Want proof of God ? Part 1 The Universe.
Science has demonstrated that there is a supernatural ,super-intelligent Creator of the universe , just as the book of Genesis declares.
In addition the Bible foresaw many things that have only been known by science centuries later.
How about a little scientific evidence for a supernatural cause of the universe ?
Truth is everything that comes into existence has a cause.
Modern science has shown that the universe must have had a cause , since the material universe came into existence.
All the evidence for the universe having a beginning supports this conclusion, including the second law of thermodynamics , the expanding universe, the radiation echo,, the discovery by the Hubble Space Telescope of the large mass of energy predicted by the Big Bang theory,
Einstein’s general theory of relativity and the impossibility of an infinite number of moments before today.
Two for God , first Astronomy , Second Microbiology !
The cause of the universe and all living things
Lets take Astronomy first , God or Luck ?
The universe was fitted from the very first moment of it’s existence to sustain life and for human life in particular.
The universe is amazingly preadapted for humans, for if there was the slightest variation at the moment of the Big Bang , the conditions for human life would not have been possible.
If conditions in our universe were different , even in the smallest degree, no life of any kind would exist.
The incredible balance of multitudes of factors in the universe that make life possible on earth and it is so fine tuned it has to have been orchestrated by a supernatural intelligent Being.
As even agnostic scientist have noted, the conditions are so fine tuned that it would lead one to believe that the universe was “providentially crafted” for our benefit.
Nothing know to human beings, other than an intelligent Creator, is capable of pre-tuning the conditions of the universe to make life possible.
Former Agnostic and Famous astronomer Alan Sandage remarked,
The world is to complicated in all it’s parts to be due to chance alone.
So the choice is, Sheot happens or was it created ?
Have you looked through a telescope lately ? A clock has a clock maker.
Science has demonstrated that there is a supernatural ,super-intelligent Creator of the universe , just as the book of Genesis declares.
In addition the Bible foresaw many things that have only been known by science centuries later.
How about a little scientific evidence for a supernatural cause of the universe ?
Truth is everything that comes into existence has a cause.
Modern science has shown that the universe must have had a cause , since the material universe came into existence.
All the evidence for the universe having a beginning supports this conclusion, including the second law of thermodynamics , the expanding universe, the radiation echo,, the discovery by the Hubble Space Telescope of the large mass of energy predicted by the Big Bang theory,
Einstein’s general theory of relativity and the impossibility of an infinite number of moments before today.
Two for God , first Astronomy , Second Microbiology !
The cause of the universe and all living things
Lets take Astronomy first , God or Luck ?
The universe was fitted from the very first moment of it’s existence to sustain life and for human life in particular.
The universe is amazingly preadapted for humans, for if there was the slightest variation at the moment of the Big Bang , the conditions for human life would not have been possible.
If conditions in our universe were different , even in the smallest degree, no life of any kind would exist.
The incredible balance of multitudes of factors in the universe that make life possible on earth and it is so fine tuned it has to have been orchestrated by a supernatural intelligent Being.
As even agnostic scientist have noted, the conditions are so fine tuned that it would lead one to believe that the universe was “providentially crafted” for our benefit.
Nothing know to human beings, other than an intelligent Creator, is capable of pre-tuning the conditions of the universe to make life possible.
Former Agnostic and Famous astronomer Alan Sandage remarked,
The world is to complicated in all it’s parts to be due to chance alone.
So the choice is, Sheot happens or was it created ?
Have you looked through a telescope lately ? A clock has a clock maker.
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