Racism in the workplace?


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
Nicole_in_somd said:
I am sorry that slavery happened and I hurt each time I read about the atrocities that has happened but I did not do it.

Why should I or anybody else pay for the mistakes of the people before us. Yes I know people were wronged, but the time to take action was then with the people that were doing the damage, not dump a guilt load on people years down the road that had nothing to do with it.

It won’t be over until people just stop and move on.

I know...i'm just sick of all those who refuse to grow up. Meanwhile, we not only have to put up with AAs who cry "racism" un-neededly...but also the 10% of the nation who are racists that keep kicking the ball and keeping the game in play.


How you like me now?
TexasPride77 said:
I know...i'm just sick of all those who refuse to grow up. Meanwhile, we not only have to put up with AAs who cry "racism" un-neededly...but also the 10% of the nation who are racists that keep kicking the ball and keeping the game in play.

I never could understand how the color of your skin can still matter so much today. People are people.


Equality said:
What rights do white people have when it comes to racism in the workplace?

This depends on where/what your workplace is.

Being military, I can guarantee you that ANY racism will not be tolerated and could possibly get you the boot out quicker than you can say TPU.


TexasPride77 said:
Claiming racism is the reason you cannot/dont do something in society as opposed to being the reason for "shiftless" behavior are two different things....right?

I see your point....though. I'm looking at this from the aspects of social behavior. Why is it acceptable to have "black" organizations but not "white" organizations. Is it because if you have a "white" organization - you are KKK-ish? AAs have the same social benefits as any other person of a different race but because. I believe - statically - AA's have shown themselves to be idle in desire to excel themselves in society as a whole - the explanation is "racism" - right?? I mean, why else do you have such a immaturity of AAs in political offices. Those who you do see in political office - push for an end to racism/discrimination. Understandably that they do...but would they do as much if there were proportionate number of AAs in political office as Caucasians?

Who's fault is it that AAs statistically have lower academic testing scores than people other races?
Who's fault is it that there is a greater number of AAs on welfare than people other races?
Who's fault is it that there is a greater number of AAs who live in subsidized housing than people other races?

Is ALL this due to racism? :shrug: :confused:

Maybe I’m missing something...

Where did you get your statistics? I would like to see the study. I have always heard in my econ classes that whites make up the larger population on welfare and in subsidized housing.

Just like not all white people are racists, all black people are not welfare recipients, crying discrimination, lazy good for nothings, as described a lot in this thread.

In fact, I have known MANY black persons who have been horribly discriminated against who have never said a word about it. I find it kind of amusing that people who are obviously white, and have never felt discrimination or racism ##### about people complaining about things that they have never had to feel. Get some black or hispanic, or whatever minority you can find and make friends with them. Get some real life perspective. Go out with them, pretend your a couple, and just see how much #### you see when your eyes are forced open. Yes, there are some people who cry racism for nothing, but for each one, there are 10 or more who never say a word.


Nicole_in_somd said:
I agree. What about respect? in the workplace? If the manager in the position that they hold can not show respect to their employees what sort of message is that sending? Just being a boss does not give you the right to treat someone badly. They are adults and should act accordingly.

It is never right to treat someone in the workplace like this.
Pipe dream, no one owes you automatic respect. If you want your ass kissed go visit your Grandma.


Chrystee said:
Where did you get your statistics? I would like to see the study. I have always heard in my econ classes that whites make up the larger population on welfare and in subsidized housing.

Just like not all white people are racists, all black people are not welfare recipients, crying discrimination, lazy good for nothings, as described a lot in this thread.

In fact, I have known MANY black persons who have been horribly discriminated against who have never said a word about it. I find it kind of amusing that people who are obviously white, and have never felt discrimination or racism ##### about people complaining about things that they have never had to feel. Get some black or hispanic, or whatever minority you can find and make friends with them. Get some real life perspective. Go out with them, pretend your a couple, and just see how much #### you see when your eyes are forced open. Yes, there are some people who cry racism for nothing, but for each one, there are 10 or more who never say a word.
How old are you?


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Chrystee said:
Where did you get your statistics? I would like to see the study. I have always heard in my econ classes that whites make up the larger population on welfare and in subsidized housing.
Pete, you wanna handle this? Oh, and don't forget about how stats can be manipulated to suit one's needs. TIA

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Chrystee said:
Where did you get your statistics? I would like to see the study. I have always heard in my econ classes that whites make up the larger population on welfare and in subsidized housing.

Just like not all white people are racists, all black people are not welfare recipients, crying discrimination, lazy good for nothings, as described a lot in this thread.

In fact, I have known MANY black persons who have been horribly discriminated against who have never said a word about it. I find it kind of amusing that people who are obviously white, and have never felt discrimination or racism ##### about people complaining about things that they have never had to feel. Get some black or hispanic, or whatever minority you can find and make friends with them. Get some real life perspective. Go out with them, pretend your a couple, and just see how much #### you see when your eyes are forced open. Yes, there are some people who cry racism for nothing, but for each one, there are 10 or more who never say a word.
What do you mean white can't feel racism? Are you white? If so, take a trip down to some inner city segments. I suggest 9th Ward New Orleans or 5th Ward Houston (those are ones I have expirence with), and if your white, you'll feel some racism. Pete's right, how old are you to have such naive view of the world.


Bustem' Down said:
What do you mean white can't feel racism? Are you white? If so, take a trip down to some inner city segments. I suggest 9th Ward New Orleans or 5th Ward Houston (those are ones I have expirence with), and if your white, you'll feel some racism. Pete's right, how old are you to have such naive view of the world.

Yes I am, and Im not a child.
Sure it can happen, and I never said it couldn't.