

Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Again, if your argument is that death is better than being born with a disability or medical issue to over come......

I don't think most people would think so. But, instead of making the poor drug addicted mother make that choice, how about waiting for the child to be born, grow to 18 years of age, and make that decision him/herself?

If you wait that long you get the OP, and then it's to late to do anything about it.


New Member
Is you point that these poor children should have been aborted?

No his point is that people who can't afford kids in the first place keep having kids and this is what happens to them. It is so sad and if i could i would adopt them all!


Obama destroyed America
Is you point that these poor children should have been aborted?
Yes. You wanna sugar coat everything by posting 3rd trimester abortions and famous people who were adopted, it's time the other side was shown too. You know, fair and balanced and all.

Life isn't all peaches and cream for everyone born.


New Member
You know reading this thread....makes me wonder why some parents didn’t have an abortion when they could have. Some people just really should not breed!

It is pointless to argue with someone that refuses to look outside the box. They will go home to their holly hobby lifestyle and keep a blind eye to’s a shame!


Well-Known Member
You know reading this thread....makes me wonder why some parents didn’t have an abortion when they could have. Some people just really should not breed!

It is pointless to argue with someone that refuses to look outside the box. They will go home to their holly hobby lifestyle and keep a blind eye to’s a shame!
So, it continues to be your contention that no life at all is better than being born addicted to meth (or whatever), getting over it, being adopted away (or raised by a ####ty set of parents), and living a life you eventually make for yourself?


So, it continues to be your contention that no life at all is better than being born addicted to meth (or whatever), getting over it, being adopted away (or raised by a ####ty set of parents), and living a life you eventually make for yourself?

That is my contention.

This is why I have long stated that ghettos, destitute rural areas, any parts of the country showing signs of blight, as well as all third world nations should be nuked or firebombed straight into god damned oblivion.

Those people are better off ####ing dead.

They'd thank us later, if they could.
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Well-Known Member
That is my contention.

This is why I have long stated that ghettos, destitute rural areas, any parts of the country showing signs of blight, as well as all third world nations should be nuked or firebombed straight into god damned oblivion.

Those people are better off ####ing dead.

They'd thank us later, if they could.

Go G-Men

New Member
Some people will always see killing a person who is inconvenient as a viable option, others will never see that as a viable option.

:shrug: I doubt anyone changed their mind. You either value innocent human life, or you don't. It's that simple, and someone else's opinion probably will not change that.

The highlighted portion of your post is, I believe, a little disingenuous and shows the holier than thou attitude that turns off so many people from engaging the right wing anti-abortion crowd in intellectual conversation.

Go G-Men

New Member
Or, maybe I just know people who have had abortions that say the same thing. My response was based on the suggestion that I need to walk in someone else's shoes. Is that really necessary to know the truth? Do I really need to have an abortion myself to have an opinion on the subject?
The OP was told he couldn't have an opinon because he doesn't have a vagina. I'm told not to opine because I haven't walked in a pregnant woman's shoes.
Sheesh...looks like only pro-choicers are allowed to have an opinion about abortion around here.

I don't have a personal opinion about abortion that I wish to share. I do however have an opinion when it comes to the Anti-abortion crowd telling some lady, that they do not know nor do they actually care about, what they should do with their life and what to do with the life situation they find themselves in, other than to say you should have the child regardless of kind of life that fetus and said lady would have.
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Go G-Men

New Member
Quality of life with abortion: Zero (no life)

Quality of life with extremely limited abortion: Potentially great, some not so great, some bad. But, they'd have a life to have the chance to make of it what they may.

That's my point with Pro-Lifers... The outcome of the life does not matter... They only care about human life up to the point that the baby is born. After that they can walk away and whatever befalls the baby is none of their business.


New Member
I don't have a personal opinion about abortion that I wish to share. I do however have an opinion when it comes to the Anti-abortion crowd telling some lady, that they do not know nor do they actually care about, what they should do with their life and what to do with the life situation they find themselves in, other than to say you should have the child regardless of kind of life that fetus and said lady would have.

Like said woman had nothing to do with her present "situation"? Sex is not risk free, no matter how many protections you use. If a person is not willing to accept the possible consequences, they should abstain from sex.
Personally, I don't lay the "blame" for abortion on women, because I don't think the majority of them believe the unborn baby to be anything but a clump of cells (which, as I said before, reasonable people can believe up to a certain point). But much earlier in a pregnancy than Planned Parenthood would like to tell you, the baby is quite obvious.


Well-Known Member
The highlighted portion of your post is, I believe, a little disingenuous and shows the holier than thou attitude that turns off so many people from engaging the right wing anti-abortion crowd in intellectual conversation.

What's disingenuous about it? :confused:

You can call it "holier than thou", but that's just your perception having nothing to do with my attitude. I can't change that.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a personal opinion about abortion that I wish to share. I do however have an opinion when it comes to the Anti-abortion crowd telling some lady, that they do not know nor do they actually care about, what they should do with their life and what to do with the life situation they find themselves in, other than to say you should have the child regardless of kind of life that fetus and said lady would have.
So, you have no issue with someone you don't know murdering someone else you don't know? You see no reason to think that should be illegal?


Well-Known Member
That's my point with Pro-Lifers... The outcome of the life does not matter... They only care about human life up to the point that the baby is born. After that they can walk away and whatever befalls the baby is none of their business.
The outcome of the life does matter.

However, I don't personally feel it should be law to control that life. To control whether or not someone else may end that life, yes. To control that life, no.


That's my point with Pro-Lifers... The outcome of the life does not matter... They only care about human life up to the point that the baby is born. After that they can walk away and whatever befalls the baby is none of their business.

What an warped and inaccurate blanket statement.

Go G-Men

New Member
What an warped and inaccurate blanket statement.

Warped ... no...

Cynical yes...

The religious right wants to force these woman to have the baby but does little else after the fact to see that the child has a quality life. Before you all freak out... I know some adopt and the Catholic Charities will help.. the help however is little at this point and would mean even less if every woman who would otherwise abort the child was forced to go full term the number of children living in despair would sky rocket.