Question for Tommy McKay


New Member
Democrats Posing As Republicans

As much as I would like to see Rocky endorse a write-in campaign, I don't for a second think it will happen.

The "Republicans" in this county voted in, as their representative, a man with a nefarious background who, three days before the primary, was a Democrat!!

I would think it bad enough to be beaten by someone of McKays low moral standards but the fact that he is also a Democrat would just add fuel to the fire.

Obviously McKay will not have access to large "pots of money" thus impeding his ability to embezzle from the tax payers but there is nothing stopping him from accepting kick-backs or bribes. Not to say a fine upstanding citizen such as "himself" would do something like that, would he? :confused:


New Member
You are right Delilah...Rocky will not do a write in campaign. He has conceeded his loss and will support the republican party and the person that was elected.

We all know that this next four years is going to be hard and we are going to see the media having a field day. No wonder the papers endorsed McKay...they know their subscriptions are going to increase...

Anyway until the next elections..


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Democrats Posing As Republicans

Originally posted by Delilah903
... but there is nothing stopping him from accepting kick-backs or bribes....
I don't know Mr. McKay but I know, from attending public meetings, Ms. Randall. That's going to have to be my deciding factor. "The Devil I Don't Know vs. The Devil I Do"

I'm amused by the statement regarding kick-backs and bribes though... You say that as though it hasn't happened before nor is happening now. :lmao:


I don't know.....

Personally Knowing Rocky, I beileve that he will indeed do the professional thing and "publically" support the party.

Rocky's wife???? Well thats a diffrent story:cheesy:


New Member
Re: I don't know.....

Originally posted by Kain99
Personally Knowing Rocky, I beileve that he will indeed do the professional thing and "publically" support the party.

Rocky's wife???? Well thats a diffrent story:cheesy:

Oh Kain you got that one right. She is one cool tough lady who will tell you exactly like it is. I admire her and respect her.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
I've really wondered if I should post this...but here goes.

While at the county fair, McKay was with Randall, holding her hand while she passed out literature. Now, why wasn't he at the republican booth?

More and more, every day, I think he's a plant to make sure that Randall wins.

And those of you who think a politician will vote his/her ticket because it's the professional thing to do...well, all I have to say is :rolleyes:

I have thought that all along. The democrats knew that Julie would be in for a tough fight if Rocky got the primary. So what do they do they plan...put a democrat in on the republican side know that since not too many keep up with politics will see the Mckay name, remember all the cute Mckay's store jingles, remember the stores they shop in and will vote for Mckay. The devil's advocate will come out if he wins.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue

Is that what you think?


Ha ha Cariblue. You know the caliber of man Rocky is, he will publicly support the republican party and the person who is running. That is just the way he is. A true Gentleman. (Not a snake in the grass as his opponent is)


New Member
Candidates Wives

Hey Cain99;

I happen to know Rocky's wife and I like her. She will definitely tell you what she thinks whether you agree or not.


New Member
Originally posted by BchBns
oh, you think so, huh :really: just make sure the curtains are drawn! :wink: you never know!!!

:blushing: Okay you got me there. Big brother is always watching one way or another..


New Member
I happen to know Rocky's wife and I like her. She will definitely tell you what she thinks whether you agree or not.

I know her also Delilah, she is one smart lady. Actually, I would love to see her run for something like the BOCC, she would get this county straight....quick, fast and in a hurry :dude: :dude:


Originally posted by cariblue

More and more, every day, I think he's a plant to make sure that Randall wins.

Quite possible Cari ! If this is the case than WOW!!! I'd like to meet the genius that dreamt this one up.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue

I'm sure it wasn't Randall or McKay...that's what slimy campaign managers do.

Hey now! I was a campaign manager and I wasn't slimy!

This could have come from the democratic committee.

At least someone in the republican committee had the kahona's to ask Mckay about his past.


New Member
Where To Now?

I heard from someone, and I honestly can't remember who, that if Julie Randall is elected and KKT is also elected, that KKT intends to appoint Julie to a post in Annapolis. If that happens then isn't it true that the Democratic Central Committee will appoint another Democrat to fulfill the obligation of Julies term? I'm really questioning whether my vote will have any impact at all on who becomes President of the BOCC!


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: Where To Now?

Originally posted by Delilah903
I heard from someone, and I honestly can't remember who, that if Julie Randall is elected and KKT is also elected, that KKT intends to appoint Julie to a post in Annapolis. If that happens then isn't it true that the Democratic Central Committee will appoint another Democrat to fulfill the obligation of Julies term? I'm really questioning whether my vote will have any impact at all on who becomes President of the BOCC!

I think they both need extra time to take up a hobby...


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by cariblue

That's because you haven't been corrupted yet. And I think I was talking about dem's. McKay only recently became a republican, and I still think he was a plant.

I think he has more characteristics of a tree than a plant... Too tall to be a bush. Too thin to be a shrub. Too thick to be a plant. Tree it is...


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue

That's because you haven't been corrupted yet. And I think I was talking about dem's. McKay only recently became a republican, and I still think he was a plant.

There is no yet about it.
I don't like the political game. This is serious stuff. These people are dealing with the well being of the county and its residents. I am true to my feelings. Just because I am a republican that does not mean I have to support those republicans that are running. I will not vote for them nor will I support them if I feel they are not right for the job. Call it political sucide or whatever. This is the way it should be..if by chance there is a person from the opposite party in office and that person is doing a good job, well liked by the people, and does right for the people of the county I say keep him in office. There are several like that in the Area. Dyson, is one of those people. There are others but they are not in our area. But if you want to know who I think then it is Owings, and Mitchell. These two are good men who look out for Maryland not what they can line thier counties with.
Okay I will climb off my soap box

Now my question is what position would kkt give jr?


New Member

Originally posted by BchBns
I hope that this "rumor" of KKT giving Randall a job isn't brewed from the St. Mary's Today faux article about some meeting :rolleyes: I saw that in there, as well :ohwell: Just where did you hear this rumor?


As I stated before, I can't remember who told me this but I seem to recall it was a reasonably high ranking member of the Democrat Party in St. Mary's County.

I can guarantee you that if I had read it in the "Local Mud Raker newspaper" (St Mary's Today), I would have never paid any attention.


New Member far as I know Tommy McKay has never responded to the "rumor" about the money he embezzled from his father. I was in McKay's grocery store Sunday. I asked the cashier if she thought Tommy would ever answer "The Question", she replied "no way". I didn't even have to tell her to what question I was referring to. She looked shocked that she replied so quickly, I assured her that I wouldn't say anything to the McKay's and left. I honestly think I will have to vote Randall over McKay. :frown: