pro choice Catholics-what is the point


New Member
Then they are not Catholics. We believe the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, the Successor of St. Peter who God has chosen to run the Church and guide us to the Truth. If you don't accept this, you are not a Catholic.

most of the catholics i know understand that a pope who is voted in by people has in no way been choosen by god to do anything. Additionaly, most catholics i know believe that the pope is just a man, and a man who has no special contact with god, only a special pointy hat and title.


New Member
most of the catholics i know understand that a pope who is voted in by people has in no way been choosen by god to do anything. Additionaly, most catholics i know believe that the pope is just a man, and a man who has no special contact with god, only a special pointy hat and title.

So, for those who believe that way, then why be Catholic? Any person should understand the church they claim, and agree with it, IMO. If most Catholics you know don't believe what the Catholic Church teaches, whether about abortion or the pope, then why not join another church? The purpose of the thread is to get some understanding about why someone would claim both Catholicism and pro-choice?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I my opinion, I find it very hard to think anyone that is a Christian could believe in the killing of the unborn. That is abhorrent. The murdering of the most innocent unborn is sin.

Christians do sin, but Christians should not be in open rebellion against God.


New Member
I my opinion, I find it very hard to think anyone that is a Christian could believe in the killing of the unborn. That is abhorrent. The murdering of the most innocent unborn is sin.

Christians do sin, but Christians should not be in open rebellion against God.

apparently one man's sin is another's open rebellion against god. I would who should be the judge?:whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
apparently one man's sin is another's open rebellion against god. I would who should be the judge?:whistle:

It matters not what any person thinks. What matters is what the Creator's rules are. He is the Legislature, Supreme Court, President, and there is no appeal except to Him. Live life His way or your own way. When the time comes, go into His kingdom or before His court for His judgment.

Do as you will. But all of life has action and reaction, cause and effect. We will live and have the consequences, good or bad, that we get by our choices.


New Member
apparently one man's sin is another's open rebellion against god. I would who should be the judge?:whistle:

I'm asking this in all honesty, just not understanding. Have you (and I'm actually assuming you're pro-choice for the moment) ever seen the images of the aborted unborn?
Have those who are pro-choice seen the 4D ultrasound images? How does one get past the kicking, rolling baby that a woman can feel moving around in her womb, to some idea that it's nothing more than a growth to have cut out, like a wart or something?
While I am pro life from conception to death, I do see how reasonable and honest people can disagree about early term abortion.
Any insight?


New Member
I'm asking this in all honesty, just not understanding. Have you (and I'm actually assuming you're pro-choice for the moment) ever seen the images of the aborted unborn?
Have those who are pro-choice seen the 4D ultrasound images? How does one get past the kicking, rolling baby that a woman can feel moving around in her womb, to some idea that it's nothing more than a growth to have cut out, like a wart or something?
While I am pro life from conception to death, I do see how reasonable and honest people can disagree about early term abortion.
Any insight?

i dont see why you would draw that conclusion.

i just understand that real people think for themelves and will make their own decisions based on what they feel is best for them. SOmetimes that will align with catholic doctrine, and sometimes it wont, even for catholics.

are people who practice birthcontrol less catholic than those who strictly follow the popes guidence?


New Member
i dont see why you would draw that conclusion.

i just understand that real people think for themelves and will make their own decisions based on what they feel is best for them. SOmetimes that will align with catholic doctrine, and sometimes it wont, even for catholics.

are people who practice birthcontrol less catholic than those who strictly follow the popes guidence?[/QUOTE]

Yes they are. If you claim to be Catholic, you must adhere to all the laws of the Church. God told Saint Peter, the first Pope, "What ever you loose on Earth will be loosest in Heave, what ever you hold bound on Earth will be held bound in Heaven.

People who want to pick and choose should repent or leave the Church.

The cafeteria is closed.


Well-Known Member
I'm asking this in all honesty, just not understanding. Have you (and I'm actually assuming you're pro-choice for the moment) ever seen the images of the aborted unborn?
Have those who are pro-choice seen the 4D ultrasound images? How does one get past the kicking, rolling baby that a woman can feel moving around in her womb, to some idea that it's nothing more than a growth to have cut out, like a wart or something?
While I am pro life from conception to death, I do see how reasonable and honest people can disagree about early term abortion.
Any insight?
Anything within the range I find ok to abort would be nothing more than a nervous twitch :shrug:
A tape worm has a better idea of what is going on when it's removed.

Yes they are. If you claim to be Catholic, you must adhere to all the laws of the Church. God told Saint Peter, the first Pope, "What ever you loose on Earth will be loosest in Heave, what ever you hold bound on Earth will be held bound in Heaven.

People who want to pick and choose should repent or leave the Church.

The cafeteria is closed.

:killingme :notworthy:


New Member
Anything within the range I find ok to abort would be nothing more than a nervous twitch :shrug:
A tape worm has a better idea of what is going on when it's removed.

:killingme :notworthy:

Can I get some clarification? You're okay with early abortion, but not later ones?
If that is the case, again, I think reasonable people can come to that conclusion.


New Member
So, just out of curiousity. Priests have been speaking against abortion in the local area quite a bit since the before the election, and now with the Freedom of Choice Act coming up, they are speaking out about it more.
At Mass, some parishoners have left in the course of homilies on the matter. So, my question is this. The Catholic Church's position is that abortion is always murder, and it is intrisically evil, and a person who claims to be Catholic should always be pro-life.
Are there any pro-choice Catholics out there that can shed some light on why you continue to attend a Catholic Church? Do you hear yourselves when you say during the creed, "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" (yes, I know other faiths recite the same creed and they mean invisible, universal church)
Why not just go to another denomination that is pro-choice? Is there something within the Catholic Church that you still believe in?
I'm not going to debate, I'm just looking for the reasoning.

I will just say this . . . no matter what religion you are, if you believe in the Bible, then abortion is murder. Plain and simple. Also, don't call yourself a Christian if you believe in abortion. Christian means to be "Christ-like". I know Jesus is against it!!!!!! I don't care if you are Catholic, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist, or any other religion that say they believe in the Bible, if you think abortion is okay, go STUDY your Bible!!! Libby, I'm confused by these people also.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I will just say this . . . no matter what religion you are, if you believe in the Bible, then abortion is murder. Plain and simple. Also, don't call yourself a Christian if you believe in abortion. Christian means to be "Christ-like". I know Jesus is against it!!!!!! I don't care if you are Catholic, Episcopal, Baptist, Methodist, or any other religion that say they believe in the Bible, if you think abortion is okay, go STUDY your Bible!!! Libby, I'm confused by these people also.

Amen. And that extends way beyond abortion.

Being a Christian means you have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord; nothing less and nothing more. If a person does not know a point in time where they made the conscious decision to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, then they are not a Christian.

Being a member of a church doesn't make you any more a Christian than standing on a runway makes you an airplane! You aren't a Christian because you are the member of a church. you are a Christian because you have made the conscious decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life by faith!

When you accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, you accept His Lordship which means you believe God's word, the Bible. If you don't believe the Bible, then you are in rebellion against Jesus. That is not what someone does that has accepted Jesus as Lord.


Well-Known Member
A Catholic recently told me that IUDs were cruel because they were a form of abortion and that I may have killed a baby while I had one. :rolleyes:


New Member
How early? How about a day earlier to stop? If OK, how about another day earlier? We don't know the magic number, so why guess. No abortion at all! And no Euthanasia.

I understand where you're coming from, but pcjohnny is our friend here. Perhaps someday he'll find something that moves him to "conception until natural death", but there is no need to speak as if he is being unreasonable.


New Member
What ever you do to the least of My people, that you do unto Me. Who is the least, the innocent unborn child.

When we get socialized medicine, treatment will be rationed and older people will be expected to die, ala "Logan's Run"


New Member
So, just out of curiousity. Priests have been speaking against abortion in the local area quite a bit since the before the election, and now with the Freedom of Choice Act coming up, they are speaking out about it more.
At Mass, some parishoners have left in the course of homilies on the matter. So, my question is this. The Catholic Church's position is that abortion is always murder, and it is intrisically evil, and a person who claims to be Catholic should always be pro-life.
Are there any pro-choice Catholics out there that can shed some light on why you continue to attend a Catholic Church? Do you hear yourselves when you say during the creed, "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" (yes, I know other faiths recite the same creed and they mean invisible, universal church)
Why not just go to another denomination that is pro-choice? Is there something within the Catholic Church that you still believe in?
I'm not going to debate, I'm just looking for the reasoning.

They also used to hold the position that the sun revolved around the earth.