To all the idiots out there...
Guns are used everyday to PREVENT acts of violence and crime w/o even discharging a round. Many times the simple displaying of a firearm to a would be criminal is all that is needed to prevent yourself from being a victim.
For all those idiots out there that want to say, I'd just shoot you in the back then steal your money... Well guess what, that happens everyday. It might happen to you, me, or someone that either of us know or love. So, does that mean that I have to give up my right to potentially protect myself from an act similar to that simply becuase you are afraid of the LAW-ABIDDING citizen who wants to carry a firearm?
Christ!!! It pi$$es me off to no end hearing people B!TCH and whine about all their concerns over the possibility of me, a law abidding citizen being given the right to carry a concealed weapon. Yet criminals are walking the sreets all day, everyday with illegially obtained (stolen, straw purchased, etc.) weapons with one idea in their mind.... use the weapon to commit a violent crime such as rape or murder.
I have said this before... humans, more specific criminals, are no different than the animal kingdom. The lions and tigers don't go after the strongest and fastest zebra, they seek and hunt out the slowest and weakest... Why it's easier prey. If a criminal has to think about whether or not you might have a Glock on you hip, he's going to think a little harder about trying to jack your ride.... Florida's laws changes re: CCW and their crime rates went down for that specific reason.
Maryland borders one of the highest crime riden areas in the County (DC). Criminals from DC have begun to impregnate Sounthern Maryland (Waldorf to be specific).
CCW laws need to change to allow a person to not have to go through the crap they do now-PERIOD! MD needs to learn from VA, FL, OH, etc.... The list goes on and on....
For the fool that said guns have one purpose, to kill. WRONG!!! That's about as accurate as saying cars have one purpose, transportation. I have several guns and I have never killed. Guns are used as sport (skeet, trap, target, etc.-there are even Olympic events catering to target shooting). BTW: Ted Kennedy's car has taken more lives than any of my guns..... Case CLOSED.