Question for Tommy McKay


New Member
I have to agree with delilah...He won the primary so he doesn't have to worry about it coming up and I don't think his opponet will bring it up either. What the voters now have to decide is will they go with the evil they know or go with someone who has yet to show them their true colors.

For my vote...I think I will write in Harley Davidson and for the Sherrif's race, the Marlboro Man.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think it's a shame that all these rumors are flying around this forum about a political candidate. If you read it in a reputable news source or something like that then, yeah, it's a legitimate issue. But if it's just gossip or political chicanery, then it's wrong to ruin someone's reputation like that.

I'm curious how many of you posting about Tommy McKay's alleged embezzlement are working for the Julie Randall campaign? Frankly, I don't put anything past Democrats.


You're all F'in Mad...
Not to mention the advocacy of wasting your vote. That isn't smart either. We have 2 choices - Julie and Tommy. Just pick one. Pick the lesser of 2 evils if you perceive a problem with both of them.

Successful business people have traditionally drawn undeserved criticism and false accusations when they run for office. Jealousy becomes desperation. Although, this one probably takes the cake where local politics are concerned.

If this was a major issue, he wouldn't be COO of his parents company, and BOTH of his parents wouldn't be working for his campaign. Which one makes sense. A rumor from 12 years ago, or Mom and Dad campaigning with him TODAY? Duh!

Terp Fan

New Member
Frankly, I could care less if Tommy's parents forgive him.

What I want to know is what he says about the embezzlement. I have heard too many people claim he did this (including a member of his own family) to not want more information. I believe it happened and I want to know how he can justify doing something like this to his family's business. Maybe he does have a justification, I don't know. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. But, I don't think it is something that can just be swept under the rug. You are talking about someone who is going to be handling our tax dollars - millions of dollars. I want more information! As tax payers, I think we all deserve an explanation.


New Member
Nodnarb, I have replied to you under the other screen, Terp Fan, we will never get the scoop on what really happened it will be swept under the rug because Tommy is such a upright piller of this community. We best just let it go. The crooked win and the honest muddle through.


You're all F'in Mad...
Actually, the commissioners budget the money. They're not sitting around the Governmental Center, running to the vault in the basement getting wads of $20's to pay SMECO's utility bill or buy a box of donuts. So for one person to influence that budget, they need 2 more on-board with them. That fact weakens your already weak argument, because you're argument is still based on assertions, not facts.

As I mentioned, the system picked 2 candidates. Only 1 of those 2 are going to win. Voting for a 3rd person is essentially throwing your vote away. I agree that as an American you have the right to vote for Mickey Mouse if you want to. I think it would be more prudent and responsible to read about both Randall and McKay, and take your best decision based on what you can learn about both of them. Forget about this hearsay rumor crap, and make a solid, sensible, educated decision.

(By the way, I think you should do that for all of the candidates.)


New Member
I had to sit through an hour of McKay skirting every issue that was raised to him at a meeting. Let me tell you I was fumed at the end. I believe if a question is asked you answer it. He began by saying he wasn't a politician. He truly was a politican. Not once did he answer a question.

As far as Julie Randel her track record is there for everyone to see.

How do you expect me to vote for one or the other.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Since it probably doesn't really matter if it's McKay or Randall, you might as well write in Rocky Rowland, if that's who you like. I'd lean toward McKay simply because Randall's had 4 years to prove herself and she's failed miserably.

I'm not willing to dog McKay based on County gossip BUT his failure to address the issue makes me think twice about him. I'm convinced he's a plant by the Dems - he only recently changed his party affiliation. Any political candidate with that big of a skeleton in his closet (who avoids questions about it) has no business running for office. He's either a complete idiot OR there's more going on behind the scenes than we're aware of. There's no way he didn't think this would come up.

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
I don't like candidates in two races, our commissioner president and the governor race, but a vote for Spear Lancaster or a write-in for Rowland seems like wasting a vote to me. I don't think either one will get enough votes to somehow upset either of the two main party candidates. I'm still totally up in the air, but I'm going to have to vote for one or the other in each race after really reviewing their stance on issues.


New Member

Oh Daddy Dearest!!!!

"Do You Know What They Are Talking About???

Help!! These Bad Old People Want To Know About My Colorful History. The Nerve Of Some People. How Dare They Ask Me If I Am The SlimeBall Who Embezzled Your Money!!:bawl:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member

Originally posted by Delilah903

"Do You Know What They Are Talking About???

Disfunctional families have a way about them of denying bad behavior, and for good reason too. It saves embarrassment. I'm not saying that this is the case here. Inquiring minds would like to know the answer to the question.


New Member

Originally posted by Delilah903
Oh Daddy Dearest!!!!

"Do You Know What They Are Talking About???

Help!! These Bad Old People Want To Know About My Colorful History. The Nerve Of Some People. How Dare They Ask Me If I Am The SlimeBall Who Embezzled Your Money!!:bawl:

that is just too funny!! Thanks for the laugh


New Member
I agree. That is why I am still going to write in Rocky. I finally got to talk to him yesterday. I told him that is what my intentions are. He didn't say not to.....I told him I know they won't be counted but In my heart I feel he is the man for the job.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by STMLADY
I agree. That is why I am still going to write in Rocky. I finally got to talk to him yesterday. I told him that is what my intentions are. He didn't say not to.....I told him I know they won't be counted but In my heart I feel he is the man for the job.

Don't give up on Rocky yet. He has until October 30 to file as a write in or within 7 days after he has spent $51 on the write in campaign. Maybe he will change his mind. I know I certainly would give him a shot at it and quite a few others I have spoken with think he could win if they could write him in.


New Member
Don't give up on Rocky yet. He has until October 30 to file as a write in or within 7 days after he has spent $51 on the write in campaign.

Ken, I know very little about a write in campaign... is a write in campaign legal? I really think if Rocky would go with a write in campaign...he would win in a heartbeat :cheers:


New Member
I think the more people that voice this to the man himself we may get him to think more seriously about it. If he knew he had a strong following you just never know...

"Rite In for Rocky" Rite in for Rocky":razz2:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Darlene

Ken, I know very little about a write in campaign... is a write in campaign legal? I really think if Rocky would go with a write in campaign...he would win in a heartbeat :cheers:

Of course it is legal, always has, always will be. Information can be found at the state election site go to the Summary Guide under Candidacy & Campaign Finance.