Racism in the workplace?


100% Goapele Head!
My bad boo...

I tend to not be good at returning to see if anyone has questions. Sorry. :flowers:

StarCat said:
:eyebrow: Whats AFSCME?

AFSCME is the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.and they have several chapters of unions for government workers. My mom and aunts are all in the same AFSCME as I am but we have different local group #'s because half of us work in PG and the others in DC.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
bdh802 said:
I agree with you 100%. I have no problem with black people until they start pulling out the race card. It does get old and and really isn't fair. Our liberal courts and media have helped this along. It is time to stand up for what it right. I wish you luck! Give 'em he**

I agree! What gets me is that it "seems" to me that African Americans belly ache about discrimination from Caucasians but when they gather together in their clicks....hire "their own"....and such.... they have yet to step back and say "Hey wait a minute! What are they doing differently than the Caucasians are doing or did in the past?” Oh no….its so much easier to just let things go in your favor so that you can attempt to stay one step higher than the “others”. No - its not fair to Caucasians (or any other race). I know that as soon as someone starts trying to do something about it….the African Americans will begin to cry foul…… Who wants to be seen as an equal in society anyways?? Color must matter…. Gotta protect the “brotherhood” from infiltration and distruction. (humm didn’t the KKK have similar thinking? Perhaps I’m wrong…)

Slavery is over….so people should get over it. I’d say 99.9% of all living today have never been slaves…..just the ones trying to push the discrimination ticket. The same ticket that was punched and invalidated by the US Government since Lincoln. So…people should get over it! Laws are in place to stop discrimination. If a law needs to be re-written (as they often do) then we should be petitioning our congressmen and senators.

I know, discrimination still exists and I suspect it always will…. Shoot…look at the middle east…. No discrimination ever going on there….right…lol I think that discrimination has been going on over there longer than anywhere else….but who knows.

I really think that if EVERYONE (white/black./red/purple/whatever) should put all their energy into living as equals of a society of ONE race (income status is a different story) – discrimination may not be so bad then. Then again, I guess I am thinking about a utopian society.

BHD – I’ll just sit back down and wish everyone luck as you had. I know of and believe in the power of “one” but the “many” are so over whelming that the “ones” either shut-up and back down or move on to fit into a social group that is more accepting of them. Until the elected officials take a stand on this issue…..I’d say it is as dead as the possibility of Bush stopping Big Oil from fleecing America and making profit.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharon's post about the bogus news reports and photos gave me pause. I, personally, do not know any black people who have filed a race discrimination suit. Nor have I ever worked with any black people who have felt discriminated against.

So I'm kind of thinking - what if this is all overblown and we're being taken in by the Leftist race-baiter media to think this is more prevalent than what it is? I mean, here we are getting all excited about what may very well be 2 people, not a whole race or even a majority of said race.

I've heard John Conyers and other black politicians say they are in favor of reparations for slavery, but I haven't heard one single black person that I know in real life say that. So is it possible that this whole thing is a concoction of the politicians and the media, and not representative of blacks as a whole?

Just food for thought...


100% Goapele Head!
Bottom line is that everyone needs to accept the fact that people are individuals with their own minds and nothing anyone else does can make them change. Change comes from within.

There are people of all races who discriminate and cry discrimination. Regardless of what race is at either end if the person feels they were discriminated against then that is their feelings and who are we to judge? That is the court's job.

All of this back and forth and calling out races is just keeping it going and encouraging other people by instilling your negative feelings/thinking in to them through your post.

Discrimination is Elizabeth Marlton turning her nose up at Aida Mae Jenkins and then reporting it to management resulting in a written reprimand because Aida Mae brought chitterlings to work and put it in the microwave and stunk up the whole office but didn't say one peep about Marisol Coronado who burned popcorn in the same microwave to the point that all windows and doors had to be open several fans used as well as the microwave thrown out and in addition caused some employees to take ill due to the effects of inhalation on their throat.

To me that is discrimination.

As is, Wanda Johnson who is Supervisor to Keisha Jones allowing Keisha to get away with calling in sick on Tuesday and then coming in to work on Wednesday with her hair freshly done in a thousand microbraids when her hair was in a pony tail on Monday when she left the office at 6pm. But when Kirsten Kelly gets a call from her son's daycare because he is sick and they're policy is sick children must be picked up immediately but Wanda stops Kirsten and asks her if there is someone else who can pick up her son for her because they have a deadline to meet before the end of the week and she needs everyone accounted for. Ok, let's say Wanda eventually gives up and let's Kirsten go to her sick child's aid but then the baby is so sick he needs to go to the doctor the next day so Kirsten calls in and explains to Wanda and assures her that she will have a written doctor's notice as proof but upon Kirsten's return and submission of the note Wanda closes the office door and has a long talk with Kirsten and gives her a verbal warning.

Again, that is discrimination to me. And its the beginning of the process of documentation.

This is my opinion. :shrug:

Uncle Rico

New Member
vraiblonde said:
Sharon's post about the bogus news reports and photos gave me pause. I, personally, do not know any black people who have filed a race discrimination suit. Nor have I ever worked with any black people who have felt discriminated against.

So I'm kind of thinking - what if this is all overblown and we're being taken in by the Leftist race-baiter media to think this is more prevalent than what it is? I mean, here we are getting all excited about what may very well be 2 people, not a whole race or even a majority of said race.

I've heard John Conyers and other black politicians say they are in favor of reparations for slavery, but I haven't heard one single black person that I know in real life say that. So is it possible that this whole thing is a concoction of the politicians and the media, and not representative of blacks as a whole?

Just food for thought...

Oh, believe me, there are some blacks who will cry racism any time they don't get their way. You may not see it in your work/living environment but I have seen it too many times. As for slavery reparations. Anyone who believes in this crap has their head up their a** or they just see it as a way to make some money. They are wasting their time and making themselves look bad.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
vraiblonde, thats certainly a point of view to consider - thanks for bringing it to light. I think Uncle Rico has a point too.... I'd like to stay open minded about all this personally but I have personally seen and known many AA's use the discrimination ticket to get their way. Heaven forbid that you should say something though...else you become labeled a racist
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Uncle Rico said:
Oh, believe me, there are some blacks who will cry racism any time they don't get their way.
My BIL works at Metro and he has all kinds of stories about black people who cry racism or discrimination or whatever when they want to goof off or screw up and the boss gets on them about it.


He also has stories of white guys making silly excuses for their shiftless behavior, as well. They just don't bring race into it.

I haven't really formulated a thought about the above, just something I'm thinking about with regard to "discrimination" and race.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Claiming racism is the reason you cannot/dont do something in society as opposed to being the reason for "shiftless" behavior are two different things....right?

I see your point....though. I'm looking at this from the aspects of social behavior. Why is it acceptable to have "black" organizations but not "white" organizations. Is it because if you have a "white" organization - you are KKK-ish? AAs have the same social benefits as any other person of a different race but because. I believe - statically - AA's have shown themselves to be idle in desire to excel themselves in society as a whole - the explanation is "racism" - right?? I mean, why else do you have such a immaturity of AAs in political offices. Those who you do see in political office - push for an end to racism/discrimination. Understandably that they do...but would they do as much if there were proportionate number of AAs in political office as Caucasians?

Who's fault is it that AAs statistically have lower academic testing scores than people other races?
Who's fault is it that there is a greater number of AAs on welfare than people other races?
Who's fault is it that there is a greater number of AAs who live in subsidized housing than people other races?

Is ALL this due to racism? :shrug: :confused:

Maybe I’m missing something...


NOT Politically Correct!!
LexiGirl75 said:
Bottom line is that everyone needs to accept the fact that people are individuals with their own minds and nothing anyone else does can make them change. Change comes from within.

There are people of all races who discriminate and cry discrimination. Regardless of what race is at either end if the person feels they were discriminated against then that is their feelings and who are we to judge? That is the court's job.

All of this back and forth and calling out races is just keeping it going and encouraging other people by instilling your negative feelings/thinking in to them through your post.

Discrimination is Elizabeth Marlton turning her nose up at Aida Mae Jenkins and then reporting it to management resulting in a written reprimand because Aida Mae brought chitterlings to work and put it in the microwave and stunk up the whole office but didn't say one peep about Marisol Coronado who burned popcorn in the same microwave to the point that all windows and doors had to be open several fans used as well as the microwave thrown out and in addition caused some employees to take ill due to the effects of inhalation on their throat.

To me that is discrimination.

As is, Wanda Johnson who is Supervisor to Keisha Jones allowing Keisha to get away with calling in sick on Tuesday and then coming in to work on Wednesday with her hair freshly done in a thousand microbraids when her hair was in a pony tail on Monday when she left the office at 6pm. But when Kirsten Kelly gets a call from her son's daycare because he is sick and they're policy is sick children must be picked up immediately but Wanda stops Kirsten and asks her if there is someone else who can pick up her son for her because they have a deadline to meet before the end of the week and she needs everyone accounted for. Ok, let's say Wanda eventually gives up and let's Kirsten go to her sick child's aid but then the baby is so sick he needs to go to the doctor the next day so Kirsten calls in and explains to Wanda and assures her that she will have a written doctor's notice as proof but upon Kirsten's return and submission of the note Wanda closes the office door and has a long talk with Kirsten and gives her a verbal warning.

Again, that is discrimination to me. And its the beginning of the process of documentation.

This is my opinion. :shrug:

It could also be a result of bad management practices. Make everyone purple and apply the same synopsis. Is it discrimination now???

IMO, someone can be sick at home and still have someone come over their house and braid their hair!!!

I also feel if a wrong was committed, as discribed by all your above examples, feeling your being discriminated against may just be a way of trying to feel good for doing something wrong in the first place...

Strickly My Opinion :howdy:


100% Goapele Head!
chernmax said:
It could also be a result of bad management practices. Make everyone purple and apply the same synopsis. Is it discrimination now???

IMO, someone can be sick at home and still have someone come over their house and braid their hair!!!

I also feel if a wrong was committed, as discribed by all your above examples, feeling your being discriminated against may just be a way of trying to feel good for doing something wrong in the first place...

Strickly My Opinion :howdy:

Of course it is bad management practices, who gets written up for cooking chitterlings in the microwave? Most companies have the policy of doctor's excuses for missing work. If a company doesn't then the fact that the employee brought one should look VERY responsible so who gets a verbal warning for that? It's pretty much discrimination, "you can't but such and such can" because...

As a black woman that gets her hair braided quite often, if you are so sick that you can't take your behind in to work but you can sit for 6-8hrs getting your hair braided then something is wrong. Sick is sick, and recuperation is not getting your hair done. When you applied for the job you knew when you were expected to work. If you need to take off then use annual leave, don't lie and say you're sick.

People like that who abuse the system make it harder for others because at the next staff meeting after Kirsten makes a grievance there is going to be a new policy for taking sick leave and we can thank Keisha and Wanda for that. So regardless why someone was discriminated against the fact remains if they feel that way then it is their choice to pursue it. My whole point in the scenarios was to show that all races can be discriminated against in the workplace as they can also discriminate.

Granted the incident in post # 1 is black/white. That happening is so rare that it didn't hold enough weight to continue to be the focus of the thread. The subject moved on to blacks trying to get over by crying discrimiination which according to a few is a bad thing. Why? Because it's black people accusing white people? Or is it because discrimination is ugly and not something that people like to deal with and accept that it still happens?

In any given industry, especially those where certain races are predominant (i.e. mailroom, housekeeping, nail salon, finance office, Subway's, etc.) you can find discrimination. In my opinion I believe it stems from cultural differences and not about skin color. While some people may really, really hate the color of someone else's skin, the real issue could be that the person discriminating has a problem with how the other person is different from them.

They may unknowingly focus on any negativity surrounded by that race. And if a person of that race does something that does not "work" for them then they make "take it out" in a way that sends the message "You don't like me because I'm purple". When in fact it's because you're loud and annoying, or sneaky and always running telling the boss, or an employee in denial about their terrible work ethics.

The thiing is whenever someone of another race disagrees with someone to the point they are offended the defender's mind instantly goes to what's different between the two. "It's because I'm purple, fat, poor, a hoe..." Whatever! It doesn't matter. But, when it comes to some form of favoritism between two different races decided by someone who shares the same race as the "victor" in the situation it can be misconstrued as racism.

A lot of times it's true but unintentional or unavoidable. For instance, Tasha and Uniqua are friends in the office. Tasha's promoted and becomes Uniqua's boss. They go to lunch together like before but this time Uniqua's lunch hour turns into 15-30mins longer and this happens a few times. Same office and scenario but the "boss and staff friends" are of any other race. In your opinion which race looks the worse doing this?

Another quick scenario is internet usage abuse OR telephone usage abuse IN the workplace. What race looks worse doing it? I pose this question only to say that it would be more noticeable to the natural eye and mind registry that black people are goofing off in the workplace than other races. It could be due to the stereotypes associated with the race. They don't like to do any work, they're lazy, they're selfish and not good team players, etc.

So when reprimanded for something a black person by nature automatically thinks it's about race only because John and Mindy do the same thing but no one says anything to them. I won't sit and deny that some of my black people (including me) will try to get away with as much as we can and dare someone to say something to us when everyone else is doing stuff too. Wrong is wrong regardless of who else is getting off scot-free.

A lot of times it's hard to accept that you got caught for doing something you shouldnt've have been doing anyway when everybody else doing wrong wasn't caught. Same with paying bills late, speeding down the road, or just obeying any policy, rule or law. If you know right from wrong and you're doing wrong don't make excuses for why you're in trouble for it.

I know that black people use the race card for a lot of things that happen to them. They may not pursue it but they say it. And for those that pursue it to be spiteful or greedy of course that is wrong because it makes it harder for others who really were discriminated based on race to pursue it. A perfect example is Cynthia McKinney using the race card when she knows she was wrong in the first place. But for her to accept that was too much like right.

Anyway, this is a long response and I attempted to make my point. But, in any event it's just my opinion and I am just here for discussion nothing more.


LexiGirl75 said:
Of course it is bad management practices, who gets written up for cooking chitterlings in the microwave?


Whoever does this should be #####slapped into the middle of next week, I don't care what color they are.


vraiblonde said:
Sharon's post about the bogus news reports and photos gave me pause. I, personally, do not know any black people who have filed a race discrimination suit. Nor have I ever worked with any black people who have felt discriminated against.

So I'm kind of thinking - what if this is all overblown and we're being taken in by the Leftist race-baiter media to think this is more prevalent than what it is? I mean, here we are getting all excited about what may very well be 2 people, not a whole race or even a majority of said race.

I've heard John Conyers and other black politicians say they are in favor of reparations for slavery, but I haven't heard one single black person that I know in real life say that. So is it possible that this whole thing is a concoction of the politicians and the media, and not representative of blacks as a whole?

Just food for thought...

..."a class action lawsuit seeking reparations for the descendents of American slaves has been filed recently in a Brooklyn federal court. It seeks millions of dollars in compensation from several American companies. One, Fleet-Boston Financial, allegedly profited from loans made to a Providence, Rhode Island slave trader. The actual loans were made by Providence Bank, which no longer exists, but is one of the hundreds of predecessor banks that have merged to form Fleet-Boston. Several more lawsuits will be filed in coming months. Given the tendentious connection with slavery in the named companies, almost every American corporation is a target of opportunity for such lawsuits..."
This article appeared in the Tuesday, May 14, 2002 edition of the Evening Times, Little Falls, NY, and in the Wednesday, May 22, edition of the Perris Progress, Perris, CA, and the West Point Shopper News.

"Dr. Martin Luther King, in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, cited the efforts of whites and blacks working together. Unequivocally, he stated, "We cannot walk alone." Black leaders who live off Dr. King's name readily divide the races, however, encouraging hatred and pouring salt into the healing wounds of slavery.
Harriet Tubman could not have freed hundreds of slaves through the Underground Railroad without the selfless sacrifice of sympathetic whites." Mike Green

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Lem Putt
LexiGirl75 said:
While some people may really, really hate the color of someone else's skin, the real issue could be that the person discriminating has a problem with how the other person is different from them.
That is a great way of saying it.

All this time, I just thought you were just a sexy POA. Now I realize you are a smart, sexy POA.


100% Goapele Head!
MMDad said:
That is a great way of saying it.

All this time, I just thought you were just a sexy POA. Now I realize you are a smart, sexy POA.

Awwwww... :love: thank you. :flowers:

Now, I'm 'orny and I have you to blame. :jameo: S.O.S.


How you like me now?
hvp05 said:
I have been the subject of malicious statements, including those racially-oriented. That is the last thing I want to worry about when I go to work. I go to work to work and receive a paycheck, not be harrassed or insulted. Just yesterday an executive trainee made a personal slight against me and I called her on it, although I didn't file a complaint.

I don't necessarily want to side with the "wusses"... but the workplace should not include this behavior.

What if the job is not McDonald's but, for example, Lockheed Martin? Does that change the perspective? If the job is great but the boss is pathetic, do you still quit or deal with it - either way letting them prevail?

I agree. What about respect? in the workplace? If the manager in the position that they hold can not show respect to their employees what sort of message is that sending? Just being a boss does not give you the right to treat someone badly. They are adults and should act accordingly.

It is never right to treat someone in the workplace like this.


How you like me now?
vraiblonde said:
Of course. I hope that one would expect more professionalism from Lockheed bosses than they would some shift manager at the burger joint.

I'm still curious what Equality means by "discrimination".

Work ethics and professional conduct should be demonstrated no matter what the industry or workplace.


How you like me now?
TexasPride77 said:
I agree! What gets me is that it "seems" to me that African Americans belly ache about discrimination from Caucasians but when they gather together in their clicks....hire "their own"....and such.... they have yet to step back and say "Hey wait a minute! What are they doing differently than the Caucasians are doing or did in the past?” Oh no….its so much easier to just let things go in your favor so that you can attempt to stay one step higher than the “others”. No - its not fair to Caucasians (or any other race). I know that as soon as someone starts trying to do something about it….the African Americans will begin to cry foul…… Who wants to be seen as an equal in society anyways?? Color must matter…. Gotta protect the “brotherhood” from infiltration and distruction. (humm didn’t the KKK have similar thinking? Perhaps I’m wrong…)

Slavery is over….so people should get over it. I’d say 99.9% of all living today have never been slaves…..just the ones trying to push the discrimination ticket. The same ticket that was punched and invalidated by the US Government since Lincoln. So…people should get over it! Laws are in place to stop discrimination. If a law needs to be re-written (as they often do) then we should be petitioning our congressmen and senators.

I know, discrimination still exists and I suspect it always will…. Shoot…look at the middle east…. No discrimination ever going on there….right…lol I think that discrimination has been going on over there longer than anywhere else….but who knows.

I really think that if EVERYONE (white/black./red/purple/whatever) should put all their energy into living as equals of a society of ONE race (income status is a different story) – discrimination may not be so bad then. Then again, I guess I am thinking about a utopian society.

BHD – I’ll just sit back down and wish everyone luck as you had. I know of and believe in the power of “one” but the “many” are so over whelming that the “ones” either shut-up and back down or move on to fit into a social group that is more accepting of them. Until the elected officials take a stand on this issue…..I’d say it is as dead as the possibility of Bush stopping Big Oil from fleecing America and making profit.

I am sorry that slavery happened and I hurt each time I read about the atrocities that has happened but I did not do it.

Why should I or anybody else pay for the mistakes of the people before us. Yes I know people were wronged, but the time to take action was then with the people that were doing the damage, not dump a guilt load on people years down the road that had nothing to do with it.

It won’t be over until people just stop and move on.


New Member
MMDad said:
That is a great way of saying it.

All this time, I just thought you were just a sexy POA. Now I realize you are a smart, sexy POA.
Whats a POA?

nevermind, I think I know


Methodically disorganized
Nicole_in_somd said:
It is never right to treat someone in the workplace like this.
Of course, I don't know all the details of your situation, but I have had my own experiences - in a retail environment. Managers should always present the highest standards, because - presumably - they are the most qualified in all areas. If, for example, one is very intelligent and personable but makes jokes in very poor taste that should be enough to remove their power.

If respectable management is not in place the business will suffer - even if it is just retail or fast food.