Question for Tommy McKay


New Member
Darlene, how you know is you click on the "Active Users" title on the main page of the forums, right above the list of everyone who's on. That takes you to a screen that shows where everyone is - whether they're looking at a particular thread, etc. It also shows when someone is replying to a post or quoting a post. Kinda cool, huh?

Thank you very much vraiblonde, yes it is cool! :biggrin:

If Tommy McKay tried to post a reply (which I don't think he did), he should have tried harder! Personally, I think Mr. McKay came here to read what was being said...he doesn't have the guts to reply. :rolleyes:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Darlene
If Tommy McKay tried to post a reply (which I don't think he did), he should have tried harder!
Well, he did.

As Cari stated earlier, she saw him replying and I also saw him in the active users as posting a reply to this thread. Perhaps he should have tried harder.


New Member
As Cari stated earlier, she saw him replying and I also saw him in the active users as posting a reply to this thread. Perhaps he should have tried harder.

Mr. McKay should have made it a point to reply...since we know he visited this thread. It has proven that Tommy McKay doesn't have what it takes to be President of the Board of County Commissioners!:boo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know about all that but I do agree that it would have been a great opportunity for him to address these allegations. Hmmmmm.....

public servent

New Member
Please tell me why Mr. McKay would want to run anyway. He must know that his involvement with the family business would become an issue. If he could steal from the family, what would he do to the county ?? Would he use his position if elected, to further his business dealings and become wealthy; as so many have done before ? I think so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, to be fair, at this point the whole thing is only gossip and rumor. I'm not ready to make an indictment of McKay based on that. I would love to have him publicly address this issue and lay it to rest.

It would be a shame for him to get blown away on election day because of county gossip. That doesn't seem very fair to me.


New Member
That question was posed to Tommy at the Tuskers breakfast meeting. He went pale jaw to the floor he looked to his dad and asked his Dad if he knew what they were talking about.

People should know that this is a long time democrate family. It is amazing to me how a family who has always been democrates could easily turn their back on their party on the last day of registration to run for public office and register as a republican. MMM wonder what his voting card says.

I am very much a novice at this political stuff. But if he changed party afiliations on the last day to register for a candidate, can you do that and still stay a registered democrate? Either way it doesn't matter now...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by STMLADY
... People should know that this is a long time democrate family. It is amazing to me how a family who has always been democrates could easily turn their back on their party on the last day of registration to run for public office and register as a republican. MMM wonder what his voting card says....
I know a fair number of folks who have changed their party affiliation over the last 10 years, as each election approched. That's usually what reminds them to do so.


New Member
If STMLADY was not there, I can assure you that I was. The reaction was as described. Additionally, both he and his father were shut down, when the father was reminded of a conversation on the matter with the individual asking the questions. As you can see from the election results, St Mary's senior voters are unaware of moral aspects of well known families, or do not care. The result is the same. State Senator Dyson is another case along the same lines. He is well liked by the seniors, but is ineffective for the county.:biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Hey now! I like Dyson. One of the few Dems that I do like. He's pro 2nd amendment, which is EXTREMELY rare for a dem.


New Member
No I wasn't there I watched the video I was truly suprised that the question was asked. But again the past wasn't brought up in the campaign. Now...they democrates may use it if they are desparate enough to get Julie back in there.

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
"They" democrats? What politician wouldn't use an allegation such as that to their advantage, republican, democrat or other? I remember growing up in the late '80s or thereabouts when that rumor started. I can't tell you if it's true or not, either, but I can tell you that it did not just start recently. It was a real rumor at that time.

Now, as far as the general election goes, McKay should make a good run at winning because business owners/operators in St. Mary's have a history of being good commissioners. Eddie Bailey, George Aud, and others whose names escape me right now have a history of being some of the best commissioners to ever sit on the board. Even Dan Raley is viewed by some to be the best commissioner on this current board, and I probably would agree. Plus, other business owners/ operators in the county believe that somone in their business being on the board will look out for their kind.


New Member
You have that exactly right THEIR KIND. What about the rest of St. Mary's County? This will make for an interesting race.

Tid bit for all you election watchers...Tommy was so mad that one of the republication candidates for comissioner indorsed his opponent during the primary he told this candidate that he was going to vote for the democrate running against the candidate.


I have one thing to say for all those that have complained about the current group of commissioners they all won their bid to be on the ballot once again, except order to make a change you gotta keep them out of office.

public servent

New Member
Now really, give me a break. I might agree that Mr. Raley is a fine man and good commissioner, but if my mind serves me correctly (questionable) Mr. Aud was elected while in jail for arson. While he was loved by the public, it was common knowledge about how things were done in this county. Now I really enjoy the freedom to speak in this forum (what a country !) but let me be blunt. Tommy McKay only cares about himself and nothing else. His personnal life is as bad as Bill Clinton's and if elected, we have only ourselves to blame. Thank You, I feel much better.


New Member
Tommy McKay only cares about himself and nothing else. His personnal life is as bad as Bill Clinton's and if elected, we have only ourselves to blame.

Not I...I voted for Rocky on Sept. 10th:getdown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's all this "gentlemanly" stuff that goes on. Nobody wants to really go after an opponent because they may need a favor from them later. Plus that, the network is like an octopus with tentacles that reach where you never dreamed.

St. Mary's has had several sketchy political candidates over the years - people with very embarrassing (if not illegal) things in their past. These things are always "open secrets" - everyone knows about it but nobody talks about it. Their political opponent doesn't bring it up in debates or go public with the allegations. I guess because they're afraid of repurcussions.

I remember several elections where I was waiting for a candidate to bring up something in his opponent's past that we all knew about. But they never did.


New Member
I was with my mom in McKay's and heard from Mr. McKay the news that his son Tommy had embezzled over a million dollars from him and Richfood. The family was devasted. Blood is thicker than water and it looks like the McKay family has forgiven him. Tommy McKay went on to open 3 more grocery stores out of the county. They all went bankrupt. I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure don't want this so-called businessman watching over my tax dollars and the county funds. If this information is not correct, I think Tom McKay would have answered the question in public. He was asked to at the Republican forum at Aloha but did not.


New Member
Why should he respond?

Tommy McKay will never respond to the allegations of embezzlement. Why should he? He won the Primary even though everyone knew he was guilty. It just looks like to me we are in for more "Clinton" politics!:bawl: