
Go G-Men

New Member
Like said woman had nothing to do with her present "situation"? Sex is not risk free, no matter how many protections you use. If a person is not willing to accept the possible consequences, they should abstain from sex.
Personally, I don't lay the "blame" for abortion on women, because I don't think the majority of them believe the unborn baby to be anything but a clump of cells (which, as I said before, reasonable people can believe up to a certain point). But much earlier in a pregnancy than Planned Parenthood would like to tell you, the baby is quite obvious.

There is actually a simple fix for this based on your premise.

Make sex for other than pro-creation illegal.. If we did this than the aborion issue would be moot.:sarcasm:


New Member
There is actually a simple fix for this based on your premise.

Make sex for other than pro-creation illegal.. If we did this than the aborion issue would be moot.:sarcasm:

Brilliant statment. It is not my premise, it is biology. Good grief.


Well-Known Member
Warped ... no...

Cynical yes...

The religious right wants to force these woman to have the baby but does little else after the fact to see that the child has a quality life. Before you all freak out... I know some adopt and the Catholic Charities will help.. the help however is little at this point and would mean even less if every woman who would otherwise abort the child was forced to go full term the number of children living in despair would sky rocket.
Interestingly, I would suspect that many more people would wait to have sex, or would have better protected sex, if they had to deal with the responsibilities of the sex.

Like, no additional welfare money per child for the unwed mother. Abortion illegal. Child support laws stronger enforced.

Make people responsible themselves for their actions, and they're usually more careful about their actions.

Go G-Men

New Member
Interestingly, I would suspect that many more people would wait to have sex, or would have better protected sex, if they had to deal with the responsibilities of the sex.

Like, no additional welfare money per child for the unwed mother. Abortion illegal. Child support laws stronger enforced.

Make people responsible themselves for their actions, and they're usually more careful about their actions.

Well unfortunately... That is a pipe dream... All you have to do is look at the current administration and you will see that self-responsibility is not real high on there priority list...

But you can dream I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately... That is a pipe dream... All you have to do is look at the current administration and you will see that self-responsibility is not real high on there priority list...

But you can dream I suppose.
Makes you wonder what the rationale is for killing innocent babies...... "ain't my fault I got pregnant...wait, what?"

Go G-Men

New Member
Makes you wonder what the rationale is for killing innocent babies...... "ain't my fault I got pregnant...wait, what?"

The first problem I notice in your statement is the word"rationale". Do you honestly think that these decisions made by these woman, mostly very young woman, are made rationally? Please... That's the problem.... The people telling or trying to tell them they should have the baby... regardless... are people who have no emotional investment in the decision...

They say live life the way we do... Than puff... all advice or assistance... other than government assistance.. Gone.


Well-Known Member
The first problem I notice in your statement is the word"rationale". Do you honestly think that these decisions made by these woman, mostly very young woman, are made rationally? Please...
Of course they are! I'm always told that this is a very hard decision, made only after long, deliberate, careful thought. Certainly they're not spending hours and days, getting their clergy's advice, their family's advice, their friends' advice, and only reluctantly making the hardest choice of their life irrationally, are they?
That's the problem.... The people telling or trying to tell them they should have the baby... regardless... are people who have no emotional investment in the decision...

They say live life the way we do... Than puff... all advice or assistance... other than government assistance.. Gone.
No, not at all. Most charitable organizations are non-governmental. Family support, friend support, community outreach programs - all non-governmental. Done by people with emotional involvement either directly in the family, or in the concept of helping people lead better lives (giving them the tools to take responsibility and get better lives for themselves).


Go G-Men

New Member
Of course they are! I'm always told that this is a very hard decision, made only after long, deliberate, careful thought. Certainly they're not spending hours and days, getting their clergy's advice, their family's advice, their friends' advice, and only reluctantly making the hardest choice of their life irrationally, are they?No, not at all. Most charitable organizations are non-governmental. Family support, friend support, community outreach programs - all non-governmental. Done by people with emotional involvement either directly in the family, or in the concept of helping people lead better lives (giving them the tools to take responsibility and get better lives for themselves).


All you said may be true in the most functional of families. But most the the young ladies that seek an abortion are not from functional families who have "A CLERGY". They come from broken homes or home where the Parents or schoolmates would give them hell if the word got out that they were pregnant.

It must be nice in your lily white world but for most of these girl that place does not exist...
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Well-Known Member
All you said may be true in the most functional of families. But most the the young ladies that seek an abortion are not from functional families who have "A CLERGY". They come from broken homes or home where the Parents or schoolmates would give them hell if the word got out that they were pregnant.

It must be nice in your lily white world but for most of these girl that place does not exist...
Actually, less than 1/4 of those who receive abortions say they've no religious affiliation. More than half (52%) come from homes that make at least $30,000/year.

Almost half (47%) of abortions are to someone who has received an abortion before - the hardest decision of their life, times two (or more).

My lilly white world, as you call it, consists (in this instance) of simply not killing someone you create because your choice to create them became "inconvenient" to you. If that's a high standard, we live in different worlds for sure.


Well-Known Member
According to the article i posted, only 8% of women having abortions used NO form of Birth Control (condoms, pill, iud etc). Close to the same amount of women who had one for medical safety. throw in the 1% for women, who admitted, have an abortion for rape and incest.

Now you have 85% of the women who have an abortion attempted some form of Birth Control, but it failed.

Paints a different picture since it seems they are being responsible

Killing someone you create because you now deem them inconvenient is not responsible.

When you add that 47% are repeat customers, kinda takes away that "responsibility" view of them.

Go G-Men

New Member
Actually, less than 1/4 of those who receive abortions say they've no religious affiliation. More than half (52%) come from homes that make at least $30,000/year.

Almost half (47%) of abortions are to someone who has received an abortion before - the hardest decision of their life, times two (or more).

My lilly white world, as you call it, consists (in this instance) of simply not killing someone you create because your choice to create them became "inconvenient" to you. If that's a high standard, we live in different worlds for sure.

90% of American claim to be Christians... However if you look at our society the number practicing Christianity and those proclaiming to be christian differ greatly.

Wow $30,000 dollars per year. That's living high on the hog in this country!:sarcasm:

As far as repeat offenders... I personally think we should put a stop to that.. But that is my personal opinion which in no way means it should be law.


New Member
90% of American claim to be Christians... However if you look at our society the number practicing Christianity and those proclaiming to be christian differ greatly.

Wow $30,000 dollars per year. That's living high on the hog in this country!:sarcasm:

As far as repeat offenders... I personally think we should put a stop to that.. But that is my personal opinion which in no way means it should be law.

I vote for abortions! As long as they can be applied retroactively. :killingme
If men would stop making babies with someone they aren't commited to raising them with this would be close to a none issue!

Snip it before you dip it!:patriot:
Wont help, Women need to keep their legs crossed.

Since 85% of the women (including repeats) having abortions use Birth Control that failed, you should only have sex for procreation

I shouldnt have to type this but :sarcasm:

Oh stop. If men are against aborting unwanted pregnancies, they should do their part to prevent the unwanted pregnancy from happening in the first place.


New Member
Oh stop. If men are against aborting unwanted pregnancies, they should do their part to prevent the unwanted pregnancy from happening in the first place.

Those terms are so Planed Parenthoodish.
Is it all the mans fault?
Do their part? What does that mean? Don't you women have a say as to what part of a man you're going to let into your body? It may be a nice dinner with polite guy who just has you soaking between your legs. Do you believe that it's the mans fault that women get pregnant? Oh stop.


New Member
Those terms are so Planed Parenthoodish.
Is it all the mans fault?
Do their part? What does that mean? Don't you women have a say as to what part of a man you're going to let into your body? It may be a nice dinner with polite guy who just has you soaking between your legs. Do you believe that it's the mans fault that women get pregnant? Oh stop.

Are you really going to talk about personal responsibility?

Originally Posted by JollyRoger
I know my parents wish they had aborted me.

Damn Tommy, you really go all out!!!!

Look, he won't pay his bills...
Complaint No: 001(CEDAR POINT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION) Vs:(JollyRoger)
Complaint Status: ACTIVE
Status Date: 08/14/2006Filing Date:08/07/2006Amount $657.88 Last Activity Date:10/11/2006

And he writes bad checks...
Charge No: 001Description:BD CHECK/UTTER LESS $100
Statute: CR.8.103.(a)Description:BD CHECK/UTTER LESS $100
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1141MO/PLL:probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 07/05/2006 To: 07/05/2006

A warrant....
Charge: Article:TASec:21Sub-Sec:902Para:B1Code:
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 0 Related Citation Number: 0EB14944
Vehicle Tag: State: MD Vehicle Description: 92CHEV
Disposition Information

Another warrant...
Charge: Article:TASec:13Sub-Sec:401Para:HCode:
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 280 Related Citation Number: 0EB14945
Vehicle Tag: State: MD Vehicle Description: 92CHEV
Disposition Information

Warrant #3
Charge: Article:TASec:16Sub-Sec:303Para:DCode:
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 0 Related Citation Number: 0EB14942
Vehicle Tag: State: MD Vehicle Description: 92CHEV
Disposition Information

Oooo.... your bail bondsman isn't happy!
Judgment Type: FORFEITURE OF BOND RECORDEDJudgment Date:10/25/2007
Judgment Amount: $3,150.00 Judgment Interest:$0.00Costs:$20.00Other Amounts:$0.00

Our own lil felon...
Charge No: 001Description:FTA/FELONY DEFENDANT
Statute: CP.5-211.(b)Description:FTA/FELONY DEFENDANT
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1474MO/PLL:probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 10/15/2006 To: 10/15/2006 Victim Age:

People in glass houses........... :whistle:
Those terms are so Planed Parenthoodish.
Is it all the mans fault?
Do their part? What does that mean? Don't you women have a say as to what part of a man you're going to let into your body? It may be a nice dinner with polite guy who just has you soaking between your legs. Do you believe that it's the mans fault that women get pregnant? Oh stop.

You completely ignored the point. You have zero control in a woman and whether or not she choses to avoid conception. Men DO have a say in whether or not a baby is made. Deal with what you have control over. Don't offer your seed and you have no chance of contribuiting to conception.


New Member
You completely ignored the point. You have zero control in a woman and whether or not she choses to avoid conception. Men DO have a say in whether or not a baby is made. Deal with what you have control over. Don't offer your seed and you have no chance of contribuiting to conception.

Choose not to receive?
My point may have been lost however!
Sorry, but I'm pro-life and I get somewhat upset when a baby's head is sucked out of it's mom. Wanting only to live and the mother decides that you are an inconvenience! Because I just needed that dick one night, but I have no time for you now, A baby, OMG what did I do last night? Sorry, baby I have no time for this! Whens the next party?

I forgot it was that hot looking studs fault that!
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