been pushing, that they are intelligent, educated and moral.


Well-Known Member
As I understand it - the work requirement only pertains to able-bodied persons without dependents (with a few other exceptions).

Basically, all of you who CAN work - who don't have kids staying at home or needing childcare - all of you who aren't old, weak, infirm but basically perfectly capable and healthy enough to work - you'll have to at the very least work part time for your money and if you can't find work, we will help you.

What is so damned wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
Anyone who believe that this country can exist by paying off it's debts with printed money with nothing to stand behind it does not belong in the Conress.


PREMO Member

Far Left Rep. Pramila Jayapal Who Opposed Trump Border Wall Builds Security Fence Around Her Home

Far left ‘squad’ member Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington State was a vocal opponent of Trump’s border wall, but apparently has a different attitude when it comes to her home.

She has spent over $45,000 on security at her home, including a fence, because of course she has.

It’s also important to note that she used campaign donations to do this.

That’s not necessarily illegal, but it doesn’t look good.

The Seattle Times reports:

U.S. Rep. Jayapal spends over $45k on security, including fence
U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Seattle, reported spending over $45,000 this year on home security using campaign donations, according to Federal Election Commission records.
The leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus is one of many congressional leaders who have ramped up spending on personal security, an effort that has increased since the deadly riot on Jan. 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and the hyperpolarization of the political climate.
As a national figure in U.S. politics and a chair of the 104-member progressive caucus, Jayapal never expected to focus so keenly on her personal security.
“I’ve had threats against my life, including a man showing up with a gun at my door, and I never in a million years thought that I would need to take such strong steps to protect my safety and security just to be able to do my job, the job that people elected me to do,” Jayapal said in an interview with The Seattle Times.
All of the security-related expenditures were recorded between January and June.


PREMO Member

Jayapal: Biden Using Same Immigration Tool as ‘Xenophobic, Racist’ Trump

Jayapal said, “We all want to see an immigration system that is orderly, that allows people be processed quickly, that allows people to come in with different legal pathways and Republicans have continued to block us in doing that but not enforcement only actions like what the president is doing today, which mirrors something that Donald trump did.”

She continued, “I think this is a mistake Democrats make over and over again. I’ve worked on this issue for 20 years. I’m the ranking member of the immigration subcommittee. We make the mistake of trying to out Republican Republicans. They’re not going to come over to us if they’re fighting us on immigration.”

Jayapal added, “I think the president could have handled this differently. I’ve told him that directly. I think that we have to lean in as Democrats to an inclusive vision of immigration. We really have to make, continue to point out all the differences that we have with Donald Trump, who is xenophobic, racist, has said terrible things about immigrants. I know that is not who President Biden is, but using the same tools that Donald Trump used is actually a big problem for Democrats to be able to continue to show those differences and keep our base with us.”