

Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter if she wants it or instigates... a man against unwanted pregnancy should do his part to ensure one does not occur.

Keep it zipped, or get it clipped...:patriot:
I'm all for that. Getting pregnant takes two (but, the resultant child may be killed by only one, regardless of the other's choice).

However, when the choice is made by both to not take the only 100% accurate method to prevent pregnancy, killing the resultant child is not a reasonable option.



Well-Known Member
But that is not your argument is it? You claim the lump of cells is a Innocent Human Life.

Just because the lump of cells (zygote) fits the definition of a living, does not make it an innocent Human Life.

A single-cell amoeba also coverts nutrients and oxygen into biological energy that causes its cells to divide, multiply and grow. It also contains a full set of its own DNA and it is just as alive as the zygote. It shares everything in common with a human zygote.
Except for human DNA, and the potential to grow into a human being :rolleyes:


New Member
I am hungry for a big juicy hamburger with Bacon,lettuce, fried onions, fried jalapenos, american cheese and ketchup. Yumo!


Obama destroyed America
Yeah, for the life of those babies who are conceived in less-than-ideal circumstances.

YouTube - Catholic Vote

Not worth the risk, huh?
I wish he would have been aborted.

Born in Kenya, financed by Arabs, supported by terrorists, prays with an America hating racist, running the greatest country on the planet into the ground.....

yep he was a perfect candidate for the ole wire hanger!


Obama destroyed America


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