Larry Gude said:Can any one think of some other examples?
Other than the washer/dryer you haven't seen my basement.

Larry Gude said:Can any one think of some other examples?
I guess the same could be said about bows and arrows, but I really want to get a bow and do some archery in the backyard. Do you want to ban them too? Don't you know that guns can be used for recreational sport as well. I've fired thousands of rounds and haven't killed anything. I just got a shotgun. I don't hunt, but I like to shoot skeet.Spoiled said:Guns have 1 ultimate purpose: to kill...
In the case of J. South, Spoiled and Sparx:Larry Gude said:Smoke detectors.
Fire extinguishers.
The court system.
A cop.
A fireman.
Emergency survival kit.
Spare tire.
The emergency room.
Life and/or disability insurance.
Air bags.
Can any one think of some other examples?
For them I was going to say penis, but close enoughhuntr1 said:In the case of J. South, Spoiled and Sparx:
Do you think any weapons stolen from such places are going to wind up in the hands of law abiding people? Or are they going to murders, rapists and theives? These folks WILL carry them conceled.Spoiled said:You just see that the tacklebox got robbed at night by a mcdonalds manager... ;\
Other then a courthouse, I carried mine everywhere.. signs in businesses don't mean much. and do you REALLY think that sign is going to stop a criminal from carrying in a gun to rob the store? Business owner needs to have his head examined..Sparx said:Ohio just passed a conceled weapons law a few months ago but my father in law in Ohio who thinks he needs to carry a gun everywhere he goes, complains because most private businesses he frequents has a sign up that says no weapons allowed...
poor baby what's he gonna do?
Now some businesses are putting metal detectors at the entrances..just what we all need.
itsbob said:Other then a courthouse, I carried mine everywhere.. signs in businesses don't mean much. and do you REALLY think that sign is going to stop a criminal from carrying in a gun to rob the store? Business owner needs to have his head examined..
But then again, it's just another way for a liberal to force his beliefs on law abiding citizens..
Not unless it's againt the LAW. I can't decide the speed limit on my street just because I live there.Sparx said:So you were disrepectful enough to the owners of businesses to carry your weapon into places where they were not allowed? That seems to make you a criminal doesn't it?
aps45819 said:Not unless it's againt the LAW. I can't decide the speed limit on my street just because I live there.
Sparx said:So you were disrepectful enough to the owners of businesses to carry your weapon into places where they were not allowed? That seems to make you a criminal doesn't it?
itsbob said:Disrespectful MAYBE, but lawbreaker NOT even.. I got the little piece of paper in my pocket with my picture on it that says I have the legal right to possess a concealed weapon. The business owner doesn't pass laws, what's he going to do, call the cops to enforce HIS law? Would be like my neighborhood oulawing cars on our streets.
When I received my permit the chief of police told me the places I was not allowed to carry. True Value wasn't on the list.
Sparx said:So you were disrepectful enough to the owners of businesses to carry your weapon into places where they were not allowed? That seems to make you a criminal doesn't it?
itsbob said:AND the biggest case in point, for concealed carry at businesses.. THE POST OFFICE... it's against the law to carry a concealed weapon into a post office.. but where has some of the worst handgun/gun violence inour country taken place?? Where the criminal KNOWS there is nobody there to stop him.
See, now you're arguing like my 11 year old.. if you can't win make up stuff. Your house and a place of business are two different things. If you don't want me in your house for ANY reason and I "force" myself in, I would be breaking the law. But I never said anything about FORCE, nor did I mention anyone's house.Sparx said:You better go ask the chief if trespassing is still against the law. Are you telling me that if you come to my door with a gun in your pocket and I tell you "do not come in here with that gun" it's ok to force yourself in? Just because you have a piece of paper in your pocket that says you can carry your gun?
Really? So store owners can have signs that say "No blacks"?Sparx said:That doesn't make sense. If I tell you I don't want you in my store (for any reason) and you come in anyway, you are trespassing and that is against the law.
ylexot said:Really? So store owners can have signs that say "No blacks"?