Question for Tommy McKay


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh, please, Darlene! Like some cashier is going to know anything about it.

Randall's had 4 years - and everyone who lives in St. Mary's knows about her "accomplishments". No offense, Smc, but I wouldn't take the word of a teenager when it comes to politics. Vote McKay on Nov. 5


New Member
Darlene, I can assure Julie Randall will listen to your concerns. She is open to everyone and if you want to tell her how you feel on certain issues she would love to hear from you. Vote on experience in this race. Julie has been here for our community. From serving on the school board and her knowledge of PAX river she understands all the issues this county faces. To see more info on what she has done and her service to the community go to . Lets look forward to the future and not the 94-98 days of do nothing government.


b*tch rocket
You know what surprises me is that no one is making much of an issue about Julie Randall's scandalous past. :rolleyes: She's got just as many skeletons as Tommy from what I've heard. I don't particularly care for either of them, but Julie's had her chance and blew it. I'm voting for Tommy McKay.



As long as people are posting the rumors about McKay perhaps you could enlighten us about Randall?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by alex

As long as people are posting the rumors about McKay perhaps you could enlighten us about Randall?

I thought she did when she said "Julie's had her chance and blew it."



I was looking for a little more information. The postings about Tommy Mckay are somewhat specific (as much as any rumor can be) to state that someone has a scandlous past seems very vague to me. Just because you didn't like the job someone did in office is not a reason to make broad statements such as that. I am no fan of Julie's but I do like to make informed decisions when I vote. If there is something out there (besides the job performance record) then I would like to know what it is.

Christy sounded like she knew so I justed wanted her to elaborate on that statement.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by alex

I was looking for a little more information. The postings about Tommy Mckay are somewhat specific (as much as any rumor can be) to state that someone has a scandlous past seems very vague to me. Just because you didn't like the job someone did in office is not a reason to make broad statements such as that. I am no fan of Julie's but I do like to make informed decisions when I vote. If there is something out there (besides the job performance record) then I would like to know what it is.

Christy sounded like she knew so I justed wanted her to elaborate on that statement.

I take it my attempt at humor was missed (reference the word that I bolded in my previous post) and that one just screamed over your head.

Specifically, and not in a humorous manner, Ms. Randall called many meetings held in private in violation of the open meeting policy for the commissioners. Additionally, she acted as if she was a President, when in fact the President simply chairs the meetings. The President of the County Commissioners is just an at large member and not the head of the board. Also it has been stated that she would ignore the majority of decisions that the board would make and take specific instructions to the heads of agencies contrary to what was decided. Her team made hiring decisions and gave contracts to select county employees that exceed the term of the current board thereby tying the hands of any new board members. She is power hungry and will continue to demonstrate that if returned to the position. She doesn’t play by the rules, she does what she wants without regard to how the commissioners are supposed to operate.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by alex
If there is something out there (besides the job performance record) then I would like to know what it is.

Isn't that enough? At least it's factual. Rumors are crap...


New Member
Sorry Ken, I am not qualified to answer about the oil spill. However, I can tell you about education if you like?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Sorry Ken, I am not qualified to answer about the oil spill. However, I can tell you about education if you like?

I thought as a member of the Randall Youth League you would have this information at the ready, as you keep pushing for us to look at her accomplishments. Seems that maybe her campaign isn’t as prepared or organized as you have claimed.

Okay, I'm intrigued now. So go ahead and explain to me about local public education. It will be interesting to hear about it from your perspective as a student in a private high school.


New Member
Her Campaign is really organized. I will admit that I should not comment on certain thigns because i lack the expertise. Julie Randall is OUTSTANDING when it comes to education. She has personal experience with being on the schol board, and her daughter is in spedcial ed so she has a real passion for great public education. Over the past four years St. Mary's County Public Schools avg age as gone down from 30 yrs to 18 yrs. A 28% Increase to Public School Operating budget over the past 4 yrs. 50% of our local tax dollars go to EDUCATION. Teacher pay raises in order to compete with Charles and Calvert Counties. And a new building at the Leonardtown campus of CSM. Julie is also endorsed by the county teacher's union. Mr. Mckay. How can you "fully fund" education when you say your going to lower taxes at the same time?? Now Tommy went to my home school, but hell when it comes down to education, Julie wins by a landslide.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member

Originally posted by smcdem
Over the past four years St. Mary's County Public Schools avg age as gone down from 30 yrs to 18 yrs.
I hope we're not talking about the students here. :lol:

P.S. Spelling and punctuation are your friends, especially when you are talking about education. :wink:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Ken King

I thought she did when she said "Julie's had her chance and blew it."

Precisely Ken! :roflmao: Precisely! :roflmao:

I don't care to elaborate on Julie Randall's past scandal(s), as they are rumor. That is how I feel about Tommy McKay's scandal. They both have some skeletons, and wish I didn't have to make a choice with these two candidates. However, I have to vote for maybe rotten. I cannot vote for proven rotten.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by smcdem
Sorry Ken, I am not qualified to answer about the oil spill. However, I can tell you about education if you like?

smcdem, you are the cookie cutter liberal! :lmao: "Randall is great on education". Why is it your parents send you to Ryken and not a Public School? :wink:


New Member
It wasn't because the Public School are bad. It is a family thing thats all. Ask Mr. Mckay he has a daughter at St.Johns. This question is fair, what rumors do are you talking about with Julie?? One rumor i know people like to spread is that she is corrupted by land developers. NOT TRUE, she did vote 1-10 remember.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by smcdem
It wasn't because the Public School are bad. It is a family thing thats all. Ask Mr. Mckay he has a daughter at St.Johns. This question is fair, what rumors do are you talking about with Julie?? One rumor i know people like to spread is that she is corrupted by land developers. NOT TRUE, she did vote 1-10 remember.

People send their kids to private schools because they can. Nothing wrong with that.

Julie tried to go through the newspapers to get 1:10. Probably not the best thing to point out her backstabbing her fellow commissioners on the land use plan, smcdem... I thought you were working for her??


New Member
No no I am not saying that at all. What I just want to make it clear Julie IS NOT controlled by developers. I honestly am I a big environment guy, I support 1-20. But what is done is with it!!