Predict NFC East Final Standings


"Typical White Person"
Rael said:

I agree with the Skins having the most potential, but they have yet to prove themselves. And this is about how I think it will end up. Giants aren't a terrific team, but to me they have the best chance with Eli (as long as their O-line protects). Big assumption on my part, though.

I give you credit for bucking trends but you are prolly the only person in the world picking the Giants to win anything.

ETA- Larry too? Well Larry has gone :jameo: the last 6 months or so, so that dosen't surprise me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sheardelight said:
If the Redskins Defense continues to be this good in the post season...Redskins take it all!! :razz:


I mean, the 2005 team simply needed a little help and they beat the Seahawks in the playoffs after beating Tampa Bay on their own. If the offense was a step better than that, they might have had a chance against the Bears and go on to the Superbowl.

This years D looks real good and maybe even great. They put everyone's first team in third and long, giving up virtually nothing on first down. To be great they need to do what could not be done last year at a record pace, or lack thereof; get turnovers.

So, they look good enough to carry the team until Jason gets a groove going which ain't gonna happen, at least not much, until the line gels which ain't gonna happen any time soon.

So, can Jason make few enough mistakes along with enough good plays to to balance out and not make the burden to great on a D still getting to know one another?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We'll know...

AK-74me said:
I give you credit for bucking trends but you are prolly the only person in the world picking the Giants to win anything. the end of week four; they play everyone in the division by then.



Supper's Ready
Such a tough division, really. So many "what ifs" involved.

But I am sooo looking forward to the regular season to start.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Rael said:
Such a tough division, really. So many "what ifs" involved.

But I am sooo looking forward to the regular season to start.

...we've had our summer storm at FedEx. It's time for fall and time for some football!!!


Set Trippin
Peter Forsberg said:
1) Eagles (If Mcnabb stays healthy) :yay:
A million unemployed comedians in the world and you wanna be one... That's right there is funny, I don't care who ya are...


New Member
Hopefully Portis is back to himself again. I personally want to see what Jordan Palmer can do even though I know they won't use him yet. collins looks pretty good but gibbs will stick with jason, I know. Why Brunell is still there I have to wonder..he looks terrible. We definitely NEED to get some doubt. BUT at least we are FINALLY getting to the quarterback!! :yay:


New Member

Dallas should be very good. I know many Redskins fans don't want to acknowledge that, but they've got a ton of weapons on both sides of the ball. Add to that a more aggressive defensive scheme, and a more experienced Tony Romo...they could go 12-4.

The Eagles are the Eagles. With Donovan McNabb healthy, you can almost ink them into a wildcard right now. If he gets hurt (again)...not so much. They don't have Garcia to bail them out this time.

The Redskins should be better. The Campbell-Cooley combo could be consistently productive, and Betts should be a bigger part of the gameplan from week #1. A solid safety tandem on D...otherwise still some question marks on that side of the ball.

I have a feeling the Giants are going to have a rough go of it this year. You can't lose a Tiki Barber and not have it reflect on the scoreboard. Manning hasn't given me any reason to think he won't be throwing interceptions all over the place again this year. If they start slow, this team might implode quickly.


New Member
Cowboys 12-4
Eagles 9-7
Redskins 9-7
Giants 6-10

As stated before the Cowboys just have too many weapons not to be the obvious pick. McNab will get the Eagle some wins, and then probably get hurt. The Skins could be great if they would run the ball, but they would rather air it out and therefore end up losing more games because they just don't have the protection for Cambell to do that. The Giants, shew they are a team that is totally mislead, miscoached, and falling off the face of the earth.

That is my pick for whatever it is worth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Revision time...

Larry Gude said:
Washington has all the potential and is the wild card, so to speak. They could go far or implode.


...and this presumes Jason Campbell stays upright all season;


Adding Kendall instantly fixed the damn O line, instantly. For all the flack the Skins take for their signings and pick ups, this was a flat out coup, the pick up of the year in the entire league, scoring a solid starting, vet guard.

Add to that Samuels seems to be coming along. Add to that freeing up Wade if Jansen doesn't/can't pick it up.

This us HUGE.

So now, all that really remains to be seen is whether Lloyd picks it up or not and whether or not Portis pulls a hammy the first game being out of shape so, the O might well be great.

Add to that the D is looking, if anything, better and better.

Add to that special teams seems to be just fine.

Are you ready for some football?


They call me ... Sarcasmo

Otter has the best recipe for burgundy and gold kool aid.


Big Wheelin'
Cowboys 10-6
Skins 10 -6 Cowboys get tiebreaker for some reason
Giants 9-7
Eagles 7-9

that is my pic and I'm stickin to it.


Football addict

I agree with the Skins having the most potential, but they have yet to prove themselves. And this is about how I think it will end up. Giants aren't a terrific team, but to me they have the best chance with Eli (as long as their O-line protects). Big assumption on my part, though.

You were closest last year Rael. Just missed the switch on the Skins and Eagles.