Dream Stealer
Well, you can cook rabbit just about any way that you cook chicken. It's a white meat and the tame rabbits are pretty tender (more so than wild rabbits from my experience). My favorite way to cook them is to fry it just like you would chicken. Season it up with a season salt, flour it (sometimes I dip it in egg first), and drop it in the pan. However, I've tried all different kinds of seasonings and broiled them, slow cooked them in a crockpot, lightly floured and seared them with a little oil then turn down the heat, add a bit of water, cover, and slow cook on the stove for about 45 minutes...etc If you want a bit more detail there a quite a few recipes on the net. Give it a try!
Everything is better fried!
I have tried fried's actually pretty tasty..though I wouldn't prepare it myself.I like bunnies :sad: Interestingly..fried squirrel isn't too bad either.
fry anything and I would probably try it. Except rocky mountain oysetrs. No way jose.