Price of Crabs


Active Member
I got some crabs yesterday from this guy on the side of the road on Rt. 234. I got a shoebox full for $4. They was about as big as a human knee cap and they was pretty good. This guy drives a white truck and he has a sign that says "Sun Baked Crabs for Sale." He's usually there every Saturday. Sometimes he has shrimps or oysters or tadpoles.


Re: Question

Originally posted by beejay
Where is Tommy's located?
Forgive me for my crummy directions ahead of time.

Leonardtown Turn down the road that runs between Dash In and the Foodlion shopping center heading towards Breton Bay

Go straight......

Pass Backroad Inn

approx a mile later you will see a sign on your left for Fitzie's Marina turn there.

Tommy is in a little white cinder block building on the left split of that driveway.

He has a little sign.

Hope that didn't suck to much. :ohwell:


On the weekends it is best to call ahead. They are usually packed! :wink:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Question

Originally posted by beejay
Where is Tommy's located?
In downtown Compton. It's on Joe Hazel Rd right before the marina as Kain said, which is off of Newtowne Neck Rd (Md 243) about 3 and 1/2 miles down. If you get to the graveyard you have gone too far, turn around at church and take the next paved right.


We like to eat crabs almost every other Sat. or Sunday. Me and my husband spend a few dollars and usually buy maybe 2 or 3 dozen. This past Sunday I couldn't find any females so finally I called Capt. Lenoards (the place with the boat and the oyster shells outside) well he had half bushel females for 35.00. Sounded good so I went and got them. Came home and my husband started to cook them. There was about 3 1/2 dozen which is a small half bushel and 10 count them 10 were dead. So that left us with 2 1/2 dozen. My husband took their basket back and asked if they'd do anything about the 10 dead ones. Nope they didn't want to do anything. He walked out. We sat down to eat the 2 1/2 dozen we had and they I swear were the worst crabs I've ever eaten in my life. They were all papery you could put your finger through the shell of ever crab. I was so dissapointed.


Why not? A lot of people like females its just males grow bigger. You need females to get more crabs right. ha ha


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SusieQ
Why not? A lot of people like females its just males grow bigger. You need females to get more crabs right. ha ha
Most people I know only want the males and do not want the females and think they should be left to procreate.


Well the reason you think that they should be left to Procreate is because you do not know anything about crabs

The Female crabs that crabbers are allowed to keep do NOT Procreate. Once they Mature and the apron rounds out they do Not produce anymore.


And then that's when I buy them and eat them.

Thanks for not caring about the crappy service I recieved and what sex of crabs I perfer.


New Member
Originally posted by DaMadman

The Female crabs that crabbers are allowed to keep do NOT Procreate. Once they Mature and the apron rounds out they do Not produce anymore.
Do the crabbers ask the crabs if they've already procreated once? :bubble:

Personally, I won't deal with female crabs, either. :ohwell:


Originally posted by RoseRed
Most people I know only want the males and do not want the females and think they should be left to procreate.

OK now that you know that the Females that are taken do not procreate, Let me ask you this.

Are you trying to say that just because MOST people do not like the Females I have to do what MOST people do? Or are you telling me that just because the crabs weren't top $#1 Males that the resteraunt that I bought them from has the right to sell me dead crabs that are of inferior quality?

In case you are wondering I am SusieQ's hubby and I got stuck with a short/light 1/2 bushel of crabs because there were almost a dozen dead ones, there were only a few shy of 4 dozen to begin with and the ones that were alive and got cooked were quite poor quality. I buy almost exclusively Females if it is just me and my Family eating them. If it is a cookout or something and people are coming over I Know others like the Males better and try to accomodate.

The whole point of the situation is that where I am from a half bushel is 4 - 5 dozen of medium to large crabs and most places that sell crabs will stand behind their product and if you have a bunch of dead ones they will replace them on the honor system.

I took the crabs all the way back to the resteraunt to show them the dead ones and the Idiot little girl ( the owners daughter I believe) called me a liar and told me that I drove around with them in the back of my truck for two hour after I told her that my wife brought them straight home and I refridgerated them.

Then she proceeded to tell me that I should have put them on ice, which anyone that know anything about crabs knows if you Ice Down crabs it will kill them.

All in all they were Rude, discourteous, did not stand behind the crabs the sold, and when I was on the way out the door and said
"well now all these nice people know that you sell dead crabs and won't replace them"

She told me "That's OK because we do enough business anyway" in front of about 15 or so customers and The Owner/manager of the place.

Sorry for the long post but It really burned my butt how rude and nasty they were. I would never treat anyone like they did me and especially a customer in My own business


New Member

This you could find us pictures of a 'fertile' female crab and another picture of a 'menopausal' female crab? I want to be able to differentiate between the two. Thanks! :bubble:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by DaMadman
Male and female crabs become sexually mature while living in the estuary. Maturity occurs around the age of 12 to 14 months, after 18 or more molts. The female mates only once after she has molted for the last time but a male may mate often.

Molted for the last time :shrug:

I didn't read the Texas Crab website. So tell me, how many time does she molt?

bottoms up

New Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess

This you could find us pictures of a 'fertile' female crab and another picture of a 'menopausal' female crab? I want to be able to differentiate between the two. Thanks! :bubble:

:killingme: the people who like to search for links and pictures will have a field day with this one!