President of Pax River Raiders


aka Mrs. Giant
I don't think that is applicable. Being 19, or even 20 and having sex with a 14 year old isn't a felony and I don't believe would make you a lifetime sex offender. This guy wasn't 19 or 20. He was in his mid-twenties and she was under 14.

Okay - I don't know the facts. You do. So here are my questions:

Are you saying he raped a kid? Or did he have a relationship as a young adult?

And has the guy had a relationship with a teen since?

And how old is this guy now?

If he didn't rape her, if they were in a relationship - regardless as to whether or not you think he was too old, and he hasn't been "busted" with a minor since, I think this is a moot issue and is just being raised to stir crap up.

If he raped her, has been busted with other teenagers, then by all means- burn him at the stake.

My dad was 25, my mom was 16. I have a co-worker, her mom was 14 and her dad was 26.

Is it right or moral? The heck if I know, but just a few generations ago, this was a lot more common. Go a few more generations back and they were marrying off girls as soon as they started their monthly flow to guys old enough to be their great grandfathers. :shrug:

As years pass, our perspective on the times, events, culture, etc. change.

I do not have a position. I know none of the people being discussed. I'm not even from here. However I think some of you are acting out a witch hunt when there are no witches. :shrug:


Main Streeter
When I was 14, I had a 19/20 year old boyfriend. I wasn't screwing him. However, I could have seen it happening. So he could have been a sex offender if we had been busted for doing it?

Admitedly, I grew up in a different area, and many of the girls I went to school with graduated and got married asap.

I'm not condoning anything, I'm just offering another perspective. Sometimes, shiyt happens when you are young and it doesn't mean that the guy is a lifetime sex offender.

Since you were 14, he was over 18, and the two of you were more than 4 years apart in age, he would be classified as a sex offender. The rules do vary somewhat state by state.


aka Mrs. Giant
Since you were 14, he was over 18, and the two of you were more than 4 years apart in age, he would be classified as a sex offender. The rules do vary somewhat state by state.

:lmao: I can't wait for a HS class reunion so I can tell all those chicks that I graduated with that they are married to sex offenders. :yahoo: Should make me a big hit. :lmao:


New Member
Was she 14 or not?
And was he 23 or 24?

Lets keep the spin out of it people.

No spin at all. I am certain of the victim's age, although I won't give the exact age as not to identify a victim. I will say the victim was under 14. The incident happened in 2000 and according to MJCS he was born in 06/1974

By my calcucation, he would have been at least 25.


Obama destroyed America
No spin at all. I am certain of the victim's age, although I won't give the exact age as not to identify a victim. I will say the victim was under 14. The incident happened in 2000 and according to MJCS he was born in 06/1974

By my calcucation, he would have been at least 25.
So posting the age of an unidentified victim will identify the victim from 12 years ago. Really? :killingme

If he was 25 and he boinked a 13 (or younger) year old, he has issues.


New Member
Okay - I don't know the facts. You do. So here are my questions:

Are you saying he raped a kid? Or did he have a relationship as a young adult?

None of Jerry Sandusky's victims said he forced them that I know of. Nobody knew that there were multiple victims until the first victim came out. Victims don't want to come out because people put the blame on them since they were were 10/11/12/13 but made the choice to do this with a guy at least twice their age.

Why would a guy, convicted of a crime like this want to put himself in a spot where he is around young kids?


Lem Putt
:lmao: I can't wait for a HS class reunion so I can tell all those chicks that I graduated with that they are married to sex offenders. :yahoo: Should make me a big hit. :lmao:

Back when you graduated it was probably legal, especially in the backwoods. Did you have combines with engines, or did everyone ride oxcarts to your Sr. prom?


Main Streeter
Since you were 14, he was over 18, and the two of you were more than 4 years apart in age, he would be classified as a sex offender. The rules do vary somewhat state by state.

I miss read it so I have to revise this. In the case of a 14 year old, the older person has to be at least 21 in order for it to be an offense.

(2) Sexual contact with another person who is mentally defective, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless, and the person knows or should reasonably know the other person is mentally defective, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless; or
(3) Sexual contact with another person who is under 14 years of age and the person performing the sexual contact is four or more years older than the victim; or
(4) A sexual act with another person who is 14 or 15 years of age and the person performing the sexual act is at least 21 years of age; or
(5) Vaginal intercourse with another person who is 14 or 15 years of age and the person performing the act is at least 21 years of age.
(b) Any person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a felony and upon conviction is subject to imprisonment for a period of not more than 10 years.


Lem Putt
Why would a guy, convicted of a crime like this want to put himself in a spot where he is around young kids?

That's the real question. Why would the organization allow anyone with a sex offense conviction to be in a leadership position? I know that I had to get fingerprinted and a background check just to volunteer at a high school. When I headed a youth program, the national organization did a background check, but I always did a screening before I even submitted the application. I would have rejected the application for an offense like this.

Does he have kids in the program? If not, that would be the biggest flag of them all.


aka Mrs. Giant
None of Jerry Sandusky's victims said he forced them that I know of. Nobody knew that there were multiple victims until the first victim came out. Victims don't want to come out because people put the blame on them since they were were 10/11/12/13 but made the choice to do this with a guy at least twice their age.

Why would a guy, convicted of a crime like this want to put himself in a spot where he is around young kids?

Actually, that's not true. The reason the whole thing came to light with Jerry Sandusky was because his "victims" said something. :eyebrow:

So, by making this comparision, and hiding behing innuendos, you are calling this man a rapist and child molester. Fine. Then call him a rapist and child molester straight up. Don't play at games. Either he is one or he isn't.

If he is one, you need to come forward with some facts instead of sly comments. You need to be active and start doing things to educate people factually. You need to circulate some petitions, file complaints with the state's attorney and whatever else.

Otherwise, you are slandering someone that a lot of people seem to see as a good person. And if all you can do is bad mouth him out the side of your mouth, then you will not change anybody's mind. :shrug:

Or it makes people like me, who has no dog in the fight, reading this, think you are the one with an agenda. All you are doing is :gossip: :gossip: but I don't see you all taking any action. So it must not be that serious, huh?

Just think about it. If you want to take action, then by gosh, I'll sign your petition or whatever. Otherwise :shrug: you are just spouting off and nobody will ever believe it.

Just trying to give some perspective.


Lem Putt
I miss read it so I have to revise this. In the case of a 14 year old, the older person has to be at least 21 in order for it to be an offense.

That's for 3rd degree. 4th degree is "14 or 15 years old, and the person performing the sexual act is at least 4 years older than the victim"


Well-Known Member
That's the real question. Why would the organization allow anyone with a sex offense conviction to be in a leadership position? I know that I had to get fingerprinted and a background check just to volunteer at a high school. When I headed a youth program, the national organization did a background check, but I always did a screening before I even submitted the application. I would have rejected the application for an offense like this.

Does he have kids in the program? If not, that would be the biggest flag of them all.

Everyone is being told that the County can give a waiver if the charges are more than 5 years old based on their discretion. However, I am not sure if that was the case here. I do know that there are not criminal background checks given to league owners, just for coaches. At some point he was listed as a head coach. He was still on the field coaching during this summer's camp at Ryken but that's not part of the same program. And yes, he has children in the program.


New Member
The difference in your examples is no one raised a flag on the issue. They may have been legally in the wrong, but they were never charged so the point is mute. Whether what they were doing was morally right is another conversation.

In this case the girl did have an issue with what was going on and charges were pressed. From reading that article they had him for 3rd degree sex assault and it was changed (probable plea agreement). I don't know if he's gone after young girls since this happened. But he does have direct access to girl in this age bracket on a day to day basis due to his affiliation with the league.

The fact that the by the guidelines of St. Mary's Community Standards in Youth Sports he shouldn't have been allowed to coach youth sports. Which by several accounts he has done at some point, so he should have submitted to a background. I'm dumbfounded if there is in fact a gray area where you could own the youth league but not coach and that would keep you from being disqualified. Either way he either omitted or lied about his past. And it would seem that someone within the county assisted with this, for lack of a better term, cover up.

The county standards were put in place to protect the kids, yet it seems like someone looked the other way and let a potential threat through. Are we really ok with that? Is it much different if you just found out your kids favorite teacher had been found guilty of a sexual assault on a minor?
Last edited:


aka Mrs. Giant
Back when you graduated it was probably legal, especially in the backwoods. Did you have combines with engines, or did everyone ride oxcarts to your Sr. prom?

Yes. :ohwell: My prom was awesome. It was in the middle of a field and they strung Christmas lights along the barbed wire. :dance: My boyfriend's younger brother escorted me in his classic '76 rebel orange truck. Afterwards we all went four wheeling in our prom clothes and crashed a still and hit up the lightening and got chased by a pet alligator. Thanks for the memory. :lmao:


Lem Putt
So, by making this comparision, and hiding behing innuendos, you are calling this man a rapist and child molester. Fine. Then call him a rapist and child molester straight up. Don't play at games. Either he is one or he isn't.

He was convicted after pleading guilty. He admitted to a sex offense with a child. How much more do you need? I suspect that he plea-bargained it down, so he most likely did something more offensive than he pleaded to.

That makes him a convicted sex offender. Period. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Is he still offending? Who knows. I know that I would never put my kids in contact with someone I knew was a convicted sex offender.


Lem Putt
Otherwise, you are slandering someone that a lot of people seem to see as a good person. And if all you can do is bad mouth him out the side of your mouth, then you will not change anybody's mind. :shrug:

By the way, it's not slander to call an admitted sex offender an admitted sex offender.


aka Mrs. Giant
He was convicted after pleading guilty. He admitted to a sex offense with a child. How much more do you need? I suspect that he plea-bargained it down, so he most likely did something more offensive than he pleaded to.

That makes him a convicted sex offender. Period. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Is he still offending? Who knows. I know that I would never put my kids in contact with someone I knew was a convicted sex offender.

IF he was a convicted sex offender then he'd be on the registry, right? So if you know he is one (I don't even know his name honestly :lol:) then contact the state's attorney and get him on the list. And go from there. You can get him removed, banned, blacklisted, whatever, you just have to get started and DO something.

Honestly if any of you think/believe this, then get proactive, instead of hiding behind screen names on the interwebz.

If I knew/believed/thought something like that, then you can bet my bottom dollar I would be proactive and doing something instead of talking smack on a forum.

Since you all aren't doing something then :meh: ;shrug: then it must not be that big of a deal then huh?


Well-Known Member
He was convicted after pleading guilty. He admitted to a sex offense with a child. How much more do you need? I suspect that he plea-bargained it down, so he most likely did something more offensive than he pleaded to.

That makes him a convicted sex offender. Period. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Is he still offending? Who knows. I know that I would never put my kids in contact with someone I knew was a convicted sex offender.

I think it's disgusting that anyone can plea-bargain down a sex offense.


aka Mrs. Giant
By the way, it's not slander to call an admitted sex offender an admitted sex offender.

Implying he's Jerry Sandusky? :shrug: With no proof or evidence, just might be pushing the boundaries. I used to be in journalism, I'm a little more cautious without proof or evidence.